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U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT

RT @Canoestars: Il fait beau, il fait chaud et il y a de la fébrilité dans l'air. #u2360mtl

RT @LeDeenoe: @Penicilline35 @stminfo ne sert qu'aux interruptions de métro. Suivre plutôt @u2stminfo pour #U2360MTL

Il fait beau, il fait chaud et il y a de la fébrilité dans l'air. #u2360mtl

@Penicilline35 @stminfo ne sert qu'aux interruptions de métro. Suivre plutôt @u2stminfo pour #U2360MTL

RT @evenko_en: Public transport is the only reliable way of getting to U2 360 Montreal. No parking, & no road access. #U2360MTL

That's what I'm talkin' about! #u2360mtl

Public transport is the only reliable way of getting to U2 360 Montreal. No parking, & no road access. #U2360MTL

Quel est la meilleure façon sur tweeter d'être a jour live sur le transport vers #U2360MTL ? La STM a t elle un tweeter ?

Count down to #U2360MTL hhas begun...Holy smokes I can't wait. Have seats in section 124, row 54. Gonna snap pics like no tomorrow!

RT @BeautifulDay36: Little bit of press as I sit in my taxi. Too bad my French is SUPER rusty #U2360MTL

Ah ben ! RT @PointeaCalliere ne rivalisera pas avec les tweets sur #u2360MTL aujourd'hui!

#BTV--->#Montreal for #U2360MTL (with the #kids this should be fun!)

What song will close the show of today? #U2360MTL

Little bit of press as I sit in my taxi. Too bad my French is SUPER rusty #U2360MTL

RT @fakebono: How great is this? They built a stadium in Montreal for me. At first I felt like I didn't deserve it. The feeling didn't last. #U2360MTL

@amwithenshaw Great interview. Seems like just yesterday they played that fantastic show! #u2360mtl

Hot and very sunny in the GA line up at #u2360mtl

RT @EveryBrokenWave: Random guitar twanging now. #u2360mtl

@missorangine @basemboshra @rolandboomer @patrickroyviva @diaz_alex et tous les autres ...merci du push, je l'ai mise en ligne :) #u2360mtl

Will be tweeting live from #u2360mtl all night long

Random guitar twanging now. #u2360mtl

N'oubliez pas de dire à Ti-Guy Émond que "Bono" et "The Edge" ne sont pas des chevaux #U2360Mtl

RT @StephFerry: Une place vient de se libérer sur le BonoBus. Qui la veut? Départ 450 Ste Thérèse à 16:00 #U2360MTL

RT @u2_news: Tonight Montreal!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN

RT @pierrecote: U2 - Interview with The Edge and Adam Clayton by Anne-Marie Withenshaw #u2360mtl

Usually I'm not ready to pass out until WOWY. And #u2360nas was hotter, wasn't it... #u2360mtl

RT @pierrecote: U2 - Interview with The Edge and Adam Clayton by Anne-Marie Withenshaw #u2360mtl

RT @testacath #U2... Écoutez mes interventions à Mtl Maintenant à partir de 15h et lors de notre émission spéciale à 23h @le985fm #U2360mtl


U2 - Interview with The Edge and Adam Clayton by Anne-Marie Withenshaw #u2360mtl

Techs are playing soundcheck very quietly, advantage to being in the front of line #u2360mtl

RT @VeroniquePrince: Il fait chaud sur le site de #U2360mtl mais il y a tellement d'ambiance! Le groupe vient de faire des tests de son en plus!

RT @amwithenshaw: Bon, pcq ça fait 2 jours que j'en parle: j'ai mis en ligne mon entrevue #U2 #10yrsago #superfan #nerdyquestions #U2360MTL

Walmart playing Mysterious Ways. Epic. #U2360MTL

Soundcheck mysterious ways #u2360mtl

Source says U2 are playing "I will follow" for the soundcheck #u2360mtl

Bon, pcq ça fait 2 jours que j'en parle: j'ai mis en ligne mon entrevue #U2 #10yrsago #superfan #nerdyquestions #U2360MTL

Soundcheck out of control #u2360mtl

RT @EveryBrokenWave: Think i hear a bit of instrumental soundcheck. bits of pride. very quiet compared to fanjam behind me. #u2360mtl

Boiling heat waiting for #U2360MTL #thethingsidoforyoubono

Chris and @Steph_Dawn67 have arrived for our #U2360MTL adventure. Daaaaaaamn.

Il fait chaud sur le site de #U2360mtl mais il y a tellement d'ambiance! Le groupe vient de faire des tests de son en plus!

RT @EveryBrokenWave: Think i hear a bit of instrumental soundcheck. bits of pride. very quiet compared to fanjam behind me. #u2360mtl

Think i hear a bit of instrumental soundcheck. bits of pride. very quiet compared to fanjam behind me. #u2360mtl

Soundcheck beautiful day #u2360mtl

RT @u2_news: Montreal! What time is it the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360MTL #U2360CAN

How is everyone doing in #U2360MTL?

Soundcheck i will follow #u2360mtl

Entrée au St. James pour la première fois aujourd'hui, devant une horde de fans de #U2360MTL. I could live there, I think! Got our tix now!

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