U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
00. Space Oddity #U2360MTL
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Mexican waves in the stands as space oddity starts. balloons everwhere! #u2360mtl
SHOWTIME!!! - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN #U2News
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Mexican waves in the stands as space oddity starts. balloons everwhere! #u2360mtl
Space Oddity #U2360MTL wooo hooo! Here we go!
Ça commence maintenant!!#U2360MTL
Opa! Showtime!!! #U2360MTL
Começou!!! #U2360MTL
Mexican waves in the stands as space oddity starts. balloons everwhere! #u2360mtl
#u2360mtl 00 space oddity partiti!
Começa logo #U2360MTL
@Acew28 yeap gonna be a killer concert Montreal knows how to rock #U2360MTL
Space oddity #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: Show starting soon. Won't be long before Interpol hits the stage! #U2360MTL
To see meteo radar www.meteo.gc.ca/radar/i... #u2 #u2360mtl
Plus que quelques minutes avant d'entendre la voix de Bono. #u2360mtl
22:12 em SP rs RT @partygirlu2: WHAT TIME IS IT IN THE WORLD????? #U2360MTL (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
so ? (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
KD KD KD as att's do show??? #U2360MTL
J'ai cru entendre un vouvouzela, a moins que ce ne soit un gros moustique #u2360. come on #u2 c'est long! #u2360mtl
@joselypop. Cya 2 morrow #U2360MTL
RT @P_Poirier: J'espère qu'ils vont avoir leur gros cochon rose qui vole #U2360mtl #JeMélangeDesAffaires
RT @alaindassylva: On commence a manquer de place sur nos murs j'y étais! Hein mon @patricklanglois !!!#U2360mtl yfrog.com/kljkvzj
@Guglielminetti www.coveritlive.com/ind... en temps réel la communauté de U2 #U2360mtl
"La prochaine toune est pour mon chum Rej, qui a lâché sa job à matin"#bonodirajamaisca #U2360mtl
démarrage démarrage démarrage démarrage (em francês uiaa) o/ (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
@u2_nt NOT YET, I GUESS.... (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
@alinegoncalves2 @u2ers Tomara que tenha um sinal perfeito #U2360MTL
ok are we live yet?? (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
24 hours to #U2 concert ,tomorrow at this time Ill be at the Hippodrome de Montréal rocking with the best band on earth ,#U2360MTL
YES, COLIN...... (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
Dedos cruzados.. :) RT: @u2ers Vamos torcer para que os sinais de celular dentro do estádio funcionem #U2360MTL
Showtime! #U2360MTL
Ça c'est vraiment la définition de gérer une communauté: www.coveritlive.com/ind... #U2360mtl
SHOWTIME!!!!!!!!!!! :D (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
@partygirlu2 SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWTIME! (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
IT'S SHOWTIME! (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
SHOWTIME! (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
Dedos cruzados.. :) RT: u2ers Vamos torcer para que os sinais de celular dentro do estádio funcionem #U2360MTL
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee, it's starting #U2360mtl
RT @NathanHoch: @KimKardashian U2 Montréal 80 000 crazy fans #U2360MTL
The City is going NUTS!! #U2360mtl
WHAT TIME IS IT IN THE WORLD????? #U2360MTL (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
Vamos torcer para que os sinais de celular dentro do estádio funcionem #U2360MTL
RT @philchevalier: Le son est excellent pour un spectacle en plein air. #u2360mtl #u2rc
RT @alinegoncalves2: Hello.. Hello.. boys and girls.. :) (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
start start star start start !! o/ (#u2360mtl live on twitcasting.tv/u2wander... )
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Curfew at the hippodrome is 11. show will be tight if they adhere to it. no bowie yet. #u2360mtl