U2 Winnipeg 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360wpg
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Winnipeg with the hashtag #u2360wpg. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1890 tweets for the hashtag #u2360wpg between 29 May 2011, 20:58 and 28 Jun 2011, 16:37 CDT
RT @superdodi_noU2: Se foi dormir cedo #U2360WPG vai rolar ate a madrugada
Nostalgia... #U2360WPG
RT @u2gigs: For those missing the stream, you can find it here: twitcasting.tv/edgefest #U2360WPG #U2WPG #U2360CAN
I'm done! #U2360wpg (@ Canad Inns Stadium w/ @brij_gallagher @therielsharon @snowbear @rob_mauer @fallenninja) 4sq.com/lhOT3U
RT @u2gigs: For those missing the stream, you can find it here: twitcasting.tv/edgefest #U2360WPG #U2WPG #U2360CAN
RT @andreia_hewson: TO ME SENTINDO LÁ 'DENTRO' DO SHOW.. PQP #U2360WPG
For those missing the stream, you can find it here: twitcasting.tv/edgefest #U2360WPG #U2WPG #U2360CAN
RT @u2ers: Os canadenses estão de parabéns! Mexicanos, argentinos e afins, aprendam rsrs #u2360wpg
RT @u2ers: Os canadenses estão de parabéns! Mexicanos, argentinos e afins, aprendam rsrs #u2360wpg
Whoohoo! Cerrando el fin de semana con un stream en vivo desde Winnipeg. #u2360wpg
RT @u2ers: Os canadenses estão de parabéns! Mexicanos, argentinos e afins, aprendam rsrs #u2360wpg
#u2360wpg - You guys do it right. Snowbird flyover to welcome #U2? Must have been excellent. See you in T.O. #onelove Hamilton superfans.
@andreia_hewson eu tbbb deiaaa...to chorandooooooo #u2360wpg
RT @u2aovivo: 3. Get On Your Boots #u2360wpg
Se foi dormir cedo #U2360WPG vai rolar ate a madrugada
Agora as meninas botam suas botas sexies! #u2360wpg
RT @francisdarche: Ce soir #U2 est à Winnipeg! Voici le live feed: twitcasting.tv/edgefest... (via @atu2) #U2360WPG
RT @Liliperucchi: RT @u2gigs Big thanks to @EdgeFest for the first real stream of this North American leg!Hopefully there will be many more to come #U2360WPG
The future needs a big kiss!! #U2360WPG
RT @DaleRM: #U2 adds "Oh Canada" snippet to "Get On Your Boots" !! :-) #U2360WPG
Judging by the audio stream it only took two tunes before the crappy new material. #U2360wpg
AGAPE you walk away I will follow! #U2360WPG
#U2 adds "Oh Canada" snippet to "Get On Your Boots" !! :-) #U2360WPG
RT @u2mexico: Audio en vivo de #U2360WPG en twitcasting.tv/edgefest :)
03. Get On Your Boots #U2360WPG
RT @u2ers: 3. Goyb #u2360wpg
RT @u2mexico: Audio en vivo de #U2360WPG en twitcasting.tv/edgefest :)
RT @U2_News: 01-Even Better Than The Real Thing - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360WPG #U2360CAN #U2News
RT @u2mexico: Audio en vivo de #U2360WPG en twitcasting.tv/edgefest :)
I Will Follow #U2360WPG
02 - I will follow #U2360WPG
RT @U2_News: Live stream twitcasting.tv/edgefest #U2 #U2360WPG #U2360
ok sound pretty clear :) (#U2360WPG live on twitcasting.tv/edgefest... )
2. I Will Follow #U2360WPG
#U2360WPG even better than the real thing!
RT @u2mexico: Audio en vivo de #U2360WPG en twitcasting.tv/edgefest :)