U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT @amwithenshaw: Still recovering from the Achtung Baby + Zooropa filled set last night. Somehow it didn't feel old school. Just perfect #U2360mtl
RT @evenko_en: Cancel your plans for Saturday night, we're carrying a live, uninterrupted audio stream of the show here www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
Word to the wise. Looking for parking? $30 La Barre. 1 block from De La Savane MAP it! Do it! No stress #U2360mtl #Parkingtip
excited and sad...my fourth and final #u2360 show tonight. C'mon inner circle once again! 4 for 4! #u2360MTL
RT @atu2: Here's the full and final setlist from #u2360mtl on U2tours.com: www.u2tours.com/detail....
A few hours to go till concert #U2360MTL
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG #U2 #U2360 #u2360mtl @360FromTheEdge
RT @andreanne5: Ca commence dans moins de 30min:D #U2360MTL
RT @andreanne5: just back from #U2360MTL it was an amazing show, i really love u2<3 but the show had a sad end :(
RT @u2gigs: If anyone in GA line or will join it later is reading, please do not push. Treat other fans with respect. #U2360MTL
RT @hellnsamson: @WallabyQc Mais lorsqu'on entre, on passe par le fanjam et j'ai vu des millions de "resto" alors profites en ! et bon show :) #U2360mtl
@lpcchong Wish you were China-mom. :) Picnic packed by @jennameth pretty great. Electrolytes, and lots of new lineup friends. #U2360MTL
Kinda wish i could go see it again... #U2360MTL
Ce soir, une autre belle soirée en perspective! Cette fois ce sera avec mon vieil ami @Syl_St_Laurent! #U2360mtl
@u2com New Year's Day would be much welcome tonight, please! #u2 #u2360mtl
Oops ... "Plusieurs se souviendront de l'après U2 comme d'un cafouillage logistique à la honte de Montréal." tvanouvelles.ca/lcn/art... #U2360mtl
Sun, check. Tunes in iphone, check. Waiting for #u2360mtl ... Awesome!!
RT @evenko_en: Cancel your plans for Saturday night, we're carrying a live, uninterrupted audio stream of the show here www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
Côte vertu encore des passes et pas un chat!!!! ELEVATION #u2360mtl
RT @evenko_en: Cancel your plans for Saturday night, we're carrying a live, uninterrupted audio stream of the show here www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
@The_Shoe_Freak Did you see this? You are mentionned on u2.com! www.u2.com/news/title/m... #U2360MTL #TooCool
RT @evenko: À ne pas manquer ce soir! L'audio du show de U2 sera diffusé en direct içi www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
bon on se prepare pour part 2 #u2360mtl j espere qu on va s amuser autant que hier mais SVP pas de pluie please
RT @danielblether: FYI lineup people. You can exit to the fan zone, and get back in now! Food, beer, music, promos. Spread the word! #U2360MTL
In line #U2360MTL
@WallabyQc Mais lorsqu'on entre, on passe par le fanjam et j'ai vu des millions de "resto" alors profites en ! et bon show :) #U2360mtl
FYI lineup people. You can exit to the fan zone, and get back in now! Food, beer, music, promos. Spread the word! #U2360MTL
On my way to #u2360mtl it's going to be one epic day in the middle of 80,000 people!
@WallabyQc J'ai donné ce conseil pcq moi j'ai fait l'erreur de ne PAS manger au fanjam et rendu sur le parterre, je l'ai regretté! #U2360mtl
J'ai des places réservées et je pensais arriver vers 16h30, est-ce que c'est trop tard? #U2360MTL
RT @danielblether: Best thing we brought today... inflatable pool mattress. Still 5 hrs till doors. #U2360MTL lockerz.com/s/1185 ...
@amwithenshaw Peux-tu faire pareil! ;-) La fois où j'ai croisé U2 à Cannes. Je vais m'en rappeler toute ma vie www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360mtl
RT @atu2: aerial photo from last night's #u2360mtl show, courtesy of aircam.ca/Patrick Fernandez: www.photographe-aerien....
Encore plus de photos du show d'hier, par @BernardBrault et autres photographes de la Presse www.cyberpresse.ca/phot... #u2360mtl
RT @clr: and here are my photos of u2 in montreal: www.flickr.com/photos/j... #U2360MTL
RT @EricSalvail: :))) RT @PierreLuc: Le chanteur de U2 a déjà été sans abris... Heureusement qu'il y avait l'accueil Bono! #u2360mtl #piretweetde2011
RT @evenko: À ne pas manquer ce soir! L'audio du show de U2 sera diffusé en direct içi www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: Cancel your plans for Saturday night, we're carrying a live, uninterrupted audio stream of the show here www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: Cancel your plans for Saturday night, we're carrying a live, uninterrupted audio stream of the show here www.u2.com/news/title/l... #U2360MTL
À voir! RT @amwithenshaw: Il y a 10 ans, j'ai rencontré #U2 pour la 1ère fois. J'y crois pas encore. La vidéo vimeo.com/26167681 #U2360mtl
Ne trouvez-vous pas que la "clamp" de U2 ressemble drôlement au Nautilus de Jules Verne? #U2360mtl twitpic.com/5nlv2b
My friend @BonoCoffee is looking for a ticket to tonight's U2 show. Help a sister out! #Montreal #u2360MTL