U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
En direction du show de U2 via la navette de Jean-Talon #U2360MTL
It's a beautiful day ! #U2360MTL
U2 Jour J !!! Un de mes rêves va se réaliser. Zooropa est un des trois premiers CDs que j'ai eu avec ma première chaîne HiFi. #U2360Mtl
@7BigBen2 sorry we couldn't be there, there's no way to get access to the site have a good show my friend. #u2360mtl
At sunset tonight me and my girl will have U2 under the star light. #U2360MTL
This article sums up yesterday's concert experience. Mayhem in Montreal: www.atu2blog.com/u2360-... #U2360MTL
Juste backstage, remettre quelque chose à quelqu'un... #U2360MTL RT @imhotep_oui @JulibouLanger Tu y retournes ce soir? yfrog.com/ke2boowj
My thoughts on #u2360mtl ? Bono is a huge douche. That's all.
RT @U2place: live audio stream #u2.com #u2360mtl inizio concerto ore 2.30 ora italiana www.u2.com/community/in...
RT @u2gigs: Pousser et escalader les barricades dans la file d'admission générale n'améliorera pas votre place. #U2360MTL
RT @u2gigs: ...Il y a assez de place autour de la scène pour tout le monde. Soyez respectueux des autres. #U2360MTL
RT @u2gigs: Traitez les autres fans avec respect. Pousser et dépasser ne vous donnera pas une meilleure place... #U2360MTL
Pour ajouter au plaisir, un camion renversé pour accéder à #Montréal #U2360mtl #U2 cc @Gerald_Tremblay
Omfg!! RT @MTLConcerts: Holy! RT @evablue uh wow... what 80K+ people at #u2360mtl looks like www.cyberpresse.ca/phot...
@christinaPOU40 Lenny Kravitz for at least one western US gig. #u2360mtl
live audio stream #u2.com #u2360mtl inizio concerto ore 2.30 ora italiana www.u2.com/community/in...
@evenko il y a deux files! Vont-elles ouvrir en même temps parce que ce n'est pas juste pour celle qui est à l'est? #u2360mtl
RT @u2gigs: MT @hjwallace1: .@evenko_en security staff making GA line worse today. Send Water & food vendors please...they won't let us leave. #U2360MTL
@U2gigs we didn't hear Gloria bass. We heard bassline in New years day then later the piano for Nyd. #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: À ne pas manquer ce soir! L'audio du show de U2 sera diffusé en direct içi www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
There is no parking near the Hippodrome. Take public transport. Park at a metro station like Radisson and buy the U2 Pass (5.00$). #U2360MTL
RT @EricSalvail: :))) RT @PierreLuc: Le chanteur de U2 a déjà été sans abris... Heureusement qu'il y avait l'accueil Bono! #u2360mtl #piretweetde2011
Entendez gratuitement le show de ce soir. www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
Impossible d'entrer sur #Montreal a partir de la Rive-Sud. 15 nord ferme a l'ile des Soeurs. Acces PJCartier 1hr de retard. #U2 #U2360mtl
#U2360MTL It's a beautiful day! Already on location. Lots of peeps enjoying the vibe and syked for another great one tonight!
RT @u2gigs: Remember, U2.com streams tonight's show for paid subscribers. Broadcast starts 8:30 PM local time, 45 min earlier than yesterday #U2360MTL
@honey_child Had it yesterday. Absolute nightmare. Got squished & crushed, & heard some people got trampled. Worst GA of the tour. #U2360MTL
@jfallaire None. Near Decarie Station if you're early and lucky :( #u2 #u2360mtl #u2mtl
RT @mpare41166: Au show de #U2360MTL la bière se vend 7$, ce qui peut sembler élevé mais tout de même 30% de moins qu'au Centre Bell. #SachezLe
RT @PoirierStef: La fille qui vend des bouteilles d'eau criait : "bonne eau ! Bonne eau !" Il faut quand meme apprecier le jeu de mots ! #Bono #U2360mtl
#u2 #u2360mtl #u2mtl Any paying parking nearby the hippodrome?
itinerario de hoy: 3pm Braves vs Phillies... 7:30pm #U2360MTL livestream en u2.com... 10pm #TwittGDL
RT @u2gigs: Remember, U2.com streams tonight's show for paid subscribers. Broadcast starts 8:30 PM local time, 45 min earlier than yesterday #U2360MTL
RT @JasonEAlexander: Just spotted Bono and The Edge on the corner of Saint-Antoine and University in downtown Montreal! #U2360MTL
RT @u2gigs: Remember, U2.com streams tonight's show for paid subscribers. Broadcast starts 8:30 PM local time, 45 min earlier than yesterday #U2360MTL
@christinaPOU40 I think if I gave you the next lines I'd come across as overtly flirtatious. ;) #u2360mtl
Remember, U2.com streams tonight's show for paid subscribers. Broadcast starts 8:30 PM local time, 45 min earlier than yesterday #U2360MTL
RT @honey_child: Yeah, after seeing what tonight's GA line looks like, I think I'll hang out at the beer tent and watch the supply #u2360MTL
@hjwallace1 i'm in the line up before you! Are you inside near of the stage or first in the line? #u2360mtl
Pousser et escalader les barricades dans la file d'admission générale n'améliorera pas votre place. #U2360MTL
Woah RT @evablue uh wow... what 80K+ people at #u2360mtl looks like www.cyberpresse.ca/phot...
La folie d'hier a failli mener a des blessures. #U2360MTL
...Il y a assez de place autour de la scène pour tout le monde. Soyez respectueux des autres. #U2360MTL
Woah RT @evablue uh wow... what 80K+ people at #u2360mtl looks like cyberpresse.ca/photos/arts/mu…
Traitez les autres fans avec respect. Pousser et dépasser ne vous donnera pas une meilleure place... #U2360MTL
Stream do @u2com em segundo show, tem coisa melhor. A noite de hoje em Montreal promete e nós estamos acompanhando tudo - #U2360MTL