U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

Larry Mullen Jr. in East Rutherford Last night. #U2360NJ #Larrymullenband flic.kr/p/a5NwHu

Adam Clayton Shirt unbuttoned in NJ last night. #U2360NJ #U2 #AdamClayton flic.kr/p/a5KF28

RT @atu2 Final setlist and recap of #u2360nj - www.u2tours.com/detail....

The Claw Before the show in East Rutherford, NJ Last night. #U2360NJ flic.kr/p/a5Nw5d

My Pictures from last nights U2 show in East Rutherford / New York #U2 #U2360NJ flic.kr/s/aHsjvoLU7R

Great review of the epic #U2360NJ show RT @RollingStone "U2 revisited the Nineties at an epic show last night" www.rollingstone.com/mu...

Me on News 12 at the U2 show last night. V. embarrassed! www.news12.com/articleD... Was with my brother HAL not AL lol. #U2360NJ

RT @u2gigs: Scarlet has been played 41 times so far this tour; that's more than I Will Follow! #U2360NJ

FOI LINDO!! =D RT @nanymata r u enjoying that, @patiazevedo ? I hope so!!! :** RT @Eva_hewson: ONE #U2360NJ

@scatterolight Funny thing though, he perked right up for Out of Control! :) #u2360nj

Anyone need the claw when the #U2360NJ tour's over? www.panthermanagement.c...

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ owl.li/5JPW3
RT @U2TOURFANS: Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ owl.li/5JPYU
Gran noche la de ayer estuvo excelente ese concierto fue mi último 360 #U2360NJ gracias por todo U2 =)

@Artfuleck Yes, U2 concert was EPIC. "Bad" would have made it perfect. I'm still smiling in the show after glow. #U2360NJ

unbelievable show, well worth being a little sleepy today #u2360NJ; ode to in-the-house "Bruuuuce" beauty

RT @dan_friedman: Before the lights came on, before #U2 took the stage, here is "The Claw" in all its glory. #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thit3

Caramba as fotos do #U2360NJ tão mto fodas , só tem foto massa

RT @U2TOURFANS: Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ owl.li/5JPYU
But it was other-worldly, transcendent end to my 360 tour. Thanks U2 & crew for an unforgettable 2 years- See you on the next one! #U2360NJ

That's pretty close to how it went down RT @msmitty00: @PatrickECassidy here's your brain when you see shiny lights bit.ly/aiHzmy #u2360nj
So 'Bad' was actually on setlist last night (zomg!), but not played-- Guess the stars weren't aligned correctly... ;-) #U2360NJ

Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ owl.li/5JPYU

To the 'fan since Joshua Tree', thanks again for selling me the GA at face. I hope you get back the kindness you gave. #U2360nj #U2
Audioboo: Tonight at new Meadowlands with U2 360... inside THE RING! It was AMAZING. Here the warming up: #U2360NJ... boo.fm/b418505
Audioboo: Tonight at new Meadowlands with U2 360... inside THE RING! It was AMAZING. Here the warming up: #U2360NJ... boo.fm/b418505

"@u2mexico: 24. With Or Without You – #U2360NJ"// @sergioposadas @AndresJsoriano @ramonCamacho @adgalue @adrianerana @edsonmora @EdGamboaG

To the *fan* selling his Edge-signed GA ticket for north of $200, you missed a great show. #u2360nj
And naturally Pride in the Name of Love comes on the radio at Alice's :) #u2 #U2360NJ #Fermilab

Last night's show was unbelievable! Awesome setlist, unforgettable performance! Thanks #U2. You guys are the best!!!! #u2360nj

Last night was incredible! #U2360NJ

My photos from last nite #u2360nj www.flickr.com/photos/c...

Bono, Larry, Adam & The Edge, thanks 4 the rocket ship ride, it was great. Good luck on the rest of the trip n' hope to see U again #U2360NJ

RT @mikekerwick: Did i really get U2 and the word "planetarium" in the same story? My U2 review: www.northjersey.com/new... #u2 #u2360NJ

Did i really get U2 and the word "planetarium" in the same story? My U2 review: www.northjersey.com/new... #u2 #u2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ owl.li/5JPW3

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should've been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control". See NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thjsj @atu2

U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ owl.li/5JPW3

U2's encore last night should've been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control". See NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thjsj @atu2

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thjsj

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thjsj

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5thjsj

It was probably just too hot! @KDCaulfeild I wonder if they found out the set list had been spoiled & so they stopped at one?? #U2360NJ

@bethandbono I wondered if they found out that the set list had been spoiled & so they stopped at the last one?? #U2360NJ

RT @atu2: Bono says that another crew member has had a baby -- that's 18 since the 360 tour started. #u2360nj