U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

Oh no =/ RT @bethandbono: I wish I spoke the languages being Tweeted to me..... I'm not at #U2360NJ tonight, so no stream from me.

About to rock out with @U2 #U2360NJ

I wish I spoke the languages being Tweeted to me, but I think I get the gist! I'm not at #U2360NJ tonight, so no stream from me.

At the U2 concert. Interpol is on now. wooooo! #U2360NJ

About to rock out with @U2 U2360NJ
Took train here which was great! Can't wait for show to start! #U2360NJ (@ U2 360 Tour - New Meadowlands Stadium) 4sq.com/p6ywuG

RT @U2comZooMods: Follow the #U2360NJ show now with other fans over @U2com - interactive fan stream www.u2.com/community/in... & subs live thre ...

#u2360nj yay I know this song. Interpol.
*Sambit sendal jepit! RT @insomnisa: Iiiih, enak banget sih nonton konser di siniiii! Ga ada 4L4y-nya! #U2360NJ
RT @U2comZooMods: Follow the #U2360NJ show now with other fans over @U2com - interactive fan stream www.u2.com/community/in... & subs live thre ...

Follow the #U2360NJ show now with other fans over @U2com - interactive fan stream www.u2.com/community/in... & subs live thread t.co/ITYJDVt

#u2360nj Jake glyenhall or however you spell it is watching Interpol from tunnel.

RT @u2mexico: Interpol ya en el escenario de #U2360NJ :)

vou tomar banho, dah um jeito na unha e espera pra ver qleh desse show ae #U2360NJ

I'll believe those last 3 songs on the "leaked setlist" when it happens. Keep dreamin' #U2360NJ
Set list leaked by stadium security? I say fire every last one of them ! #U2360NJ

Interporl warmin up for #U2360NJ
RT @bethandbono: Not that I don't want #U2360NJ to be a spectacular show, but black Arial on white paper ain't hard to fake. #onlyhatincauseimnotthere

RT @bethandbono: Not that I don't want #U2360NJ to be a spectacular show, but black Arial on white paper ain't hard to fake. #onlyhatincauseimnotthere

Interpol, opening for U2. #U2360NJ. It takes so much guts to be an opening act. Good night so far. yfrog.com/kjnf3epj


RT @bethandbono: Not that I don't want #U2360NJ to be a spectacular show, but black Arial on white paper ain't hard to fake. #onlyhatincauseimnotthere

RT @bethandbono: Not that I don't want #U2360NJ to be a spectacular show, but black Arial on white paper ain't hard to fake. #onlyhatincauseimnotthere

RT @partygirlu2: KD o @bethandbono nesse show pra fazer a transmissão via twicam pra gente?KD? =( #U2360NJ

RT @u2mexico: #U2360NJ – Ojo "spoiler", anda circulando, tomarlo con reservas…... a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net...

Not that I don't want #U2360NJ to be a spectacular show, but black Arial on white paper ain't hard to fake. #onlyhatincauseimnotthere

KD o @bethandbono nesse show pra fazer a transmissão via twicam pra gente?KD? =( #U2360NJ

An no bueno, si es cierto lo que acábo de ver, que empiece la desesperada búsqueda del stream del concierto de hoy #U2360NJ

Está no show em Nova Jersey #U2360NJ RT @maiconbarroscos: @partygirlu2 cadeira perto do palco

And Interpol takes the stage #U2360NJ

And the concert begins as Interpol takes the stage #U2360NJ

And a little Coldplay? #U2360NJ #interpol

@dcv2002 omg first thing I thought as soon as they started playing! #U2360NJ #BradPitt?

RT @u2mexico: #U2360NJ – Ojo "spoiler", anda circulando, tomarlo con reservas…... a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net...

Interpol almost reminds me of Chameleons UK. Can I get an Amen? #U2360NJ #postpunk

Aqui: RT @u2mexico: #U2360NJ – Ojo "spoiler", anda circulando, tomarlo con reservas…... a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net...

@maritenorio_ >>> RT @u2mexico: #U2360NJ – Ojo "spoiler", anda circulando, tomarlo con reservas…... a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net...

$40 for a #U2 concert tee. I could fly to Dublin and back on the U2 shirts I've purchased. #U2360NJ

Interpol is playing hard & it's hot #U2360NJ #U2360NYC

I thought the same thing! RT @dcv2002: #u2360nj Does Brad Pitt sing for Interpol? Maybe his stunt double from Fight Club?

@dens see ya there #U2360NJ

#u2360nj Does Brad Pitt sing for Interpol? Maybe his stunt double from Fight Club?
Finally here at my first U2 concert! This is a year in the making! #U2360NJ