U2 Nashville 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nas
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Nashville with the hashtag #u2360nas. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 6204 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nas between 24 Jun 2011, 17:40 and 18 Jul 2011, 15:49 EDT

Last night was the first time U2 performed 'The Wanderer' in concert...Ever. www.u2gigs.com/article8... #u2vu

Had a dream last night that I was at the U2 concert and that it was unbelievable. Knew I should have went in real life. #U2VU

Bucket list is one item shorter today. #U2VU

RT @lucastypes: The things left unsaid at last night's #U2VU experience. www.largelandmammal.com

RT @SpenceSmith: The best pic of #u2vu RT @michaelwsmith: Deb & Em made an amazing lunch today for the family & our dear Irish friend. h ...

rediscovering U2 catalog songs with my Lady... songs like One Step Closer, Yahweh, When I Look At the World.. great depth and mystery. #u2vu

RT @bibalukas: AWESOME video of "All I Want Is You" with blind fan on stage / He got Bono's Gretsch guitar: youtu.be/xNZjfz8rgT8 #u2360nas #u2vu

RT @lacytite: Cool! One of our 365@VU photos made the Flickr Explore list for July 2 (#14)! Aerial of #U2VU stage @Vanderbiltu - http:// ...

RT @davebarnesmusic: The show tonight reminded me of a convo Bono and I had earlier this year. #u2vu yfrog.com/h01r7hwj

Wow, I'm exhausted. Felt a little guilty about missing church until I remembered - I went to church last night. #U2VU #onelove

RT @BradBarnes: I had a dream that I saw a rock show in a spaceship, and the aliens sang of love and redemption. Weird. Gotta get more sleep. #u2vu

Review: U2|Nashville|July 2, 2011|360 Tour ~ An unforgettable night more than 30 years in the making... ht.ly/5vNY0 #U2360NAS

Review: U2|Nashville|July 2, 2011|360 Tour ~ An unforgettable night more than 30 years in the making... ht.ly/5vNZy #U2360NAS

Review: U2|Nashville|July 2, 2011|360 Tour ~ An unforgettable night more than 30 years in the making... ht.ly/5vNY0 #U2360NAS

The things left unsaid at last night's #U2VU experience. www.largelandmammal.com #fb

U2's show last night was everything I had hoped. Took me back 10 years ago to my first show. Best set I've seen. Thanks #U2VU

RT @hauserpromo: Here's video of the blind man playing GTR with Bono: www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2VU

Props to @VanderbiltU for such a smooth and well controlled process last night. #U2VU

cloud 9 #U2 Most incredible night ever. Still in shock frm the guy that played all I want is you! Life changing. #U2vu yfrog.com/0hw69z

Bono's Classic Green Gretsch "Irish Falcon" Guitar amplify.com/ God Bless BONO FOREVER! #U2360NAS
RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

Husband @brackhaynes and I still recapping the #u2vu show last night. Still. #perfectevening

RT @davebarnesmusic: The show tonight reminded me of a convo Bono and I had earlier this year. #u2vu yfrog.com/h01r7hwj

RT @davebarnesmusic: The show tonight reminded me of a convo Bono and I had earlier this year. #u2vu yfrog.com/h01r7hwj //bahahaha

Still basking in the afterglow of the amazingness that was #U2VU last night.

A shot from last night. INCREDIBLE band, production, and overall show. #U2360NASH yfrog.com/h2jqvonj

RT @atu2: RT @emmteedee: @atu2 @mkkearns word is the man who got the guitar is blind. #u2360nas #u2vu

RT @cdlowell: Here's video of the blind man playing GTR with Bono: www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2VU (via @hauserpromo)// amazing way the night ended!!

RT @SarahStoneJ333: Bono brings visually impaired fan on stage to play w U2 let's him keep the guitar #U2360NAS #whyaminotsurprised #Bonorocksmyworld

So was anyone else at the show amused by the parking garage lurkers last night? Wonder if that annoyed the band. #u2360nas #U2360VU #fb

So was anyone else at the show amused by the parking lot lurkers last night? Wonder if that annoyed the band. #u2360nas #U2360VU #fb

One helluva show at #U2VU well worth the $ and time. I wondered why I'd never seen a show. Found out I was 8 last time they were @ BNA

@BIGJOEONTHEGO no fair. I'm one of the few people that went last night that hasn't posted a gazillion photos of the #U2VU mothership.

RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

RT @ONECampaign: Cool picture! RT @redmusiconline U2 in Nashville!!! Yeah we had a good time. Thanks to @ONECampaign #U2VU

RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

And there goes the wave. #U2VU

Awesome. Maybe I will be able to hear at some point this weekend. #U2VU
RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU

RT @Tennessean: Concert review: U2 makes triumphant return to Nashville with larger-than-life show blogs.tennessean.com/tu... #U2VU@pedinoff