U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
#FF @alaindassylva @jimmyproulxroy -> Bon #U2360mtl et bon succès pour le #fanjamevenko
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Think i will stay near the back of the line to be near the sound desk. will be a new viewpoint for me. #u2360mtl
Think i will stay near the back of the line to be near the sound desk. will be a new viewpoint for me. #u2360mtl
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Crew checking the mic. saying one-two repeatedly #u2360mtl
Moi me ramasser avec 80 000 personnes dans une boîte de sardines, non merci. Je passe mon tour #U2360MTL
At #U2360MTL?
RT @u2gigs: Follow all #u2360mtl tweets with our Twitter live stream here: www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
@EveryBrokenWave like in all those bas concert sketches on SNL? :D #u2360mtl
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Crew checking the mic. saying one-two repeatedly #u2360mtl
Crew checking the mic. saying one-two repeatedly #u2360mtl
U2 Montreal concert: closed streets, extra public transit www.scribd.com/doc/5745... #u2360 #u2360mtl
*rant finally closing* So yeah, covering for events such as #U2360MTL would be easier and cheaper for all involved; as it is, I'll get 3G >>
Omg listening to this now!!!! #U2360MTL "@Sophster_MKG: Where the streets have no name <3"
oil changed, aaa renewed. see ya America, #u2360mtl
Encore plutôt tranquille sur le site de l'Hippodrome, mais ça ne saurait tarder. #u2360mtl
Comment se fait-il qu'il y ait tant de billets des spectacles de U2 à vendre? #U2360MTL
J'ai ma carte Opus pour le show de #U2360MTL ! 5$, déplacements à volonté pour la journée du spectacle yfrog.com/kix97pjj
Synchronizing with Matkin (@EveryBrokenWave) for photos of #U2360MTL... This is making me wish the world was covered by a WiMax net already!
Le Fan Jam est ouvert! Budweiser et son célèbre BIG RIG ainsi que les Bud Girls vous y accueilleront #U2360MTL
RT @f_chloe: Sell 1 ticket for U2 in GA for tonight! Contact me #U2360MTL
New replacement of Desmond Tutu`s Speech? 1:56 blogs.nasa.gov/cm/blog/... #U2360mtl
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Just met a fan, said she loved the site and feeling like she is there every night. absolute joy to meet you too! #u2360mtl
Just met a fan, said she loved the site and feeling like she is there every night. absolute joy to meet you too! #u2360mtl
Quand Bono est en ville, c'est aussi le week-end où tous ses sosies apparaissent dans les restos et bars de Montréal #U2360mtl
RT @_swann: Vend 1 ticket parterre (68$) pour concert U2 8 juillet, prix coutant #u2360MTL Contactez-moi!
RT @alaindassylva: J'espère que vous allez venir signer nos murs au kiosque @MusiquePlus #fanjamevenko #U2360mtl yfrog.com/kj42bihj
Vend 1 ticket parterre (68$) pour concert U2 8 juillet, prix coutant #u2360MTL Contactez-moi!
@u2gigs hey! @EveryBrokenWave has taken some pics of the line! img.photobucket.com/alb... t.co/7C9G5xC RT pliz?
RT @guyl4rj: WTF! What a stupid move!!! They are blocking Jean-Talon exit on Decarie highway, in both directions #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL c'est pas croyable que je manque ça! l'événement de l'année!
RT @bethandbono: Man dreams one day to fly. A man takes a rocketship into the sky. @U2gigs won't like it, but I hope they do IALW tonight at #U2360MTL.
je serai à mon kiosque avec ma belle équipe, #MusiquePlus bien sûr, sur le #FanJam juste avant le show. Venez nous dire bonjour ;) #u2360mtl
The Fan Jam is now open! Stop by Budweiser's Big Rig to practice your stage dive & have an ice-cold Bud! #U2360MTL
S'en va renouer avec ses amis de la BO!! #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: Allez-vous au concert de U2? Pour tout savoir, une seule adresse: u2.evenko.ca #U2360MTL
#U2360mtl » D'après vous, une Nikon Coolpix L100 serait acceptée ou confisquée ?
RT @bethandbono: Man dreams one day to fly. A man takes a rocketship into the sky. @U2gigs won't like it, but I hope they do IALW tonight at #U2360MTL.
just bought rugs at dollar store after viewing some pix of #U2360MTL GA line. A buck apiece! Leaving for Hippodrome in about 10 min.
Sell 1 ticket for U2 in GA for tonight! Contact me #U2360MTL
Toujours selon notre fidèle envoyé spécial (!) @fcormierSRC , ce n'est pas encore "jammed pack pantoute". On arrive! #U2360MTL
@EveryBrokenWave Send us a pic! #U2360MTL
Nous non plus :-) RT @PointeaCalliere ne rivalisera pas avec les tweets sur #u2360MTL aujourd'hui! #yulbcn