U2 Oakland 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360oak
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Oakland with the hashtag #u2360oak. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1700 tweets for the hashtag #u2360oak between 1 Jun 2011, 17:51 and 30 Jun 2011, 17:50 PDT
This made my night.. my day.. my week.. Actually my month! Wish I was there <3 www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360OAK
RT @timothybrag: According to two reliable sources, last night's U2 show was their best Bay Area show in years, if not the best ever. #U2360OAK
still recovering from the #u2360oak show last night. I was in the inner circle with some of my closest friends! Amazing!
I couldnt agree more! RT @akashgarg: Amazing U2 show tonight - definitely worth the 2 year wait #U2360OAK
RT @timothybrag: According to two reliable sources, last night's U2 show was their best Bay Area show in years, if not the best ever. #U2360OAK
Great #U2360OAK gig last night. And great memories for my nephew - his first #U2 concert ever - and my 10th!
according to a likely unreliable source, Bono and The Edge were spotted at El Farolito grabbing burritos at 2am earlier #U2360OAK
Still tired from the awesome #U2360OAK show last night, perfect evening. Can't wait to do it all over again in Lansing with the family!
Still reeling from the U2 show last night on.fb.me/ijB9RE #U2 #U2360OAK
According to two reliable sources, last night's U2 show was their best Bay Area show in years, if not the best ever. #U2360OAK
@wendywright stealing this & putting on Facebook #u2360OAK
RT @wendywright: Barry Sless rocking the stage from the band @moonalice. The sunlight was harsh on the screen...oof #u2360OAK http:// ...
@scatterolight YES I NEEDED THIS #U2360OAK
#U2360OAK Não deu pra acompanhar: sono e o frio não permitiram. Set básico :D
Then finally U2!!!! A couple pics I took. Amazing show! Still in awe! :) u2360OAK yfrog.com/h4t04glj yfrog.com/h7r4fncjj
#u2360oak worth the all day wait. Some show! ..
Barry Sless rocking the stage from the band @moonalice. The sunlight was harsh on the screen...oof #u2360OAK yfrog.com/casundhj
@atu2 Great concert at #U2360OAK last night. I just wish we weren't so far back in the crowd. #sarcasm twitpic.com/58quyh
ears still ringing from U2 bringing down the house last night in Oakland #U2360OAK twitpic.com/58qqfh
Still partially deaf from #u2360OAK
Traffic going to the #U2360Oak show last night sucked. BART saved the night. GA group were awesome. Great show
#U2360OAK awesome! My fave of this tour right behind Dublin shows
My tolerance for staying up past midnight is pretty low. But I'd do it all again for #U2360OAK yfrog.com/gzzkmmnj
@atu2 Yesss it wasss "One Packed Stadium" BEST SHOW EVER, IT WAS AWESOME, U2 ROCKS!!!! #u2360oak #DjSaa @Alltimehitss
@KFOGMORNINGSHOW playing great music this AM as I recover from #U2360OAK show last nite
RT @RobMayeda: U2360 concert: Bono - "Music shaped the Bay Area, the Bay Area shaped the world" picasaweb.google.com/10... #U2360OAK #U2360USA
RT @U2TOURFANS: Larry sings a bit of a Lou Reed song. Lou Reed is at the U2 show in Oakland. #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: Tweet archive for hashtag #u2360oak is here: www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
RT @ZAGrrl This is what too many people, too little space looks like. #U2360OAK lockerz.com/s/108714437 ➤➤➤ cool!
Cannoooooot wait to pounce on the recording from #u2360oak . Larry. with. the singing. *is a fangirly mess waiting for the torrent to be up*
RT @U2TOURFANS: Larry sings a bit of a Lou Reed song. Lou Reed is at the U2 show in Oakland. #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: Bono gets Edge to talk about drinking with Metallica & Green Day, creating their own festival. #U2360OAK
U2 was outstanding last night! inner circle front n center was awesome. stuff was going on all around us! thanks @U2 u guys rock! #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: Hmm ... *scratches head* RT @ZAGrrl . @OhShoesOh Bonohohoh!!!!!!! #U2360OAK @u2com lockerz.com/s/108736194 ~ #inthemoment, Matt!!!
#U2360OAK - Oakland rocked to space and back. Images from Section 237 picasaweb.google.com/10... clks.in/1lpu
@MemphisMullen Sweet! I'll bet that was awesome - it took us all a second, listening in, to figure out what was going on! :D #U2360OAK
o Adam não estava de calça branca O_O #U2360OAK
ODEIO quando fotos de sites não podem ser salvas www.mercurynews.com/ent... >.< #U2360OAK