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U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

Larry Mullen Jr. in East Rutherford Last night. #U2360NJ #Larrymullenband

Adam Clayton Shirt unbuttoned in NJ last night. #U2360NJ #U2 #AdamClayton

The Claw Before the show in East Rutherford, NJ Last night. #U2360NJ

My Pictures from last nights U2 show in East Rutherford / New York #U2 #U2360NJ

Great review of the epic #U2360NJ show RT @RollingStone "U2 revisited the Nineties at an epic show last night"

Me on News 12 at the U2 show last night. V. embarrassed! Was with my brother HAL not AL lol. #U2360NJ

RT @u2gigs: Scarlet has been played 41 times so far this tour; that's more than I Will Follow! #U2360NJ

FOI LINDO!! =D RT @nanymata r u enjoying that, @patiazevedo ? I hope so!!! :** RT @Eva_hewson: ONE #U2360NJ

@scatterolight Funny thing though, he perked right up for Out of Control! :) #u2360nj

Anyone need the claw when the #U2360NJ tour's over?

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ

Gran noche la de ayer estuvo excelente ese concierto fue mi último 360 #U2360NJ gracias por todo U2 =)

@Artfuleck Yes, U2 concert was EPIC. "Bad" would have made it perfect. I'm still smiling in the show after glow. #U2360NJ

unbelievable show, well worth being a little sleepy today #u2360NJ; ode to in-the-house "Bruuuuce" beauty

RT @dan_friedman: Before the lights came on, before #U2 took the stage, here is "The Claw" in all its glory. #U2360NJ

Caramba as fotos do #U2360NJ tão mto fodas , só tem foto massa

RT @U2TOURFANS: Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ

But it was other-worldly, transcendent end to my 360 tour. Thanks U2 & crew for an unforgettable 2 years- See you on the next one! #U2360NJ

That's pretty close to how it went down RT @msmitty00: @PatrickECassidy here's your brain when you see shiny lights bit.ly/aiHzmy #u2360nj

So 'Bad' was actually on setlist last night (zomg!), but not played-- Guess the stars weren't aligned correctly... ;-) #U2360NJ

Bono and The Edge bring A-game this time #U2360USA #U2360NJ

To the 'fan since Joshua Tree', thanks again for selling me the GA at face. I hope you get back the kindness you gave. #U2360nj #U2

Audioboo: Tonight at new Meadowlands with U2 360... inside THE RING! It was AMAZING. Here the warming up: #U2360NJ...

To the *fan* selling his Edge-signed GA ticket for north of $200, you missed a great show. #u2360nj

And naturally Pride in the Name of Love comes on the radio at Alice's :) #u2 #U2360NJ #Fermilab

Last night's show was unbelievable! Awesome setlist, unforgettable performance! Thanks #U2. You guys are the best!!!! #u2360nj

Last night was incredible! #U2360NJ

Last night's U2 show was incredible. More than worth the wait. #U2360NJ

Amnesty International kids with lanterns. #u2360nj

Larry's in there somewhere. Drums are not really mobile. Lol! #u2360nj

Bono, Larry, Adam & The Edge, thanks 4 the rocket ship ride, it was great. Good luck on the rest of the trip n' hope to see U again #U2360NJ

RT @mikekerwick: Did i really get U2 and the word "planetarium" in the same story? My U2 review: #u2 #u2360NJ

Did i really get U2 and the word "planetarium" in the same story? My U2 review: #u2 #u2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should've been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control". See NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ @atu2

U2's 360° tour dazzles Meadowlands crowd #U2360USA #u2360NJ

U2's encore last night should've been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control". See NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ @atu2

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ

RT @NYCelticSoul: U2's encore last night should have been "Bad" & "40" after "Out of Control" according to NJ setlist I got #U2360NJ

It was probably just too hot! @KDCaulfeild I wonder if they found out the set list had been spoiled & so they stopped at one?? #U2360NJ

@bethandbono I wondered if they found out that the set list had been spoiled & so they stopped at the last one?? #U2360NJ

RT @atu2: Bono says that another crew member has had a baby -- that's 18 since the 360 tour started. #u2360nj

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