U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
All i Want is You #U2360MTL
7. All I want is you #u2360MTL #U2 Live from Montreal (03.50 a.m.)
ALL I WANT IS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #U2360MTL
consegui #U2360MTL no U2.com...O/
Bono seria o palhaço! #U2360MTL
RT @U2comZooMods: Woooooo!!!! we just got a shout out!!!! @u2com Hey, now a shout out for the mods!!!! #u2360MTL #joke
All I want is you #u2360MTL
7.All I Want Is You #u2 #u2360 #u2360mtl
Ahora: U2 En Montreal #U2360MTL community.u2.com/topic/...
All I Want is you ! #u2360MTL
Yeehaa! Thanks! RT @U2comZooMods: Woooooo!!!! we just got a shout out!!!! @u2com Hey, now a shout out for the mods!!!! #u2360MTL
Le show de ce soir sera diffuse partout dans le monde #U2360mtl
"The Edge can do anything" #u2360mtl
Jesus, I ALWAYS get kicked off in time for the band intros...WTF?! #U2360MTL
RT @elcholo_: Escuchando en vivo a U2 desde Montreal #u2360MTL // eso!! esta buenazo mi Cholo!!
"The Edge can do anything" #U2360MTL
RT @grazilali pronto vcs já podem colocar o Bono no lugar do papa, ele já fala todas as línguas #u2360mtl
Escuchando en vivo a U2 desde Montreal #u2360MTL
LOL @ Bono #u2360MTL
bono speaking french "plus fort, cèst soir " #U2360mtl juasss! Larry swords swaller? Not
Except most of us can't access it. :( RT @mrsgilardino: THIS SHOW IS BEING BROADCAST LIVE ALLOVER THE WORLD! #U2360MTL
"Hier soir c'était incroyable mais ce soir ça va etre encore plus fort" Bono #U2360Mtl
Bono vai me fazer chorar aqui em casa, lembrando do show de abril e pensando no fim da turnê... #U2360MTL
This show is being webcast on www.u2.com. Check it out. Let me know how I look onscreen. #U2360MTL
Bono rend hommage au Cirque du soleil #U2360MTL #U2 #Montreal
RT @BigwaveU2: alternative stream for U2.com community.u2.com/topic/... #U2360MTL
RT @U2comZooMods: Woooooo!!!! we just got a shout out!!!! @u2com Hey, now a shout out for the mods!!!! #u2360MTL #joke
kkkkkk Bono falando Frances é muito lindo *-* owwwwn. #U2360MTL
RT @Canoestars: Merci merci beaucoup Montreal - Bono #Montreal #U2360MTL #U2
#Bono says @u2com #u2360MTL "broadcast" is a "gift to the world" BULLSHIT @U2comZooMods A complete, error-free broadcast would've been GIFT
Tonight's #U2360MTL show is live on U2.com as per Bono
RT @Canoestars: Ce soir nous frapperons encore plus fort - Bono en francais #U2360MTL #U2 #Montreal
RT @U2comZooMods: Woooooo!!!! we just got a shout out!!!! @u2com Hey, now a shout out for the mods!!!! #u2360MTL #joke
Bono's french is pretty good, I wonder if he learned it in Southern France where he owns a house #U2360MTL
Wow! Bono parle très bien français: "Ce soir nous fêterons encore plus fort!" Yeeesss! #U2360MTL
Bono speech #U2360MTL
olha o Bono falando francês.. #u2360mtl
Só entendi o "Merci" HAHAHA #U2360MTL
Woooooo!!!! we just got a shout out!!!! @u2com Hey, now a shout out for the mods!!!! #u2360MTL #joke
RT @grazilali: pronto vcs já podem colocar o Bono no lugar do papa, ele já fala todas as línguas #u2360mtl
Sim, eu to aki também, Bono #U2360MTL
Bono talk, AIWIY? ISHF? We will find out in a couple of hours #u2360MTL #justkidding
aaaaand I just lost audio... #U2360MTL
RT @FlaviaBenini: RT @grazilali: pronto vcs já podem colocar o Bono no lugar do papa, ele já fala todas as línguas #u2360mtl
Bono hablando en francés.. ya podría hablar igual de bien el español.. y encima ahora habla de la retransmisión de U2.com #U2360MTL
It finally made it but yes the show IS being broadcast #u2360MTL
ACOMPANHANDO O SHOW DO U2 - AUDIO- community.u2.com/topic/... #U2360MTL
Bono está falando que o show está sendo transmitido para todo o mundo via @u2com #U2360MTL