U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
A buscar el stream de #U2360NJ
@KateUpton did you make it into #u2360NJ yet?
Wish I was at #U2360NJ w @billybonkers listening to Able then Space Oddity then the greatest band in history!!
RT @MickiMaynard: For @NYCcyn RT @u2gigs: Sounds like Springsteen is in the house tonight; we may have a special set of snippets. #U2360NJ
Just about showtime #U2360NJ. Stage almost ready.
não vai dar pra mim ver o stream do #U2360NJ ...aahh! =[
yay seats! but missed Interpol entirely, don't tell Holly! #U2360NY #U2360NJ
RT @DavidsTony: Couple of beach balls down on the floor. #U2360NJ
Wish I was at U2360NJ with @billybonkers right now listening to Able waiting for Space Oddity then the greatest band in history!!
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
Biggest stadium I have ever been in, plus my last 360 show... It's a special one! #U2360NJ
At #U2360NJ ....one of the very few bands left that can actually sell out stadiums. lockerz.com/s/122102720
RT @u2aovivo: Dizem que Bruce Springsteen está no estádio para acompanhar o show. #U2360NJ // AGORA NAO DURMO!!! QUERO STREAMING
Todos querem!Seria a melhor surpresa da noite!!! #U2360NJ RT @lalymartins: #TheBoss+U2 tudo que eu quero!!!
Sounds like Springsteen is in the house tonight; we may have a special set of snippets. #U2360NJ
It's almost time!!! #U2360NJ
@u2aovivo #U2360NJ Aaaaahhh bommm... kkk
#U2360NJ is about to begin 1… 2… 3…
RT @U2TOURFANS U2 Fans in NJ, NY, CT What time is it ? #U2360NJ owl.li/5IXOP
Almost showtime #U2360NJ
U2 Fans in NJ, NY, CT What time is it ? #U2360NJ owl.li/5IXOP
Couple of beach balls down on the floor. #U2360NJ
If Springsteen's only allowed onstage at Philadelphia shows! #jealousofstupidnj&nyers #u2360nj @atu2
RT @u2aovivo: Não é 4º e ultimo show... O que eu quis dizer é que: com este show em Rutherford, faltam apenas mais 4 shows para a tour acabar #U2360NJ
@jusbuss Did you find a live stream of the U2 show in NJ? The only one I found is www.u2tourfans.com/ but that's just tweets & pics #u2360nj
So, apparently Bruce Springsteen is at the show! Here's hoping for a very special ISHFWILF!! #U2360NJ
Não é 4º e ultimo show... O que eu quis dizer é que: com este show em Rutherford, faltam apenas mais 4 shows para a tour acabar #U2360NJ
RT: @DavidsTony: At&T signal sucks at New Meadowlands. Switching to my BB on Verizon. #U2360NJ
"@atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj"
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
RT @u2aovivo: Dizem que Bruce Springsteen está no estádio para acompanhar o show. #U2360NJ
RT @marina_uezima: Olha ai @lalymartins. RT @atu2 Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
At&T signal sucks at New Meadowlands. Switching to my BB on Verizon. #U2360NJ
Dizem que Bruce Springsteen está no estádio para acompanhar o show. #U2360NJ
RT @Mariyu23: #U2360NJ o/ vem pra noes udois
RT @u2aovivo: O Interpol já fez seu show de abertura e jajá teremos o U2 no palco. #U2360NJ
Olha ai @lalymartins. RT @atu2 Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
O Interpol já fez seu show de abertura e jajá teremos o U2 no palco. #U2360NJ
MORRA!! @madcosmosrocks RT @atu2 Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj
RT @u2aovivo: Lembrando que, para o stream funcionar direitinho depende muito da conexão no local dentre outros fatores. #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Two sources reporting that Bruce Springsteen is at the U2 show tonight. (Patti Scialfa, too.) #u2360nj