U2 St. Louis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360stl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in St. Louis with the hashtag #u2360stl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3494 tweets for the hashtag #u2360stl between 7 Jul 2011, 13:19 and 20 Jul 2011, 23:21 CDT
Bono removed jacket early & spent much of the show in a black t-shirt. Took many pics to feed my & @AraTrask Bono arm addiction #U2360STL
#U2360STL great night, great friends, awesome show. I'll never get tired of U2. They respect their fans by always giving their all!
Spent Streets kneeling on the floor pouring water over my head after almost fainting. I rallied & was back up for HMTMKMKM #U2360STL
Photo: Thank You, Good Night, God Bless... #U2360STL flic.kr/p/a4Hckx
#U2360STL was great! Great band energy, playful Bono, Hallelujah into Streets. Sadly, the heat got me despite rigorous hydrating.
RT @stltoday Flash review: U2 at Busch Stadium July 17 www.stltoday.com/entert... #u2360stl #u2stl
.@U2TOURFANS Thanks for Arab Spring, Burma, @amnesty, Edge throwing solidarity fist toward my section #u2360stl #wiunion #egypt
13 hours. 100+ degree heat. All worth it. Saw an excellent show and had a great spot right by the stage. #U2360STL twitpic.com/5ryuty
@jvaragona One of my favs! They played it tonight. Got a pic of Bono singing the opera part. #U2360STL twitpic.com/5rytkp
RT @TillieElvrum: Can I get an Amen?! RT"@atu2: +1 RT @davidmmegee: I nominate Bono for Worship Leader in Heaven. #U2360STL"
@360FromTheEdge Thanks for highligting Arab Spring, Burma, @amnesty, throwing solidarity fist toward my section #u2360stl #wiunion #egypt
Great U2 show! Thanks to the DeWitts for allowing the best band in the land to use Busch Stadium! #U2360STL #U2STL yfrog.com/khh5exxj
No real surprises on setlist for #u2360stl (those who say they were surprised havent listened 2 the band in years) still a great time 4 all!
Oh you looked so beautiful tonight #U2360STL
another amazing show! Got to see The Fly live #u2360stl, was nice after teaser at #u2360sea. One more day in STL, then it on to New York!
Just got back from U2 such an amazing concert one of the best I have ever seen and i have seen hundreds . #U2360STL Pictures later
Officially seen U2 in both old & new Busch Stadium. Amazing how shows just keep getting bigger thx to tiny LED lights. #U2360STL #fb
@gregjonssonpd Thanks for the RT. Great to see so many fan pics. What an unbelievable show. #U2360STL
Still wired up from the concert! #u2360STL
Tonight's #U2360STL Set List via U2Tours.com blog.crumblrr.com/blog/...
Rt @huyMach: photos from the U2 concert at Busch Stadium in St. Louis: stltoday.mycapture.com/... #U2stl #u2360stl
@whitenerjeffrey I was at the 87 concert too! Jeff, no exaggeration...tonight's show was unbelievable #U2360STL
@atu2 Follow me i will have some good.vids from the.front row! #u2360stl
@atu2 Follow me i will have some good.vids from the.front row! #u2360stl
RT @streboRekiM: @U2TOURFANS Beautiful Day was my favorite song. Loved Bono's story about playing at #washu 30 hrs ago. #U2360STL
Went in with general admission, left with the memory of Bono 15 feet away. Amazing live concert! #U2360STL #U2STL
Can I get an Amen?! RT"@atu2: +1 RT @davidmmegee: I nominate Bono for Worship Leader in Heaven. #U2360STL"