U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT @clr: Montreal security FAIL. they are so lucky no one got hurt. #U2360MTL
@StrongGirl U2 sweetie :) see u here for tonite's #U2360mtl show??
RT @Penicilline35: Pour les infos sur le transport en commun pour #U2360MTL , inscrivez vous à @U2STMinfo !
Oh man. Hope my friends out there are safe. #U2360MTL
@evenko_en is this true security was an issue at GA gates? #u2360mtl
Montreal security FAIL. they are so lucky no one got hurt. #U2360MTL
OMG!!!! Y'a une foule folle dans le métro!!! Wow.. J'me demande ou ils vont ;-) #U2360mtl
I predict many cell networks overloads during this #u2360mtl weekend. This is going to be THE event of the summer in Montréal. #fb
RT @evenko_en: G.A. Section starting to fill up around the massive 360 stage #U2360MTL twitpic.com/5n629e
RT @evenko_en: G.A. Section starting to fill up around the massive 360 stage #U2360MTL twitpic.com/5n629e
RT @evenko_en: G.A. Section starting to fill up around the massive 360 stage #U2360MTL twitpic.com/5n629e
Back rail, adam's side, inner circle. #U2360MTL www.flickr.com/photos/j...
#U2360MTL At hotel after getting lost . Omw to venue
@MyVisualVoice are you here #u2360mtl? This heat is really painful. Hiding in the media tent where there's a breeze!
@jongosselin1 #u2360mtl !!! U2 in Montreal Canada #weekendplans
Quand est-ce que Pollux le chien égaré revient à Mtl? #BonoDiraJamaisCa #BonoNeDiraitJamaisCa #U2360mtl
U2: le plan du site à Montreal #u2360mtl www.canoe.com/sections/... (via @JdeMontreal)
Dû à l'envois massif de photos, vidéos et textos, les cies cellulaires s'attendent à un ralentissement de leurs réseaux ce soir. #U2360mtl
Fan Jam #u2360mtl twitter.com/slegare/sta...
@JulibouLanger avoir su que tu allais voir U2, j'aurions resté + longtemps. #EhBen #BonShow #U2360mtl
J'ai comme un feeling que 80k personnes avec un cell, tous dans le même 1km carré ça ne va pas marcher! #u2360mtl
bientôt là moi aussi! Gradin! RT @IsaLacasse: Je viens d'arriver sur le site de U2. Frénésie à Montréal avec Miss Guibbaud!! #U2360MTL
Truc #U2360MTL : débarquez au Metro de la Savane il n'y a pas un chat, 5-10 min de marche de plus. Idéal pour rejoindre qqn!
Hâte de rencontrer tous ceux de ma TL qui seront à #U2360mtl ce soir #not
4 hours and 15 minutes til the #U2360MTL concert!!! Oh yeaaaaaaaah!
It will take you < 3 minutes to park your car around the Hippodrome, but > 3 hours to get out of there #FAIL WALK PPL! #U2360MTL
2 tylenols and a fake ice coffee. Hoping it helps me thru the next 6 hrs. #u2360mtl twitpic.com/5n5z5p
@mikedt88 ENJOY, its beyond awesome #u2360mtl
Pour la toune #Elevation : "Julibou ou ou, Julibou ou ouuuu..." #bonodirajamaisca #bonodevraitdireça #U2360MTL
RT @atu2: RT @EveryBrokenWave: Fans jumping over the fences. chaos. where is security? #u2360mtl
3 GA tickets cost $210 for July 9 U2 in Montreal, message me if you are interested in 2 or 3, preferably 3. #u2360mtl
À partir de maintenant, je vais être sur l'adrénaline jusqu'à dimanche soir. Finir mes boites, #u2360mtl samedi et déménagement dimanche.
@pierrecote I am fine! Security needed to create ordered lines. #U2360MTL
Bon courage ! ;-) RT @marika9: En route pour le show de #U2360MTL :-))))
RT @atu2: RT @EveryBrokenWave: Fans jumping over the fences. chaos. where is security? #u2360mtl
#U2360MTL bouchon sur la 20 !!
Je viens d'arriver sur le site de U2. Frénésie à Montréal avec Miss Guibbaud!! #U2360MTL
Sources says security is a serious problem at the GA #u2360mtl
U2 et Interpol à l'Hippodrome de Montréal : le transport en commun est de mise | PatWhite.com: patwhite.com/node/12920 #U2360mtl
Only Bono could shut down one of the busiest streets/expressways in Montreal for a two day outdoor concert 80 000 people expected #U2360MTL
Only Bono could shut down one of the busiest streets/expressways in Montreal for a two day concert #U2360MTL
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Standing/sitting on right side of mix a. #u2360mtl
Standing/sitting on right side of mix a. #u2360mtl