U2 Winnipeg 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360wpg
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Winnipeg with the hashtag #u2360wpg. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1890 tweets for the hashtag #u2360wpg between 29 May 2011, 20:58 and 28 Jun 2011, 16:37 CDT
U2 SAO PAULO Brazil April, 13th. I was there. (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
Yo también (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
yo estuve en el concierto del 25 de marzo (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
Essa música me lembra a brincadeira de roda do show de Milan da Vertigo Tour #U2360WPG
All I want is yooooooooouuuuuuu! #U2360WPG
Pensando na @Crisgrandemagne ... sua song guria... #U2360WPG =*** #Saudades
All I Want Is You!!! (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
OMG..... é para me matar mesmo.... #U2360WPG
All I Want Is YOUUUUUUUU #u2360wpg
... all i want is you #U2360WPG
Doesn't actually recognize man (most) of these #u2360wpg songs. Make me glad I didn't pay to hear them
So many people are talking about how cold it is in Winnipeg... how bad is it? #U2360WPG
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
RT @FenskePeg: Before broadcasting facts about our city, U2 should have first figured out Winnipeg has 2 n's. #U2360wpg yfrog.com/h729296582j
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
"All the promises we breake from the cradle to the grave, when all I want is YOU!!..all I want is YOU!!!" ... #U2360WPG
@EdgeFest Thanks a ton for the live feed from #U2360WPG. 'tis awesome.
Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
All I want is you in #U2360WPG me quiero morirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
All I Want is YOU <3 #U2360WPG
Kd @Rita_InsaNNa a música dela #U2360WPG
i really i'm enjoying #U2360WPG
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
"@brittanymahood: #U2 obsessed much? That's fine. Unfollow me. twitpic.com/54ff3p #U2360 #U2360WPG" / JAJAJAJA ñ_ñ lala
Alguien estuvo en el concierto del 25 de marzo¿? (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
RT @eversonu2cover: All I Want Is You INTEIRA é de fuder.. #U2360WPG
All I Want Is You - Uma das músicas mais lindas desse mundo #U2360WPG
14 yrs ago I was at the Popmart show. The couple who are with me tonight were 10 at the time. Must be "take your pa to #U2360Wpg night".
All I Want Is You INTEIRA é de fuder.. #U2360WPG
Much as I LOVE the quality of @EdgeFest's feed, I'm gonna have to call it a night to keep some surprises for Montreal :-) #U2360WPG
cansei, twitter ta atrapalhando o strem #U2360WPG fuui. #twitteroff
RT @u2mexico: 08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
RT @u2gigs: Eighth song of the night is All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
RT @kipress: #u2360wPg I can hear the U2 show 2.7 km away.
All I Want Is You #U2360WPG <3 <3 <3 <3
#u2360wPg I can hear the U2 show 2.7 km away.
Pelo visto,tiraram I still de vez do set e colocaram All I want is you #U2360WPG
RT @atu2: 8. All I Want Is You #u2wpg #u2360wpg
RT @KissTheFutureU2: U2 360º Tour - Winnipeg: 8. All I Want Is You u2kissthefuture.blogspo... #U2360WPG
putz! muito bom! escutando #U2360WPG uhhuuu! All I want is you!
RT @U2_News: 08-All I Want Is You (Winnipeg) - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360WPG #U2360CAN #U2News
RT @u2mexico: 08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
"@nantyfree: U2!!!!!!!!!"/ aquí te dejo en vivo winniped #u2360WPG twitcasting.tv/edgefest... disfruta!