U2 Minneapolis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Minneapolis with the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3224 tweets for the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp between 29 Jun 2011, 15:44 and 26 Jul 2011, 01:12 CDT
Woot Woot! Going to @StPaulSaints on Friday and @rattleu2tribute is playing there pre-game, during tail gaiting!! #U2360MSP
@SeattleB lol!! Yeah. I'm gonna have to to a Target run Friday for some gadgets for the GA line on Saturday. #U2360MSP
Good luck to the #U2360MSP crew who have to deal with such awful weather. #comeagainanotherday
#U2 yesterday on Letterman. That's a whole lotta passion for a twelve year old song! #U2360MSP bound! www.youtube.com/watch?v...
@SeattleB yeah. Don't know about that. Current weather is calling for 91 with chance of t-storms Saturday. #U2360MSP
@emopause: yes, they are building TheClaw here as we speak. Local pals stalking, will retweet pics as available. #U2360MSP
@U2Nurse Here they come. "@atu2: RT @send2here: @atu2 The Claw has arrived at TCF Stadium, Minneapolis #u2360msp"
The last time #U2 played Minne! #U2360MSP in site! www.youtube.com/das_cap...
can't wait to see the show too. @natashcha #U2360MSP
@atu2 The Claw has arrived at TCF Stadium, Minneapolis #u2360msp
@carolj174 I'm just super happy that you and @JDevilleneuve are going! Just about 10% sad I'm not. #u2360MIN
Excitement for this weekends show tempered by absence of a friend. Her dad passed away this weekend, total shock. #carryeachother #U2360MSP
@natashcha : your pictures are rocking my world! thanks so much! #U2360MSP
#u2360msp on Saturday with @naomilorence @JaredLorence @BenjaminJensen @CorinneLorence and 6 others!!! Stubhub it up if you want to join!
5 days to U2 TCF! Great little interview with the band from 1982: www.youtube.com/das_cap... #u2360msp
Two more work days then I am Minneapolis bound. Shhhhh I've already got one foot on the plane! #U2 #U2360MSP
What a week its gonna be! #U2360NYC #u2360MSP #U2360PIT - cept 7/20 is really not in NYC?? oh well
#U2Karma does exist. I know it. #U2 #Grateful #U2360MSP Countdown!
Good night #U2ers. The nurse is back on duty in the morning. Short week again, getting ready for #U2360MIN. Finally! Stay cool, sleep well.
Ai, ai, aiai...tá chegando a hora...#U2360MIN
@EdgeFest Is there a hashtag for TCF show yet? #u2360msp ???
@natashcha : thanks for looking. I am off on Friday to scope it out, but happy to hear anything you see! #U2360MIN
RT @natashcha: Went past TCF Stadium earlier, no action yet. #U2360MIN
Went past TCF Stadium earlier, no action yet. #U2360MIN
RT @SeattleB: Oh dear. Forecast for #U2360MSP 95 on Friday....91 day of show with chance of thunderstorms. #IDoNotDoHot #U2
Setting aside add'l money to purchase many $5 bottled waters inside TCF Bank Stadium! It's gonna be hot at #U2360MSP #U2 #NotADryHeat
Oh dear. Forecast for #U2360MSP 95 on Friday....91 day of show with chance of thunderstorms. #IDoNotDoHot #U2
@TheAndySpears: thank you for the follow! Always a pleasure to meet another fellow U2er. My teen gets her first show this weekend! #U2360MIN
RT @natashcha: 6 days. I hope its not 105 next weekend. #U2360MSP #U2360MIN
6 days. I hope its not 105 next weekend. #U2360MSP #U2360MIN
Okay, can't believe I am still vertical. Not for long. Gotta get some sleep, dream of seeing the boys again next weekend. #U2360MIN
@wxander Getting existed ? #U2360Min
Travelocity is taunting me with Minneapolis deals. #u2360min
And scanning Music Choice while enjoying a beverage, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" comes on. Oh, I think I have. #U2360MSP
Got to hear MOS via Ustream....chatting with my best U2 galpal. Thursday #U2360PHL 2 weeks from tonight...#U2360MIN. CAN.NOT.WAIT.
Contemplating streaming #U2360MIN since we have seats... Going to test stream at the NKOTBBSB tour on the 15th. Fingers crossed.
Listo ya se vendieron los boletos de Minneapolis!!! #U2360MIN #U2360 #U2 #U2360MON
Googling "tcf bank stadium" probably won't do anything for my peace of mind. #u2360min