U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
3.) Mysterious Ways #U2360MTL
Mysterious Ways #u2360MTL
RT @U2comZooMods: Backdoor 2 #Zootopia, use search terms " U2.com message board zootopia" in google or other search engine Links to stream put there #u2360mtl
#U2360MTL (Broadcasting live at www.ustream.tv/channel/...
RT @atu2comSherry: It's no secret that broadband isn't really that broad.... #u2360mtl
Não creio! Os queridos @JU2NiOR e @catygomes retransmitindo o show para quem não conseguiu logar no U2.COM! Fãs unidos sempre! #U2360MTL
RT @u2aovivo: Link alternativo de transmissão do U2.com www.ustream.tv/channel/... #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL - catyU2 www.ustream.tv/channel/... :D
RT @U2comZooMods: Back door into the #Zootopia community.u2.com/direct... #u2360mtl links to the stream are being embedded as we tweet
RT @U2comZooMods: Backdoor 2 #Zootopia, use search terms " U2.com message board zootopia" in google or other search engine Links to stream put there #u2360mtl
Valeu a @catygomes também pela retransmissão! #U2360MTL
Escuchando el concierto de U2 en vivo desde Montreal #u2360mtl
RT @AnaFlaviaMuniz: Even Better Than The Real Thing foi a melhor musica de abertura dessa tour! #U2360MTL
ACÁ, un link para escuchar Stream de #U2 en vivo ahora: twitcasting.tv/ju2nior #U2360MTL
Ouvindo stram do show de hote em Montreal e comendo pizza de mussarela!! Como não lembrar de 3 meses atrás?? #U2360MTL #U2360BRA
RT @AnaFlaviaMuniz: Even Better Than The Real Thing foi a melhor musica de abertura dessa tour! #U2360MTL
RT @partygirlu2: Fãs brasileiros salvando a noite.Beijos =* #U2360MTL
RT @atu2comSherry: It's no secret that broadband isn't really that broad.... #u2360mtl
Fãs brasileiros salvando a noite.Beijos =* #U2360MTL
Backdoor 2 #Zootopia, use search terms " U2.com message board zootopia" in google or other search engine Links to stream put there #u2360mtl
RT @atu2comSherry: It's no secret that broadband isn't really that broad.... #u2360mtl
#u2360mtl After gtr solo part, close to the final
"U2.com is having a short lie down" Well I had a short lie down too, and BTW 02.20AM can hardly be called 12.30AM GMT, now can it? #U2360MTL
Não creio! Os queridos @JU2NiOR e @catygomes transmitindo o show para quem não conseguiu logar no U2.COM! Fãs unidos sempre! #U2360MTL
@IvanEdge85 si ma non da u2 com dal canale che hanno pubblicato www.ustream.tv/channel/...
Actually had a ticket to this show when it was supposed to be on July 2010. #u2360MTL
Les gens à #u2360mtl manquent l'excellent Petit Roy à #JPR ! Postigo vs Bono!
Incredible that a fan with a mobile can stream #u2360mtl better than u2.com :(
Gracias! @u2aovivo Outro feed para o stream do U2.com twitcasting.tv/ju2nior #u2360MTL
"Love, we shine like a burning star, that fallin from the sky, tonight" #U2360Mtl
It's no secret that broadband isn't really that broad.... #u2360mtl
RT @U2comZooMods: Back door into the #Zootopia community.u2.com/direct... #u2360mtl links to the stream are being embedded as we tweet
Hear me, cease to speak that I may stream #songsforstream #u2360MTL ok i'm done.
Anyone think fans will be compensated A) Justly B) Not proportionally at all or C) Not at all? #u2360mtl
The Fly!! (live at www.ustream.tv/channel/...
RT @u2peru: En vivo concierto de U2 desde Montreal, Canadá: www.ustream.tv/channel/...
RT @debbielou3: Here we go baby!!!!! #U2360MTL
I hope I can get in the darn site after the third song at least #U2360mtl
RT @U2comZooMods: Back door into the #Zootopia community.u2.com/direct... #u2360mtl links to the stream are being embedded as we tweet
@U2comZooMods do you want us to wait until you have them embedded before we start coming in? #Zootopia #u2360mtl
En vivo concierto de U2 desde Montreal, Canadá: www.ustream.tv/channel/...
Loudest concert I've ever been to, bar none. This may make things hard. #U2360MTL