U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
Ça devrait prendre 2h pour vider le territoire? #U2360mtl
RT @AllU2: El e va tion! #U2360MTL
RT @EdgeFest: Absolutely EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the stands wants to be here. Now I know why I've been told to see a show here at all costs! #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL beautiful day! + extinction de voix... déjà!
RT @AllU2: El e va tion! #U2360MTL
RT @u2aovivo: 10. Elevation #U2360MTL
RT @u2aovivo: Space Oddity é o snippet ao fim de BD #U2360MTL
#U2360mtl U2 concert sounding even more clear at Cote Saint-Luc City Hall parking lot. More cars pulling up on Marc Chagall.
Elevation õ/ #U2360MTL
RT @u2ers: O cara está fazendo back vocal com o Bono #U2360MTL
O cara está fazendo back vocal com o Bono #U2360MTL
seguindo o show do U2 em Montreal por livestream, finalmente! #U2360MTL
Elevation #U2360MTL
Offre d'emploi: sténographie et prise de notes pour u2, portion canadienne de la tournée. Francais impeccable un atout. #u2360mtl
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh! #U2360MTL
El e va tion! #U2360MTL
RT @thereseparisien: Tout est dit! ;-) RT @Val_Girard: Je l'aimeeeeee! RT @OutLimits: Bono is a fuckin' ROCKSTAR!! <3 #U2360MTL
10. Elevation #U2360MTL
Ah, mano! Desisto do stream hoje! Amanhã eu acompanho o show pelo stream do U2.com e pronto! #U2360MTL
RT @atu2: Space Oddity snippet at end of BDAY #u2360mtl
10. Elevation #u2360mtl
Elevation #U2360MTL
10. Elevation #U2360MTL
I've never seen so many people all around the world keeping track of a setlist in real time. Welcome to the future #u2360mtl
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Space oddity snip. now elev #u2360mtl
10-Elevation - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN #U2News
RT @u2_news: RT @misspennylane_: It's'a beautiful day!!!!! #U2360MTL !!!!!!!! #fb yfrog.com/ke620uj U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN
Space oddity snip. now elev #u2360mtl
Space oddity como snippet de Beautiful day! #U2360MTL
RT @MusiquePlus: U2 diffusera son spectacle de demain LIVE sur leur site Web. www.myseattlenightout.c... #U2360MTL
RT @hjwallace1: BD. Long intro dedicated to Gabby Gifford. We've got vid of Mark Kelly. Hello Montreal #U2360MTL
RT @atu2: Space Oddity snippet at end of BDAY #u2360mtl
u2_news U2News RT @misspennylane_: It's'a beautiful day!!!!! #U2360MTL !!!!!!!! #fb yfrog.com/ke620uj U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN
Space Oddity é o snippet ao fim de BD #U2360MTL
RT @atu2: Space Oddity snippet at end of BDAY #u2360mtl
Voltou. (Eu nao desisti...rsrs) #U2360MTL
RT @u2_news: RT @misspennylane_: It's'a beautiful day!!!!! #U2360MTL !!!!!!!! #fb yfrog.com/ke620uj U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN
voltou #u2360mtl
Hélicoptère #tvanouvelles il y a des fourmis partout #bono #U2360mtl
E volta o stream #U2360MTL
Voltou?!?! #U2360MTL
RT @KarelWegert: Wobbly bleachers!!! #U2360MTL #fb
RT @u2_news: RT @misspennylane_: It's'a beautiful day!!!!! #U2360MTL !!!!!!!! #fb yfrog.com/ke620uj U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN
RT @MusiquePlus: U2 diffusera son spectacle de demain LIVE sur leur site Web. www.myseattlenightout.c... #U2360MTL
Just scored 2 tickets :) #U2360MTL were going in!! :)
It's a #beautifulday w/@ABF_26 at #U2360MTL #WHOOHOO!!!
Tout ce monde ... Je deviendrais folle :-((( RT @Canoestars La scène avant l'arrivée de U2. #u2360mtl img.ly/60Mk
Cool! "@musiqueplus: U2 diffusera son spectacle de demain LIVE sur leur site Web. www.myseattlenightout.c... #U2360MTL" #fb
RT @misspennylane_: It's'a beautiful day!!!!! #U2360MTL !!!!!!!! #fb yfrog.com/ke620uj U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN