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U2 St. Louis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360stl

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in St. Louis with the hashtag #u2360stl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3494 tweets for the hashtag #u2360stl between 7 Jul 2011, 13:19 and 20 Jul 2011, 23:21 CDT

Bono jokes fans Larry still upset that band name is not The Larry Mullen Band #U2360STL

#u2360STL was epic! Thanks STL for being a great host!

Lots of great pics and vids from last night #U2360STL here's my fave of #Bono

That was the most beautiful, exciting show I have ever seen. Nothing like it!!! #U2360STL #U2360USA @U2TOURFANS @U2BandOfficial

RT @dgoold: #u2360stl before the show starts and Busch gets packed. #stlcards

RT @atu2: From the Fox 2 webcam: Streets in all its glory #u2360stl

Post #U2360STL musical hangover this morning. Lost of Achtung Baby & Zooropa last night. Fantastic stuff.

Oh what a beautiful morning: a little slow after an entertaining #U2360STL show. What did you think of it?

RT @anaannegues: Putz, ainda tem Rocket Man #U2360Stl

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2's setlist is a little spotty, but they still deliver - Thats what the press said - What do you think ? #u2360STL

U2's setlist is a little spotty, but they still deliver - Thats what the press said - What do you think ? #u2360STL

RT @darrinpatrick: "I went out there in search of experience To taste and to touch and to feel as much As a man can before he repents" #U2360STL

@U2TOURFANS Thank God, for the opportunity of living in this free country and for let us Rock with U2 last night! From VENEZUELA #U2360STL

RT @darrinpatrick: "Baby slow down The end is not as fun as the start Please stay a child somewhere in your heart" #U2360STL

@SomeChum Nice #U2360STL pics. I found it hard to capture the essence in a pic!

Getting ready to depart back to Minneapolis. Goodbye, STL. #U2360STL

Please tell me no one shot Adam or Larry on their way out of town? I don't need Bono writing a song about us. #u2360stl

'What sort of a magic night is this, St Louis, Missouri?' #U2360STL - amazing ? Was it better than Harry Potter ?

"@u2mexico: Para ir cerrando esta sesión una foto desde lo alto en #U2360STL // Impresionante

RT @darrinpatrick: "Baby slow down The end is not as fun as the start Please stay a child somewhere in your heart" #U2360STL

Man! #U2360STL Looked amazing by the pics. Would have been great to be there.

RT @darrinpatrick: "Baby slow down The end is not as fun as the start Please stay a child somewhere in your heart" #U2360STL

RT @JBoyd024: 3:56am. Work complete. Now time to lay my head down after a long, great weekend. #U2360STL was stellar. My brain hurts.

#U2360STL Amazing concert. Close to the stage and just a few feet away from Bono and the rest of the gang from U2.

Must be feeling the Philly hangover. #u2360PHL "@atu2: "FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM" - Bono at end of UTEOTW #u2360stl"

In my second insanely long queue in as many days #LambertAirportisNuts #U2360STL

Watching the sun rise over St. Louie on my way to the airport after #U2360STL

RT @atu2: +1 RT @davidmmegee: I nominate Bono for Worship Leader in Heaven. #U2360STL

RT @u2_news: Goodbye St. Louis... Next stop: NYC #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL #U2360NYC

RT @u2_news: Moment Of Surrender #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL

3:56am. Work complete. Now time to lay my head down after a long, great weekend. #U2360STL was stellar. My brain hurts.

Its difficult to describe how amazingly cool it is to hear 50,000 people singing the same song together. #U2360STL

RT @djundi: 'Larry is still upset that they changed their name to U2 from the Larry Mullen Band'...Bono...#U2360STL

'Larry is still upset that they changed their name to U2 from the Larry Mullen Band'...Bono...#U2360STL

RT @JRBooker44 Amazing U2 show tonight is St. Louis! #u2 #stlouis #U2STL #U2360STL

I wish you could have been there. #U2360STL

RT @atu2: +1 RT @davidmmegee: I nominate Bono for Worship Leader in Heaven. #U2360STL

My favorite pic of the night. Before the show. #U2360STL #U2STL

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