U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Brief city, brief zooropa. one line each. all edge so far. #u2360mtl
The song you are hoping to hear tonight is...? #U2360MTL
Bon show #U2360MTL à tous! En vidéo un peu plus tard ce soir! @evenko @U2TOURFANS
@u2stminfo #u2360mtl il y a t'il encore des place de stationnement de disponible a momorency?
You're in Canada, so I'm guessing it's The Eh-dge? RT @EdgeFest Who is this dude on stage messing around on the guitar. :P #U2360MTL
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Brief city, brief zooropa. one line each. all edge so far. #u2360mtl
Brief city, brief zooropa. one line each. all edge so far. #u2360mtl
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Band soundcheck. edge does a bit of zooropa #u2360mtl
RT @Canoestars: Un spectateur français, Gregory Janin, assistera ce soir à son 39e concert de U2. Un record? #u2360mtl
Off to #U2360MTL! I'll be the guy in the black U2 t-shirt. #fb
Les tests de son font monter l'excitation... Il reste moins de 2 heures avant l'ouverture des portes #u2360mtl
Instead of following #u2360mtl developments, my toddlers have kidnapped me and forcing a penguins of madagascar toon marathon. #Couldbeworse
It will be amazing if i able 2 go 2 #U2360MTL. !!! Wish for that
Venez-nous voir!!! Voici des images du Fan Jam #U2360MTL www.flickr.com//photos/...
RT @alaindassylva: En direct de #U2360mtl avec @TatiPolevoy @stephgonzz et @Declic @MusiquePlus yfrog.com/kgdywhj
getting nervous for #U2360MTL sounds crazy to get there. will be my first metro ride, gulp!
Allez, je ne tiens plus, direction l'hippodrome! #U2360Mtl
Correction: les abonnés de U2 peuvent écouter le spectacle de SAMEDI et non VENDREDI comme je l'ai écrit dans un précédent tweet. #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL It's a "Beautiful Day" Montrealers! Enjoy & have an amazing U2 Concert Weekend from @godin_guitars!
L'abonnement pour avoir accès à la diffusion en direct (audio seul.) du show de U2, sam, coûte 50$ #rienqueca #U2360MTL www.u2.com/service/subs...
Heatstroke? #U2360MTL
I think I'm already starting to get a farmer's tan just walking to the #u2360mtl
@musiqueplus Ronde 3 #U2360MTL : U2 - I Will Follow #declic
@rerutled The General Admission area is standing room (no seats). #U2360MTL
How does this line work #U2360MTL
If I won tickets to the u2 concert, I'd probably sell them. Im stressed just hearing so much about it! #u2360mtl
Sur le site, on parle de 3 chansons, et seulement pr le show de sam. Abonnés ont accès à perfo de ven. #U2360MTL (2/2) www.u2.com/news/title/l...
RT @jimmyproulxroy: La chanson d'U2 sur Twitter, facile, "I Will Follow" #u2360mtl
@u2gigs are you there tonight?? #U2360MTL
@MusiquePlus I Will Follow. #U2360MTL #declic #MusiquePlus
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Band soundcheck. edge does a bit of zooropa #u2360mtl
@max_landry chanceux de voir #U2360MTL du haut des cieux
Band soundcheck. edge does a bit of zooropa #u2360mtl
I am too old for GA... And we're not even in yet!!! #u2360mtl
Making my entrance...#u2360mtl
RT @SebTheberge: Cherche 2 billets U2 supplémentaires ASSIS pour samedi #U2360mtl
Hier, le directeur de tournée de U2 disait que les spectacles en format audio seraient diffusés en direct. (1/2) #U2360MTL
I wonder if all those people lining up to see U2 realize they sort of became irrelevant in the late '80s. #notfeelingthemanymore #u2360mtl
Cherche 2 billets U2 supplémentaires ASSIS pour samedi #U2360mtl
En route vers U2 et il fait beau!!! Youhouuuu! #U2360Mtl
#U2360MTL Vraiment bon pour passer l'attente u2radio.com/live/
La chanson d'U2 sur Twitter, facile, "I Will Follow" #u2360mtl