U2 Nashville 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nas
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Nashville with the hashtag #u2360nas. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 6204 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nas between 24 Jun 2011, 17:40 and 18 Jul 2011, 15:49 EDT
Heyyyy....greetings from Chile... (#U2360VU #U2360NAS live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
There are people inside the 4 claw legs... Being lifted up... To do lights... So cool! #u2vu #u2360nas
Report from the stadium, " Still waiting for the switch up" #U2360NAS
I have NO 3G signal. #U2VU
It's not a rock show until someone breaks out the beach balls. Now it's a party. #U2VU
A hashtag de hoje será #U2360NAS.
Just the night I can't sleep (it's past 3 am now) there is probably not going to be a live feed of U2 :/ #U2360NAS
RT @u2ers: We've got a link! RT @u2gigs Possible stream tonight via @bethandbono: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360NAS #U2VU
Woot woot! #u2vu
RT @AfricanWellFund: We are passing out water bottles in Nashville GA line today. A big thank you to our donors who are here today! #u2360NAS
I must say, @crosspoint_tv folks are representing tonight! #InTheBuilding #U2VU
Ok, the main thing that did was make me want to see Florence + The Machine @theryman. Somebody get on that. #fatm #U2VU
Missing u2 in nashville...so sad...there will be others though. #u2360nas
The line for the men's room is worse than the ladies room. #U2VU
In less than an hour U2 will be on stage! #U2VU
RT @U2_News: Hoy llegamos al show Nº 100 del 360º Tour (sin contar los Dress Rehearsal de Barcelona '09 y Denver '11) #U2 #U2360 #U2360NAS #U2VU #U2News
RT @U2_News: Hoy llegamos al show Nº 100 del 360º Tour (sin contar los Dress Rehearsal de Barcelona '09 y Denver '11) #U2 #U2360 #U2360NAS #U2VU #U2News
Hoy llegamos al show Nº 100 del 360º Tour (sin contar los Dress Rehearsal de Barcelona '09 y Denver '11) #U2 #U2360 #U2360NAS #U2VU #U2News
RT @AfricanWellFund: We are passing out water bottles in Nashville GA line today. A big thank you to our donors who are here today! #u2360NAS
Bring it, Bono! #U2VU
RT @gritandglory: I hope Bono doesn't get too distracted by my sweat 'stache. #BlazingHot #U2360 #U2VU//ROFL!! oh man, you're so funny!!! :)
Florence + the Machine was AMAZING! Florence's voice is just perfect. #U2VU
#u2vu @atu2 my $700 Red Zone tix bought me restricted views, no beer stand, and a 20 minute walk to a public bathroom. #gotscrewed
...Florence & the Machine was great...now let's get some U2 going! #U2VU
Folks in my section giddy over photo op with Bono lookalike in concourse. #U2VU #U2360nas
You buying RT @ChrisAla13 U2 in Nashville... Who's coming with? #U2VU
Florence and the machine wasn't that bad at all. She has a killer voice. #U2VU
Though I probably won't even get any replies until after the concert, are more people using #U2VU or #U2360NAS? Or something else?
The dog days are over by Florence + the machine #u2vu
RT @U2comZooMods: Florence on stage with her Machine for the final time on the 360 Tour - interactive live fan stream via @u2com www.u2.com/community #U2360NAS
Florence + The Machine has left the stage. Very good performance! #U2VU
We've got a link! RT @u2gigs Possible stream tonight via @bethandbono: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360NAS #U2VU
RT @u2radiocom: Prediction: U2 to Honor Johnny Cash at Nashville Show www.u2exit.com/2011/07/... #U2360NAS // amen!
@bethandbono Posible Stream :) #U2 #U2360NAS twitcasting.tv/bethandb...
RT @VanderbiltU: The stadium looks amazing. Florence and the Machine rocking the house. #U2VU
.@lacytite I'm in V-Nosebleed. Still get to say I saw U2 though. #U2VU flic.kr/p/9YZj8E
45 minutes until the boys take the stage... Who's in Nashville with me? #U2 #U2VU
One last fairly priced drink before I go into @u2vu U2 in Nashville!
@ariel_dlafuente "@u2gigs: Possible stream tonight via @bethandbono: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360NAS #U2VU"
At vanderbilt stadium for U2 #u2vu, #u2360nas