U2 Winnipeg 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360wpg
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Winnipeg with the hashtag #u2360wpg. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1890 tweets for the hashtag #u2360wpg between 29 May 2011, 20:58 and 28 Jun 2011, 16:37 CDT
All I Want Is You aaaaaaaaaaaaah linda demais #u2360WPG
RT @U2_News: RT @TammyCodato: AAAAAAAAA GENTE RT @brittanymahood: #U2 obsessed much? That's fine. Unfollow me. twitpic.com/54ff3p #U2360 #U2360WPG
Ai Deus, All I Want Is You S2 #u2360wpg
RT @U2_News: 07-Until The End Of The World (Winnipeg) - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360WPG #U2360CAN #U2News
08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
Todos choram agora #u2360wpg
All I Want Is You!!! #U2360WPG
RT @TammyCodato: AAAAAAAAA GENTE RT @brittanymahood: #U2 obsessed much? That's fine. Unfollow me. twitpic.com/54ff3p #U2360 #U2360WPG
All I Want Is You agora pra mexer com o meu psicológico. #U2360WPG
Momento choradeira! RT @andreia_hewson 8. All I Want is You #U2360WPG
AIWIY #u2360wpg e tchau mesmo pra ISHFWILF do setlist....
8- All I Want Is You #u2360WPG
08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
All I want Is You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #U2360WPG
All I want is you... :') #U2360WPG
AMAZING!!! (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
And Edge is having some guitar problems; no doubt distracted by @EdgeFest's sign during this song! #U2360WPG
All I Want Is You..!!!!!! #U2360WPG <3
8. All I Want Is You - ISHFWILF stills out of the set list #U2360WPG
08 - All I Want is you #U2360WPG
RT @u2mexico: 08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
RT @atu2: 8. All I Want Is You #u2wpg #u2360wpg
All the promises we make From the cradle to the grave When all I want is you. #U2360WPG
Aww, B-Man banter! This is what I miss, fellas. #U2360WPG
Dallas no palco!!! AI QUE LINDO!! #u2360wpg
08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
All I Wan is YOU *-* #U2360WPG
Bono falando que U2 esteve há 14 anos em Winnipeg e que estão de volta.#u2360WPG
Sounds awesome! RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Winnipeg twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360WPG
Putz.....murri...All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
Gente vou chorar a qlqr momento ....#U2360WPG ... All want is you!!!
RT @U2_News: RT @TammyCodato: OMG OLHA ESSA FOTO RT @brittanymahood: we have an okay view #U2 twitpic.com/54fh2o #U2360 #U2360WPG
08. All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
Assim que o No Line foi lançado, particularmente achava que Magnificent tinha potencial pra ser abertura #u2360wpg
It's way past Chop's bedtime, but he's sat next to me saying "That's Bono. How does he fit inside your computer?" It's magic! #u2360wpg
#u2360WPG Even Better than the Real Thing / I Will Follow / Get on Your Boots / Magnificent
RT @U2Argentina: Ahora, en vivo desde Canadá: U2 360° Tour Winnipeg! #U2360WPG twitcasting.tv/edgefest
RT @u2mexico: 04. Magnificent #U2360WPG
#u2360wpg 04. Magnificent thanks for the LIVE STREAM
Se escucha la raja el concierto, pero a ver hasta cuanto llega la bateria XD (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
não consigo gostar desse remix de 'magnificent'. aliás, não consigo gostar de remix nenhum. #U2360WPG