U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT
“@u2mexico: Una buena foto de la garra en #U2360NJ – cl.ly/8e8b/o t.co/hrrKZ9M”// espectacular que buenos recuerdos
Gimme one last chance to slide down the surface of tweets.... #u2360NJ
I wish so bad I was at #U2360NJ
@CFOTTC are u guys at the meadowlands right now rocking out with #u2 #u2360nj
Yes, Bono has the sunglasses on. #U2360NJ
01. Real thing 02. The fly #U2360NJ
Desisto desse streaming do 100mikes, essa bosta fica limitando o número de ouvintes, me dá nos nervos! #U2360NJ
RT @u2_news: 02-The Fly - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC #U2News
RT @u2gigs: The Fly follows in second #U2360NJ
@u2aovivo Aaaaaaaaaaaaaimmm quero streaming tb :( #U2360NJ
parou de vez '-' #U2360NJ
Space Oddity opening the night, then 1. EBTTRT and now 2. is The Fly! #U2360NJ
2. The Fly #U2360NJ
The Fly follows in second #U2360NJ
#U2 en East Rutherford, New Jersey: 1- Even Better 2- The Fly... Dicen que Bruce Springsteen está en el estadio ésta noche. #U2360NJ
02. The Fly!! @u2gigs #U2360NJ
u2brasil feed working for me. Nice! #U2360NJ
The Fly #U2360NJ
O show de hoje possivelmente terá boas surpresas. Vamos aguardar! #U2360NJ
Buenas noches U2eros comenzamos la Transmision de U2 en Nueva Jersey en Facebook y Twitter con el #U2360NJ. Sal-U2 y ZOO-erte: FER!"U2"
Even better than the real thing. #U2360NJ
The Fly #U2360NJ
02-The Fly - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC #U2News
Agora sim! #U2360NJ
cortou e sumiu o stream. #U2360NJ
réé voltou com mais chiados que antes #U2360NJ
voltou #U2360NJ
1. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360NJ
5,4,3,2,1...#U2360NJ begins!! Woo hoo!!!
Mas o stream do #U2360NJ tá péssimo demais... aff... nem... espero q o ultimo show tem um link decente! #FãRevoltada
RT @maxtsukino: @ritababy: @BigwaveU2 where's live link for @u2com dear??? for #U2360NJ // as always ---> www.u2.com/community/in...
Even Better Than the Real Thing #U2360NJ
Alguem ta conseguindo ouvir o stream? #U2360NJ
RT @maritenorio_: stream ja elvis #U2360NJ
stream ja elvis #U2360NJ
RT @u2aovivo: E o show em East Rutherford começa! Acompanhe ao vivo pelo nosso stream www.u2br.com #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
@U2Nurse Where's the setlist?!?! Also, reports that Bruce is ITH. Like I said, I totally called it. #U2360NJ #waaaaah
Even Better than the real thing #U2360NJ
RT @partygirlu2: Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360NJ
OMG HAVE FUUUN! Lucky giiirl :D I want to be there with you to see my Larry !! OHHH #U2360NJ RT @DavidsTony: @martahU2 I see Larry!
RT @AllU2: What time is it in the world? #U2360NJ
RT @u2aovivo: 1. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360NJ
RT @AllU2: What time is it in the world? #U2360NJ / #ShowTime :3
começou #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Three potential streams for #u2360nj: en.1000mikes.com/show/u... and twitcasting.tv/popartis... and bit.ly/q9r0Ua