U2 Nashville 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nas
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Nashville with the hashtag #u2360nas. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 6204 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nas between 24 Jun 2011, 17:40 and 18 Jul 2011, 15:49 EDT
I'VE GOT NO SELF-CONTROL! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
OI ?? =O RT @u2aovivo: 11. Elevation #U2360NAS
RT @CE_TV: #U2360NAS 10. El e va tion (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
10. Elevation #U2360NAS
Shoot me from a gun (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
E LE VA TION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
greetings to Bruno from Blokkkkk!,,,, (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
RT @u2aovivo: Snippet de Space Oddity no final de Beautiful Day #U2360NAs
RT @u2mexico: 09. Beautiful Day – #U2360NAS
One of my fav's! // “@LindseyNobles: "But I still haven't found what I'm looking for." #u2vu instagr.am/p/G10Fo/”
HIGH HIGHER THAN THE SUN...... (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
10-Elevation #U2360NAS
10. Elevation – #U2360NAS
elevatiOOOOOOOOOOON O/ (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
10. Elevation #U2360NAS twitcasting.tv/bethandb...
ELEVATIOOOOOONN (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
ELEVATIOOOOOON.. (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
A MOLE DIGGING IN A HOLE DIGGING UP MY SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Thank you @bethandbono for a great feed! @U2360NAS -- <3 a fan in NY
!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Tenth song of the night is Elevation. They seem to like this new set order. #U2360NAS #U2VU
RT @atu2: 10. Elevation #u2360nas #u2vu
Elevation!!! #U2360NAS
ELEVATIONNNNNNNN!!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
ELEVATION !!!!!!!!!!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Elevation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
RT @u2aovivo: Snippet de Space Oddity no final de Beautiful Day #U2360NAs
Elevation! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
RT @atu2: 9. Beautiful Day #u2360nas #u2vu
11. Elevation #U2360NAS
ELEVATIONNNNNNNNN (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
11-Elevation - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360NAS #U2VU #U2News
10. Elevation #U2360NAS
esse momento com o astronauta recitando BDAY leva os americanos à loucura. e Bono termina com Space Oddity #U2360NAS
oooooooonnnnnn (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
beautiful day + space oddity, nao ficou ruim nao. #U2360NAS
I love #U2360NAS #U2360BRA, enfim, I love #U2 em qq canto do mundo!!!
RT @atu2: 5. I Will Follow #u2360nas #u2vu
10. Elevation #u2360nas
Liftoff!!!!! El-e-va-tion! Song 10 of #U2360NAS
Snippet de Space Oddity no final de Beautiful Day #U2360NAs
yo!!@U2Bride (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Thrilling new B Day images/message from space provided by astro M Kelly. See collage: www.flickr.com/photos/a... #u2360nas @atu2 @ShuttleCDRKelly
Tell my wife I love her so, SHE KNOWWWSSSS (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
BEAUTIFUL U2!! (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
@bbishop23 RT @u2_news: RT @jeffmoles1: Its a beautiful daaaaaaaay! #u2 #fb twitpic.com/5kdd89 #U2 #U2360 #U2360NAS #U2VU
#U2360NAS I meant I will Follow!!!!
now Beautiful day #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... :)