@U2start Thanks! @paulmjonesy posted us that one from your site earlier. Fab capture of the moment.
@paulmjonesy @dalevinsohn Wow, that was quick and a pretty good photo of the moment. Thanks!
To anyone who has taken photos during Ultra Violet at East Rutherford 1 please check this request from Dan …. twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Occams_Blazer Correct selfie stick usage. https://t.co/zNPR5QJrpl
u2songs CTV on #Canada150 stage. Looks like a b-stage, multiple video screens on the stage, calling for thunder and lightni… https://t.co/G1zVD12axE
Danny_Clinch Wow back in NJ tonight where i took this photograph almost 30yrs ago at the Amnesty… instagram.com/p/BV8SRPCgz36/
markpeterboro U2 set list chart after East Rutherford second night (20 gigs) #setlistgeek #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 @u2gigs https://t.co/ZTZgkkcIVo
JKeatingx @atu2 @U2start @u2gigs A few from tonight #U2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 https://t.co/tHfDeRlGow
Hoosier2012 @u2gigs Interesting that the close of the show was a trio of Achtung Baby tracks. I love that.
TomTalksStuff .@u2gigs I’ve seen U2 seven times, twice this tour - I’ve heard Gloria 3 times overall and now am 2 for 2 on shows this tour with MW #crazy
douglasmintz @dbnarz @u2gigs Woman danced on stage with bono during mw. Showed her on the screen.
@maxtsukino Sí. Las palabras más importantes de la sabiduría que hay. Nos llevamos el uno al otro.
@hangingoninquie Should be noon EST. #curiousminds
@maxtsukino Gracias a ti también. Gracias por traer la paz, por estar allí.
ChelseaClinton Better picture than I took! Thank you Beth! twitter.com/bethandbono/st…
KateBolduan Bono just gave a shout out to journalists tonight as he sang In God’s Country. Thank you @U2 https://t.co/SUIyE18QyS
I miss Ax
I’ll also be around earlier in the day for Bono and Edge’s one song for #Canada150 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
We’re here for one more night in this first leg. We will see you on Saturday, Canada Day, for a concert in Cleveland #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Our article for tonight is here: u2gigs.com/article1190.ht… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Thanks to @laurenm269 and @popartist for the mixlr streaming. Much love to all the U2 fans who stuck with me through a difficult night.
And the house music is playing. U2 is done for the night. Mysterious Ways is added in, One closes. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
_Dream_Out_Loud @dbnarz @u2gigs No video during MW.
Hear Us Coming snippet #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
dbnarz @u2gigs If they did both MW and Ultraviolet, what were the visuals on the screen? Did they repeat the same women-themed video?
One. Is this the last song or will we stretch to 23? #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Attack_oftheJoe @u2gigs Bring back that piano intro.
AntonioMbass @u2gigs 23 songs or ending with One? Place your bets…
Wow, good call! #identicalset #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 RT @rileyfan0208: @u2gigs @JohnBender83 July 20/21 2005 in Milan I think!
That is the second song tonight I did not expect.
Oh, Ultraviolet is STILL HERE! Take that Ax! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Every 2 tours U2 changes Mysterious Ways. ZooTV and PopMart was with piano intro. ET & VT guitar solo. 360 & IE no solo. Now solo again.
gigsandbooze @u2gigs Maybe it changes to Miss Venezuela for the south american leg??? @U2 @U2Venezuela1
@u2br Cheers
@JohnBender83 My guess would be a PopMart concert if it has. Before that, maybe Unforgettable Fire tour.
@U2Baja @skid63 @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 I look forward to that.
nobody_home2 @u2gigs Hah I did call it ????
Also I missed that Vertigo snippet. I’m missing a lot tonight… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
First change from last night, and that guitar sounds a bit unhealthy at the beginning. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Mysterious Ways is back #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Here’s a Spanish lesson for ya: Vertigo lyrics open with “Unos, dos, tres, catorce”. That’s actually “Some, two, three…”, not one!
Vertigo makes 19 songs in a row identical to last night… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
I REALLYYYY hope I don’t have to look up the last time U2 played the same set consecutively in the same city… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
I’ll have to revisit that later, snippet 100 may have just snuck past our ears… People Have the Power keeps it at 99 for now.
Elevation is next #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Was that a snippet before People Have The Power? I couldn’t make it out. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@U2Baja @skid63 @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 Cheers Baja.
Bono thanks Ronald Reagan at the end of Miss Syria. Now Beautiful Day. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Miss Syria is our encore opener. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@skid63 @U2Baja @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 Some people consider Zealandia a continent, although it is over 90% sunken.
@skid63 @U2Baja @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 Depends how you break them down. Some consider Europe, Asia, and Africa one continent, Afro-Eurasia
Ditto. Removed my hat in Toronto for it. RT @atu2: Always feel like I need to stand and bow during “Mothers of the Disappeared.” Or kneel.
Mothers of the Disappeared, still my favourite Joshua Tree song. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@flor_olivieri My wife is Mexican, I learned and understand the Latin American viewpoint on USA from her. I agree with it too.
Exit #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@flor_olivieri No problem. Just a different way it is taught in school. Here in Canada we learn two continents. I envy you for that.
One Tree Hill #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@U2ITNOL2UU2 He’s either forgotten or is saying it as part of Red Hill. #TheJoshuaTree
JoaoEvanildo @atu2 @u2gigs I just hope they consider doing RHMT on the next legs with guitars. Keyboard is beautiful, but the guitar’s soul of this one
HardingKelli A lot has happened in stage visuals since ’87 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 #U2 #U2JoshuaTreeTour2017 @u2gigs @U2 @MLStadium???? https://t.co/0eRksxGuug
Anyways, moving on to Trip through Twitter #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
This tweet should not have spawned as many replies or arguments as it did. I really don’t understand that mobile.twitter.com/u2gigs/status/…
In God’s Country. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
So we’re a bit behind/distracted right now. Usual Tree order, RTSS and now RHMT #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@KimPopmart @U2_News More than happy to and exactly what I tried to say. They couldn’t accept that. Sigh.
@maxtsukino Max, you’ve been trying this whole time to stop the argument. I have no problem with you at all. You’re still an amigo =)
@U2Baja @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 Exactly…
@U2uruguay That is a good thing. I’m glad to know I don’t have to worry about distressing you with my “arrogance”, or Matt’s, or Ax’s.
Bullet the Blue Sky #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@U2uruguay English-speaking countries are more than just America. As a Canadian, being called a Yankee is just damn offensive.
@U2uruguay Okay, I’m done arguing with you tonight. I tried to show how nobody was wrong, you threw that in my face.
I Still Haven’t Found My Stupid Argument Pills en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia… #U2TheJoshuaTreeTour2017
@U2uruguay @mofomat @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 Seriously, this is a dumb argument. The definition of a continent depends on where you grow up
California snippet #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@U2uruguay @mofomat @maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 In Latin America people are taught they are one continent. In English countries, taught are 2
Can you tell I was unprepared for Bad to show up tonight? #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Streets starts to sprout #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Pride #U2TheJoshuaTreeTour2017
This is Bad’s 9th consecutive appearance. Last time it had that in one leg was Zooropa leg of ZooTV (leg 4) #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Crap, now I need to find (and count) that string of shows! RT @AntonioMbass: @u2gigs Lets hear the stat loud and proud now!
I was not expecting Bad. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
It’s Bad… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
coolian2 @u2gigs en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Horse_w… THROW A CURVE BALL IN THERE BONO
@pappy90 Because the bass line in this lower-pitched New Year’s Day sounds so incredibly menacing. I love it.
@Giuseppie82 Probably both.
Menacing Day #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Sunday Bloody Sunday #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Waterboys starting. So is @popartist on mixlr mixlr.com/popartist/ #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
I’m more than happy to leave you in darkness if all you’re trying to do is needle me. I’ve got better things to do than get pissed off.
Seriously, this kind of pointless nitpicking in a need to try and “best” us in some way only serves to irritate.
Suffice to say, depending on what definition you use there are between 4 and 7. I use the 7.
Unfortunately the twitter character limitation is too short to do a dissertation on the various definitions of continents.
@hibricc Ax is either drunk or asleep, it’s Matkin tonight =) And no, PopMart had zero Zooropa songs (not counting the taped Lemon remix)
Bad will either be played the most times consecutively since ZooTV or the streak will snap at 8. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
If Beautiful Day gets a new snippet tonight it will be that magical 100th. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Looks like my half an hour call was the right one? Bugger. @fakebono must be memorizing ASOH’s lyrics #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@maxtsukino @Giuseppie82 “America” is not a continent. North America and South America are.
@BeeZee05 Ahh
I… don’t actually have anything to say in the mainpage summary. They better blow us away tonight or the article gonna be awful short!
@BeeZee05 That is what penultimate means
It’s the penultimate night of leg 1, and the last doubleheader in America this tour. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
10 minutes to go if U2 are on schedule. Half an hour if not. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
scatterolight #spotted Spike Lee in VIP by soundboard #U2theJoshuaTree2017
Mommajaayyy @u2 @u2gigs #jt30 #joshuatreetour2017 #foxboro @GilletteStadium #bono pls share and RT - maybe the owner will be l… https://t.co/BClwd3r0xh
scatterolight Got the red one. #U2theJoshuaTree2017 @MLStadium https://t.co/iIorKiqUa0
popartist61 Going live on Mixlr ‘popartist on Mixlr’. Listen here mixlr.com/popartist.
sethckal @atu2 @U2start @u2gigs WOWOY is at least 3rd song checked at Metlife NJ2 #U2theJoshuaTree2017 #U2JT30 https://t.co/sfN6FX9QiU
@matt_shoreditch To be honest U2’s management seem to condone the unofficial lists, if only through indifference.
@U2Baja Exactly. Yet there are people acting as if a few tweets or posts in obscure Facebook groups are sufficient… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@matt_shoreditch @Bonoshoneybee @Mart_Shoreditch @Bonozevolik We will block you so that you never know a setlist again bwahaha
@sethckal @atu2 @U2start @MLStadium Not surprised they’re rehearsing this one! I (Ax) won’t be awake for show but predict ASOH, MW, IWF back
sethckal @atu2 @U2start @u2gigs Sound checking here @MLStadium and it sound pretty awesome. https://t.co/A6lHgvs9iW
@matt_shoreditch @Bonoshoneybee @Mart_Shoreditch @Bonozevolik Mine is a better colour. Try harder next time.
@matt_shoreditch @Bonoshoneybee @Mart_Shoreditch @Bonozevolik Sorry I already bought a sharpie and wrote 1 on my hand.
@remygardien @sb_wreeldeal But when security says no queue & sends people off property, running an unofficial line… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@matt_shoreditch @Bonoshoneybee @Mart_Shoreditch @Bonozevolik Hey, hey, where are Matt and I! -Ax
We do our best to disseminate news about unofficial lines but these seriously disadvantage fans who don’t check social media 24/7.
I (Ax) have simple view on GA line debate: no line that violates the official instructions given to all ticketholders should be honoured.
@NateIngraham Oh yes. There’s always a deep cut that people are excited to see come back, only for it to vanish pretty quickly.
sb_wreeldeal @u2gigs How does starting a GA line even work? Do you just show up near the venue and say I DECLARE MYSELF ONE and plant a flag?
MiamiVice95 @u2gigs @stevovertigo The venue takes precedence & that’s who I’m listening to; I’m sure the elitists will have their say
TheMegs152 @Bonoshoneybee @matt_shoreditch @u2gigs …and they wanted to renumber the line unannounced and remove people inclu… https://t.co/KQLuMecMw6
TheMegs152 @Bonoshoneybee @matt_shoreditch @u2gigs I met a lady in Chicago who’d been checking in w/ her husband for two days…. https://t.co/i078uM5YyM
@JohnBender83 I know that deciding for Peace On Earth in particular gave Ax a real headache.
@u2wanderer It’s understandable! I long to be at a live release just so I don’t have to have fuzzy bootlegs to rely on when revisiting it
@JohnBender83 Until we could implement a medley format in the backened we counted a full First Time as a snippet because Bad continued after
@JohnBender83 Different factors. Length, location in the song (especially Bad, which often resumes after snippets), etc. #snippetrules
@u2wanderer I meant more for being able to experience one you went to over & over again. Filming does make them nervous. Audio usually fine
matt_shoreditch @u2gigs I have a black marker pen and will give you a number and put your name on a list. Any other queues are unof… https://t.co/FP6d2cx3eg
matt_shoreditch @u2gigs I’m starting the queue for London tomorrow at 9am. It will be in Shoreditch until 3pm on 8 July when it will move to Twickenham
@u2wanderer You’ve been there for quite a few live releases! I’m very jealous!
@u2wanderer Could have been crossed wires too. Was filmed as practice and maybe people thought it was for the actual release. Have t ask U2!
@u2wanderer Will never know why they changed their minds but at least Stay got a release later.
@u2wanderer Our biggest joy is being useful! One thing of note, the Elevation Boston release was originally planned to be shot in Toronto
@u2wanderer One small correction, Toronto start in Vertigo was leg 3 not 4
u2songs U2 are joining #Canada150 with a performance. We look at U2’s history in Canada including info on how to watch Sat…. https://t.co/ZySzqLmBLs
Is this a joke? How is Regular GA Ticketholder following official venue instructions meant to know/find this?… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@MitchellDryden In person, absolutely.
@PhilMaves Ax is deciding on it. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
PhilMaves .@atu2 @u2gigs Great show last night. Bad, MOTD, Miss Sarajevo especially moving. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 https://t.co/Ui0nUGoGiU
k_now_waite @u2gigs @u2songs @atu2 not running but info. CLE GA started. Located in walkway between the Rock Hall & Science Center no info on times.
Genuinely can’t believe Elevation has more performances than 40 now. That’s mad. Matkin did a stellar job on stats… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
squintyt4e Brand new U2 tonite - “The Little Things that Give You Away” - Beautiful! youtu.be/IlcwXDqFtF4 - @u2gigs #U2TheJoshuaTour2017 #U2JT30
squintyt4e A beautiful angle tonight in NJ for #U2 - youtu.be/GNR8OVg_WAs - @u2gigs @U2tour #U2TheJoshuaTour2017 #U2JOSHUATREE2017 Elevation
squintyt4e U2 so magical in NJ last night! #U2TheJoshuaTreeTour #U2JOSHUATREE2017 #u2 @u2gigs @U2tour @U2 https://t.co/9cyHxgV5N7
@chrismaguire73 Only a week-long gap so it would surprise me if they changed more than one song.
Oops! Thanks for the catch! Not used to entering that one yet! RT @LarlarGamingYT: @u2gigs hear us coming in one
@rpdunn8 @U2ITNOL2UU2 Hahah, that’s why we’re here. It is a job for us! Albeit not a paid one… Hey Matt, who do I talk to about a salary?
scatterolight the show up at 5:30 pm spot worked out prettty gooood tonite. #U2thejoshuatree2017 https://t.co/E5KehbK8tX
Well that is all from me tonight. See you all tomorrow night. Let’s see how Ax rages about 40 when he wakes up. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
.@U2songs has you covered! u2songs.com/news/thejoshua… RT @litofpigs: @u2gigs where can I find the list of pre show songs?
Possibly even more shocking? Vertigo is only 7 away from tying 40 as well! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
I’m still kinda struggling with that one. Elevation has been played more than 40. It seems impossible. EVERYTHING I KNOW IS WRONG!!!
Fire is next on my iTunes if that helps. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 RT @Maideneer: @u2gigs Can you lie to me and tell me Fire or Seconds is next?
Another horrifying stat: Trip is just 4 performances less than ASOH! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Here is our mainpage summary of tonight with all the little (and in Elevation’s case, stunning) details u2gigs.com/article1189.ht…
markpeterboro U2 set list chart after 19 gigs (East Rutherford night 1) #setlistgeek #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 @u2gigs https://t.co/8e2jcbhRlw
Thank you to Lorevox for the great mixlr tonight, and everyone who shared what was going on. Always appreciated! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Longest streak of Bad since opening of Elevation Tour. Beautiful Day one snippet from 100. Elevation passes 40! WHAT! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Well, sounds like that is it for tonight. And what a night for stats! Ax would be in heaven (and also in a rage) #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
And it is Little Things that closes out the night. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
One more to go based on Larry’s setlist #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@jefco5 Needs Party Girl too.
jefco5 @u2gigs They played 40 over 100 times on the 87 JT tour, that’s why they should be closing out these shows with it!
Rusty_Olson @u2gigs Ugh. Fortunately in my personal stats, 40 leads Elevation by one. Maybe I should never go to another show? ????
@AntonioMbass Every one since Pop. Holy Joe, Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fast Cars. NLOTH2 really the only outlier.
@AntonioMbass It may be the deluxe edition, but it is still the album. They aren’t B-sides or unreleased, so we classify them as album.
It’s a Bowie snippetfest tonight it seems #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
atu2 It’s Only Rock ‘N Roll & Rebel Rebel snippets in Vertigo #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Time for Ultraviolet (Ax Hates Light In His Way) #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
What song do I spy at the end? RT @PhilMaves: .@atu2 @u2gigs Larry’s NJ / NYC shirt #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 https://t.co/2BoxA8e2Za
PhilMaves .@atu2 @u2gigs Larry’s NJ / NYC shirt #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 https://t.co/uPaUGey4bN
And Vertigo is next. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
With tonight’s rendition, Elevation has now been played live more than 40. More than goddamned 40! #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
It is Elevation. And time to blow minds. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
No, we’re only at 99 now! So close! RT @atu2comSherry: @u2gigs Does Bowie’s snippet make it number 100??? #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
I loved the techno babble heads on screen at this part #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@atu2comSherry Gotcha. I missed it getting a drink, haha
Trivia, not upcoming song, I hasten to clarify RT @u2gigs: Preparing to blow some minds in a few minutes time… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@atu2 Star-Spangled Banner snippet do you think? #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Beautiful Day #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Listening to the same set every night on Mixlr gets tiring, but in person it works so damn well and is so amazing. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@MattMackowiak It’s our pleasure!
Preparing to blow some minds in a few minutes time… #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
@MattMackowiak Yes. On setlists they have been listing it as “Miss Syria” or “Miss Sarajevo (Syria)”.
Miss Syria is the encore opener #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
By the end of this leg, MOTD will also pass Van Diemen’s Land and Tomorrow #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Continuing on this theme, tonight Mothers of the Disappeared passed God Part II and ties Touch on performance counts #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
And tonight Exit surpasses Get on Your Boots and Love and Peace Or Else in the performance count too #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
connachtpa @u2gigs @chadd787 Sounds like it. Someone said Hollie and Arran are there too, so Edgetlets are in the house.
@chadd787 @connachtpa His sons are presumably in the audience. Seems the whole family is there tonight.
With this One Tree Hill it has now been performed more than Miami #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Next up is TTYW. It has now been played more often than Stay. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
In A Deity’s Country #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Number of KNOWN performances, I should clarify. #U2TheJoshuaTree2017