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U2 Minneapolis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Minneapolis with the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3224 tweets for the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp between 29 Jun 2011, 15:44 and 26 Jul 2011, 01:12 CDT

Saw the claw for #u2360min! Soooo excited for tommorow night! Number 77 baby!

can hardly contain myself. U2 in Minneapolis. #u2360MSP

Third time is the charm. So excited for #u2360msp

U2 fans with a new Hash mark comes new photos send your images in [email protected] #u2360MSP

RT @U2TOURFANS: Hey U2 fans check out our 360 Photo book #u2360USA #U2360MSP

Hey U2 fans check out our 360 Photo book #u2360USA #U2360MSP

RT @U2TOURFANS: If you're tweeting from - or about - the show, use the hashtag #U2360MSP or #U2360USA,

Going, going, GONE. On our way to TCF for the weekend. #U2360MSP

@EdgeFest yep, finally! What about you? #U2360MIN

Many many U2 fans do you know that have traveled to every single USA show ? #U2Fans #U2360MSP #FF Its a pretty amazing task and fun 2

its settled, #U2360MSP

If you're tweeting from - or about - the show, use the hashtag #U2360MSP or #U2360USA,

@Edgefest: checking out TCF, video screen truck just rolled in. Numbers people are walking around fyi. #U2360MIN

@luv_mydachshund Thanks!! We will...:) Praying for no thunderstorms...#u2360mpls #u2360msp

Have fun!!! RT @kitkat234 Can not wait!! U2 @ TCF!! #u2360mpls #u2360msp

Can not wait!! U2 @ TCF!! #u2360mpls #u2360msp

RT @MizShelly: Dear Thunderstorms in Minneapolis, can you please hold off until AFTER the #U2360MSP show tomorrow night? After 11:30pm i ...

any U2 fans looking for GA #s - there are some very nice people hanging out in the shade near Goldy's Lockerroom that will help #u2360msp

Minneapolis, I wish I were in you. #U2360MIN #sigh #poor

Dear Thunderstorms in Minneapolis, can you please hold off until AFTER the #U2360MSP show tomorrow night? After 11:30pm is fine!

I'm getting physically sick with anticipation for U2 tomorrow night. #u2360mpls #u2360msp Almost didn't make it into work today.

"And you can dream, so dream out loud..." 1 day #U2360MSP

U2 fans, any advice on how the GA # queue is going to work? #u2360min #u2360msp

@hillarykwiatek @emopause: guess its a good thing I have one more date with the FanCam, huh? #U2360MIN

@_Bigwave_ I'm pulling for #U2360MSP. Its our airport code and would argue a more well known abbreviation

I'll be at the #u2360mpls show on Saturday with 60,000 other fellow fans. Who else will be there? #cantwait #u2360msp

@nwox how do the GA #s work? you still have to show up at 6am on Sat, right? #u2360min

@wxander - hashtag popularity firmly split it seems - time for a tweeps vote? #U2360MSP or #U2360MIN - will do a count-up in next 30 mins

@MemphisMullen @st_u2 LOL! maybe your presence will bode well for us honey! So please get here asap & give us good weather mojo!! #U2360MSP

In Minneapolis on the LRT! #U2360MIN

@iamu2soul @nwox Just talked to list keeper. Has been run off again. List guardian on-site in tan t-shirt. #U2360MIN #U2360MSP

@BigwaveU2 morning, sunshine! Do we perchance have an official hash tag for tomorrows gig yet? #U2360MIN or #U2360MSP?

@ST_U2 @wxander Severe thunderstorms with hail tomorrow?! Really?! It's going to break my no rain streak. #U2360MIN

Getting ready to go to #u2360min , bags, cameras, ponchos, tickets, all check. Plane tickets, check. Wooooooooo, bday #fun commencing!!

@nwox thanks for the update! Do we have a plan for later re: overnight and roll call times for tomorrow? #U2360MSP #U2360

RT @nwox: Got the ok from Campus Police. #s to resume at 930am, University and Oak, hes in a blue tshirt. #U2360MSP #U2360MIN

@IamU2soul 4U: “@nwox: Got the ok from Campus Police. #s to resume at 930am, University and Oak, hes in a blue tshirt. #U2360MSP #U2360MIN”

@IamU2soul the campus security and MPD chased # 1 off property last night. @nwox any updates as to what's going on? #U2360MSP

RT @LukeLorence: The claw has landed. #u2360mpls #u2360msp

RT @LukeLorence: The claw has landed. #u2360mpls #u2360msp

@TheCurrent U2360 is on tap this #weekend! #U2360MSP

@postrin @carlysmom4ever Paul, that's so sweet of you! Love it! #U2360MSP

Headed out for breakfast, day camp drop off and then to the Claw. Tweet me if you have landed in town yet! #U2360MIN #U2360MSP

@Bonogirl360 : if it makes the heat go away, we shall take it. See u tonight, lady! #U2360MIN #U2360MSP

The claw has landed. #u2360mpls #u2360msp

Não esqueçam de comentar qualquer coisa relacionada ao show usando a hashtag: #U2360MIN

Got the ok from Campus Police. #s to resume at 930am, University and Oak, hes in a blue tshirt. #U2360MSP #U2360MIN

Where the frick is the line? There's no one at University and Oak to give us numbers. #U2360MIN

Only one more sleep until #u2360msp WHOOT! I'm leaving work at 3 to make the 5 hour drive!

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