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U2 Winnipeg 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360wpg

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Winnipeg with the hashtag #u2360wpg. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 1890 tweets for the hashtag #u2360wpg between 29 May 2011, 20:58 and 28 Jun 2011, 16:37 CDT

RT @atu2: RT @E_Kesselman: במה מושקעת u2 #u2wpg #u2360wpg

RT @U2junkie: I miss U2 when you're not around!! #U2360WPG

1,2,3...14!!! Vertigo - U2 #U2360WPG

Não tem como não pular com Vertigo!!! As imagens então naquele telão... OMG, é de pirar!! #U2360WPG

RT @U2_News: RT @atu2: RT @RealDanOBrien: One of the best..#bono plays #winnipeg.... #u2 #U2360 #U2360WPG

E todos gritam: hello ... hello... #Vertigo .... #U2360WPG

RT @louisy_u2: Escutar um show do u2 é bom, mas nada como estar lá. #u2360wpg

RT @u2mexico: «Unos, dos, tres… catorce!» #U2360WPG

hello hello... hola .. I'm at place called Mexico #U2360WPG

By the way, if you're just tuning in, here's the full set so far as updated on the mainpage: #U2360WPG

RT @atu2: RT @E_Kesselman: במה מושקעת u2 #u2wpg #u2360wpg

RT @atu2: 15. Vertigo #u2wpg #u2360wpg

acho impressionante como 'vertigo' se transforma ao vivo. #U2360WPG

RT @louisy_u2: Escutar um show do u2 é bom, mas nada como estar lá. #u2360wpg

........ Uno dos tres Catorceeeeee #U2360WPG

é agora q grito 1,2,3,14 #U2360WPG

RT @U2_News: RT @atu2: RT @RealDanOBrien: One of the best..#bono plays #winnipeg.... #u2 #U2360 #U2360WPG

Vertigo...TODOS PULA #u2360wpg

@DanCrux Listening Live from Winnipeg Canada (online) I miss #U2, It sounds good!! (#U2360WPG live on )

RT @thiagocholant: Are you ready to lift off? VERTIGO! #U2360WPG

Uno, dos, tres, catorce! Spanish lessons with irish accent.....#U2360WPG

1... 2... 3... 14!!! Audio en vivo de #U2360WPG en - Si se va el stream, nomás dénle refresh!


‎1, 2, 3, 14 vertigooooooooooooo¡ #U2360WPG

«Unos, dos, tres… catorce!» #U2360WPG

E AGORA... 1, 2 , 3.... QUATORZE!!! U2 NA VEIA (#U2360WPG live on )

gente cortaram city? #u2360wpg

Are you ready to lift off? VERTIGO! #U2360WPG

Tão gravando um DVD em Winnipeg também? Tem de ser tão fodástico assim???? #U2360WPG

15th is Vertigo. #U2360WPG

RT @louisy_u2: Escutar um show do u2 é bom, mas nada como estar lá. #u2360wpg

15-Vertigo (Winnipeg) - #U2 #U2360 #U2360WPG #U2360CAN #U2WPG #U2News

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