U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT: @partygirlu2: Wake up,wake up dead stream #songsforstream #U2360MTL
I can't wait any longer...for your streeeeaaaaam....#songsforstream #u2360mtl
@atu2comSherry I'm getting the regular homepage now, but the "Enter Site" link isn't functioning. #u2360mtl
For paid subscribers try this link unshort.me #u2360mtl
À lui seul, U2 est un festival! #U2360MTL
RT @u2mexico: @U2comZooMods: Alternative link coming in a bit, sorry had a huge burst of traffic all at the same time, many people working on it #u2360mtl
#U2360MTL So sad, I'm going to bed... Sweet dreams my dear U2 fan around the world.... :D Big Kiss SalU2
hats off to #u2 & venue security for a great job at #U2360MTL shows 1 & 2 with the GA lines.
@U2comZooMods The new @u2com, exclusive, members only URL: media.u2.com/non_secure/error_page/error-guest.html @atu2 @U2tour @u2360mtl
todo mundo com #songsforstream.... estou rindo aqui #U2360MTL
E o show não começa. #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL U2.com is down....... WTF !!! :'''''(#isdown
Ta tedioso hoje aqui..ainda mais que o show não começa logo com essa merdinha de stream #U2360MTL
@U2comZooMods: Alternative link coming in a bit, sorry had a huge burst of traffic all at the same time, many people working on it #u2360mtl
Waiting for the sound , waiting for the sound #U2360MTL
RT @u2mexico: Desafortunadamente aun no aparece otro enlace para poder escuchar #U2360MTL. Mal por parte de U2.com el que no hayan previ ...
Attn data center staff, get off your arse, and get @U2com online... #justsaying #U2360MTL
@atu2 K. Probably another 20 min at least then. Good to hear. Thanks! #u2360mtl
Still trying to log in to U2.com for live Montreal stream... No luck yet. :( #U2360MTL
detalhe é que eu abri a pagina faz um tempo e clico direto no player, aew fununcia! #U2360MTL
RT @U2comZooMods: Alternative link coming in a bit, sorry had a huge burst of traffic all at the same time, many people working on it #u2360mtl
After the stream is up, they shall not mess with it (a) #U2360MTL
Hahaha RT @CeciSierra "Let me in the site, let me in the site, let me in the site..." #U2360mtl
@CeciSierra "Let me in the site, let me in the site, let me in the site..." #U2360mtl #songsforstream XDD
RT @U2comZooMods: Alternative link coming in a bit, sorry had a huge burst of traffic all at the same time, many people working on it #u2360mtl
quedaré sin stream del concierto :( #FAILU2.COM #U2360MTL
Longest. Portapotty. Line. EVER. #U2360MTL
RT @U2comZooMods: Alternative link coming in a bit, sorry had a huge burst of traffic all at the same time, many people working on it #u2360mtl
@atu2comSherry @atu2 I thought they were onstage @ 7:30 CST (GMT - 6:00). #u2360mtl
Desafortunadamente aun no aparece otro enlace para poder escuchar #U2360MTL. Mal por parte de U2.com el que no hayan previsto este trafico.
Nao sei como, mas estou conseguindo escutar o stream no iphone, esta naquela musica que nao para de tocar faz meia hora.. rs rs rs #U2360MTL
RT @u2ers: Acho que o Edge podia fazer o stream de hoje, colocando o Blackberry dele perto da caixa de som #U2360MTL
Battery's almost dead, the weather kicks ass, the band's on soon. Disregard previous sarcastic comments. This is gonna be good. #U2360MTL
Me, too! RT @atu2comSherry: Seeing the same thing for past hour or so #u2360mtl RT @LSUgolfer23: ARGH!!!!! @atu2 twitpic.com/5ntbnv
RT @CeciSierra: "Let me in the site, let me in the site, let me in the site..." #U2360mtl
eu não consigo nem entrar no U2.com #U2360MTL
I suggest @U2com to not 'block' the free members.Just thinking about the paid ones,we don't want them to loose their stream #cough #U2360MTL
RT @atu2comSherry: I have a better idea for u2.com - have Edge dial into a 1000mikes.com number on his blackberry and have u2radio.com stream it. #u2360mtl
30 min já - #U2360MTL
To me sentindo tentando comprar o ingresso, agora sem stream #U2360MTL
#U2 entrera sur scène sous peu #U2360MTL
RT @CeciSierra: "Let me in the site, let me in the site, let me in the site..." #U2360mtl
Folks, please look at @U2comZooMods for updates on u2com working furiously on it #u2360mtl
RT @JdeMontreal: Gregory Charles aperçu dans les gradins. Le voyez-vous? #U2360MTL yfrog.com/kj1j8kdj