U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

RT @SoldierField: THANKS #U2 for a great show THANKS to the crew & staff for making it happen THANKS to the fans for making last night incredible! #U2360CHI

@U2TOURFANS Three shows: two at Soldier Field, and last night's at Busch Stadium. #U2360CHI #U2360STL #U2360USA

@U2BROTHR they did? I couldn't tell at #U2360CHI but I loved them at #U2360EL
pensar q antes debíamos esperar un botleg .. (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @alinegoncalves2: Obrigado pelo stream.. o/ o/ (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @U2Nurse: Thank u Beth from the other Beth! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @CeciSierra: omg! Thank you again Beth. Nice spot! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Thank u Beth from the other Beth! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Obrigado pelo stream.. o/ o/ (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Sweeettttt!!!!!! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

omg! Thank you again Beth. Nice spot! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

thanks, thanks so much for the stream beth (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
si!!! gracias Beth :) (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

yesssssssssssssssssssss (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Thanks Beth for the stream! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @bethandbono: live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360CHI

RT @bethandbono: live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360CHI

RT @bethandbono: live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360CHI

live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360CHI

live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360CHI

On our way to Busch Stadium! :-) #U2360CHI

@darrinpatrick If you're going, get ready for a great show. U2360CHI was incredible. Stay cool out there!

RT @MJR747: #FF U2 Edition! @u2com @360FromTheEdge @360U2 @U2TOURFANS @U2comZooMods @SoldierField #U2360CHI #U2360STL #U2360USA

#FF U2 Edition! @u2com @360FromTheEdge @360U2 @U2TOURFANS @U2comZooMods @SoldierField #U2360CHI #U2360STL #U2360USA

I need the bootleg for #U2360CHI!!!

Oh my gosh, U2. I never thought I'd live to see this day. #onetreehill #holycrap #U2360CHI (draft tweet that never went)

Wait a minute. There IS a bootleg for #U2360CHI, but it's a torrent, not an mp3 file. I don't know the 1st thing about torrents. HALP.

When is anyone ever going to upload a bootleg for the #U2360CHI show?? It's been over a week now, people!

Bono flubbs the Fly because he's reading my sign. #U2360CHI - www.wgntv.com/videobeta...

My #U2360CHI pictures - www.facebook.com/media/...

Una noche como hoy a esta hora hace exactamente una semana estaba disfrutando como nunca viendo a Bono en vivo! *_* #U2360CHI

Una noche como hoy a esta hora estaba disfrutando como nunca viendo a Bono en vivo! *_* #U2360CHI

RT @mattkade: Celebrating the weekiversary of the #U2 show by uploading all my photos from the day. Enjoy! #U2360CHI flic.kr/s/aH ...

Celebrating the weekiversary of the #U2 show by uploading all my photos from the day. Enjoy! #U2360CHI flic.kr/s/aHsjvhfd7H

Still missing #U2360CHI but encouraged by the Montreal live stream and then pics of Busch Stadium prep for #U2360STL. @atu2
Still missing #U2360CHI but encouraged by the Montreal live stream and then picks of Busch Stadium prep for #U2360STL. @atu2

I uploaded the last of my #U2360CHI photos to this Flickr set: www.flickr.com/photos/d...

Apuesto que el avatar de @AndreaObaid es del megaconcierto de #U2 en el Nacional... #U2360CHI

Quick links to all the #U2360 #fancam pages since #U2360DEN can be found here: community.u2.com/topic/... #U2360TOR #U2360MTL U2360CHI #U2360NAS ..

Working on my new blog post about #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs I get a little giddy whenever U2 play One Tree Hill, I must admit. #U2360CHI >> agreed, wish I was there 2night

@atu2 Or even Trying To Throw Your Arms Around The World (#U2360CHI)!
New Year's Day! Three big changes from last night. Two changes from #U2360CHI with Stuck in place of Stay & NYD instead of Pride. #U2360MTL

RT @U2eXit: RT @spun2u: FYI, What looks like a great recording of the Chicago show just pop'd up on @u2torrents u2torrents.com/torrents... #U2360CHI #U2360MTL

RT @spun2u: FYI, What looks like a great recording of the Chicago show just pop'd up on @u2torrents u2torrents.com/torrents... #U2360CHI #U2360MTL

FYI, What looks like a great matrix recording of the Chicago show just pop'd up on @U2torrents u2torrents.com/torrents... #U2360CHI #U2360MTL

dammit !!! I have volume down on cubs game to listen to U2 concert streaming online and U2.com is having difficulities !!! #u2 #u2360chi