U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
Got rain-punked at #U2360MTL! Still, great show!
Finally going home #U2360MTL
what an amazing show. perfect setlist. couldn't have asked for more. even the monsoon/rainstorm was beautiful #u2360mtl
RT @PierreLuc: Le chanteur de U2 a déjà été sans abris... Heureusement qu'il y avait l'accueil Bono! #u2360mtl #piretweetde2011
RT @ide_cyan: I survived #U2360mtl and all I got was THOROUGHLY DRENCHED BY THE RAIN. #homesafeanddrynow
RT @PierreLuc: Le chanteur de U2 a déjà été sans abris... Heureusement qu'il y avait l'accueil Bono! #u2360mtl #piretweetde2011
#U2360MTL Love the intro to Space Oddity, magic night, took me back in time, won't forget the long walk in the rain, too many laughs
@caropaquin80 @omess #U2360MTL rock 'til Friday Floody Friday... Thanks Caro and Pascal for the ticket...
Merci @u2stminfo pour les navettes vers Jean-Talon! Grâce à elles je suis saine et sauve (et maintenant sèche) à la maison! #U2360mtl
RT @leisamontreal: Tweeps heading to #u2360mtl tomorrow, be careful not to rely too much your phones to meet up with friends. Service...
starting to get excited for #U2360MTL tomorrow. it's like a party with 80,000 people, no bigee.
I survived #U2360mtl and all I got was THOROUGHLY DRENCHED BY THE RAIN. #homesafeanddrynow
J'suis juste a jean talon :( RT @s_artin: I hope everyone got home safe and sound... Oh my what a night! #u2360mtl
RT @PierreLuc: Le chanteur de U2 a déjà été sans abris... Heureusement qu'il y avait l'accueil Bono! #u2360mtl #piretweetde2011
thank you @sandrarinaldi for having #u2360mtl sing I Will Follow for me tonight.
L'enfer sortir de ce site la #u2360mtl j'espère être capable de me sécher avant demain matin ;-(
@emilieperreault @mikegmusimax @math_roy Viens tout juste d'entrer dans une navette.Si tout va bien je rentre vers 2h moins quart #U2360MTL
@leisamontreal #BellMobility = #fail #STM = débordé/overwhelmed = #fail #U2360Mtl @evenko THANKS for a KILLER show
I hope everyone got home safe and sound... Oh my what a night! #u2360mtl
Tweeps heading to #u2360mtl tomorrow, be careful not to rely too much your phones to meet up with friends. Service very spotty.
Soaking wet and happy. #U2360MTL (p.s. tonight's opener #Interpol deserve some love too!)
Bono cite Leonard Cohen pendant que la lune perce les nuages-There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. Magique! #U2360MTL
Quelle fin de show #U2360MTL #jesuiscompletement detrempé
#u2360mtl what does it mean?
@complaints_dept #U2360mtl is trending on twitter about how good it was tonight..so i think Mondays show is gunna be good
thanks @evenko for bringing #u2360mtl to town. so great to have them here again! now about the rain...
best concert I've ever seen #U2360MTL rocked The Claw & electrified the Hippodrome like no horse race ever has!! yfrog.com/kjjv3hj
RT @Doneandonlysag: Dear #stm your #U2360MTL management sucked. Sincerely, a wet and pissed off U2 fan. #Montreal
RT @MusiquePlus: U2 diffusera son spectacle de demain LIVE sur leur site Web. www.myseattlenightout.c... #U2360MTL
@VirginRadio96 the best show I have ever seen! Don't think anyone could ever do this but U2! #U2360MTL
RT @lili1129: @herbymoreau #U2360MTL it was magical!!!! The best show ever!!!
pour #u2360mtl #namur ou #delasavane demain ?
Reading tons of messages that #u2360mtl was amazing!! Cannot wait for tomorrow!
Enjoyed #U2360MTL tonight, but 80K people is too much. Energy doesn't get halfway to the back. Prefer ambiance of a "small" 20K people show
Dear #stm your #U2360MTL management sucked. Sincerely, a wet and pissed off U2 fan. #Montreal
@OutLimits j'viens de Juste rentrer chez moi quelle soirée inoubliable! Pas de pluie demain Please! #u2360mtl
ou être trempée jusqu'au métal dans les os #ypleut #U2360MTL #stm
I'm pretty sure Bono is still wearing his sunglasses #rain #U2360mtl
wishing i was at the hippodrome tonight for #u2360mtl !!
RT @LussiD: En arrivant chez nous, je me sèche et j'essaie d'acheter des billets pour demain #U2360mtl
What an amazing and memorable show. I will never forget tonight. #U2360MTL
somehow my camera tonite ended up with a lot of shots of bono's bum. it has a mind of its own. (the camera i mean;) #U2360MTL
En arrivant chez nous, je me sèche et j'essaie d'acheter des billets pour demain #U2360mtl
@herbymoreau #U2360MTL it was magical!!!! The best show ever!!!
#U2360MTL was great, cant wait to do it all over again tom, minus the rain
“@ChristinaMatz: @VirginRadio96 #u2360mtl was amazing!!!! The rain was a nice touch!!!” Bono parted the sky before he left!
@MaybeWatson @cotejulianne Manque le pretzel et la liqueur 1378.99$ #U2360mtl
RT @JulieStPierre1: À ceux qui étaient à #U2360Mtl: Comment se sont passés vos déplacements? En temps et en efficacité... J'essaie de prévoir pour demain!
RT @CanoeNouvelles: Après les 2 spectacles de Montréal, Bono passe ensuite la semaine à St-Bruno avec Guy Laliberté #u2360mtl
@VirginRadio96 #u2360mtl was amazing!!!! The rain was a nice touch!!!