U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT @atu2comSherry: I have a better idea for u2.com - have Edge dial into a 1000mikes.com number on his blackberry and have u2radio.com stream it. #u2360mtl
Damn you MacBook fekking pro fekking buggy wifi #Appleshit #U2360MTL
U2.com is "having a short lie down". #U2360mtl
I have a better idea for u2.com - have Edge dial into a 1000mikes.com number on his blackberry and have u2radio.com stream it. #u2360mtl
a q hora de argentina empieza?#U2360Mtl
@atu2comSherry U2 karaoke? 4th of July. :) Why hear words when you can feel the bass :)! #U2360MTL
If God will send his angels and If u2.com will show us your stream... #U2360MTL
RT @dan_tully: #U2360MTL ANY1 HAS THE LIVESTREAM GOING FROM U2.COM ? > no, tampoco
Consegui entrar pelo Real player, mas não tô conseguindo fazer login! ¬¬ Merda! #U2360MTL
Exactly! They are trying to do us a favor. Rt @val_erie15: ...think about how you treat people who are trying to help you... #U2360MTL
RT @CristhiaanVox: #U2360MTL Escuchando a los Arctic Monkeys como previo antes de que comience el stream de audio del concierto de U2 es ...
Hey pot smokers, smoke that skunky shit away from little kids. #U2360MTL
RT @teresadc: Let me in the stream? #songsforstream #U2360MTL
Apparently logging on over an hour before the broadcast was the way to go. #frustrated #u2360mtl
In the time U2.com has been down I could have flown more than halfway to Montreal! #u2360mtl
RT @GAbAguzzi: RT @hjwallace1: Isn't this show 103? We are curious. #U2360MTL @U2gigs twitpic.com/5nsyu0
#u2360mtl u2.com is streaming some Grauzone music....
RT @Leahu2: Sem stream amanhã prevejo um Sunday Bloody Sunday - #U2360MTL
#u2360mtl i want my money fucking back
Moi, j'bois pas de bière ! RT @_Celestia_: Des boules pis d'la biere a #U2360mtl #U2 twitpic.com/5nrloy
Esse não é o primeiro bola fora do site com os assinantes. O U2Duals continua uma lenda para alguns. #U2360MTL
Sem stream amanhã prevejo um Sunday Bloody Sunday - #U2360MTL
RT @ultravioletu2: ♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
Ni modo, si no arreglan el sitio, tendrán que aplazar el concert, hasta que se solucione #hedicho #U2360Mtl
Let me in the stream? #songsforstream #U2360MTL
IT'S ON!!!!!! #U2360MTL
@U2Argentina After the gig's over, of course... LOL #U2360MTL
I'm a member of U2.com since I can't even remember: always been like this. Ok guys, It's time to bring what you promised. #U2360Mtl
RT @taunegrosseface: Le signal de Bell au show de U2= méga Fail ! #u2360mtl
RT @ultravioletu2 ♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
@karuaOne まだ始まってないみたい。#U2360MTL
Right, at the end of the show xD RT @ultravioletu2 ♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
RT @ultravioletu2: ♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
Customers, when you go to custumer service think about how you treat people who are trying to help you... #roughnight #U2360MTL
RT @ultravioletu2: ♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
♫ Midnight is where the stream begins... ♫ #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL Is any other site hosting the U2 stream tonight? Cant log on to u2.com!
What's the meaning of the yellow text?? #U2360MTL
If this was the first time, I'd say 'Ok, a problem who everyone may pass on the start", but this is the third time!!! #U2360Mtl It can't be
Cara, eu vou colocar um terço aqui do lado porque né #u2comfail #U2360MTL
no se va a arreglar :S, alguien si tiene algun stream que lo publique :( #U2360MTL
Tô tentando entrar nessa merda pelo Chrome e pelo Real Player! ENTRA LOGO, PORRA!! U2360MTL
At #U2360mtl. A great #Evenko guy just gave my son & me GREAT seats! Thank u, customer service dude!
#U2360MTL bon show :)
@ludicrosity82 this is absolute BS -- not like they've never done a webcast before #u2360mtl EXACTLY MY POINT