U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT
I won't speculate as to the veracity of the spoiler; but I'd be surprised if it is true. #U2360NJ
“@atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj” @drewholcomb
If this truly is even better than the real thing...OMG RT @racso2099: #U2360NJ spolier :) twitpic.com/5t8mbl // IS THIS REAL????
@Trap_33 what time is it in the world? #U2360NJ #U2
RT @RotherEK: Something is starting... #U2360NJ #U2
@EdgeFest have fun! enjoy the show!!!!!! #U2360NJ
Já disse:sem stream,vou dormir -' #U2360NJ
Something is starting... #U2360NJ #U2
Okay, so.... I've been sent a setlist spoiler. Don't know whether to post the list or not. Three surprises at the end though... #U2360NJ
Set list leaked from #U2360NJ #U2360NYC IS KILLING ME!!!!! And @bethandbono is not there to let us in the sound. She should have a nite off!
[2] RT @Andreama2010: #U2360NJ começa logo, estou quae dormindo....
KD #U2360NJ?
#U2360NJ começa logo, estou quae dormindo....
RT @DavidsTony: Crowd's getting impatient. Lots of cheers and people doing the wave. #U2360NJ
RT @EdgeFest: U2222222!!!! Brilliant day. Brilliant friends. Dreams come true - luckily :) #U2360NJ
Full stadium wave has been achieved. Bring out Bono. #U2360NJ #U2
@ultravioletu2 Woo! The place is gonna be rockin!! #U2360NJ
RT @u2gigs: Sounds like Springsteen is in the house tonight; we may have a special set of snippets. #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
RT @EdgeFest: U2222222!!!! Brilliant day. Brilliant friends. Dreams come true - luckily :) #U2360NJ
a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net... El supuesto setlist del concierto de hoy #U2360NJ Solo habrá que esperar =D
Show #7 of U2360 with @KristianaT and her colorful and overwhelmingly descriptive tweets. #U2360NJ predict Out of Control and One Tree Hill
Fourth crowd wave attempt killed by tiers behind claw. Much disapproval from rest of stadium. #U2360NJ #U2
KD esse show q não começa??? #U2360NJ
E a pista está relativamente vazia, em Nova Jersey. #U2360NJ
Que maravilha >> www.u2tourfans.com/u2-t... Show do U2 ao vivo .Ai que saudades!! #U2360NJ
U2222222!!!! Brilliant day. Brilliant friends. Dreams come true - luckily :) #U2360NJ
RT @Anita_Loves_U2: The wave is going around in the stadium! #U2360NJ
Bruce Springsteen is in the house. #U2360NJ
Crowd's getting impatient. Lots of cheers and people doing the wave. #U2360NJ
RT @nytjim: RT @MickiMaynard: For @NYCcyn RT @u2gigs: Sounds like Springsteen is in the house tonight; we may have a special set of snippets. #U2360NJ
anyone know of a livestream? #U2360NJ
RT @DavidsTony: New Meadowlands is PACKED!! #U2360NJ
Ready for #U2360NJ at the Meadowlands !!!!
The wave is going around in the stadium! #U2360NJ
RT @u2gigs: Sounds like Springsteen is in the house tonight; we may have a special set of snippets. #U2360NJ
New Meadowlands is PACKED!! #U2360NJ
Show #7 of U2 360 - great run with @KristianaT and her overwhelmingly descriptive and colorful tweets. #U2360NJ
just a few more moments before U2 take the stage!! this excitement is about to explode #U2360NJ