U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

You know that big packing bubble wrap? That's what the blisters on the bottoms of my feet are like. #gingerly #U2360CHI

Here are 2 of the U2 photos I have posted from from last night's Chicago show: flic.kr/p/a12eyP flic.kr/p/a14VXU #U2360CHI

RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Videos - Chicago noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News

THANKS #U2 for a great show THANKS to the crew & staff for making it happen THANKS to the fans for making last night incredible! #U2360CHI

THANKS #U2 for a great show THANKS to the crew & staff for making it happen THANKS to the fans for making last night incredible! #U2360CHIC

Wishing I was heading back down to Soldier Field for a second night of #U2360CHI.

RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Videos - Chicago noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News

U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Videos - Chicago noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News

@ESPNChiSox Any news on U2 at the Sox game earlier in the week? #WhiteSox #U2360CHI

U2 left Chicago at around midnight last night from Midway Airport. They are in Montreal today. #U2360CHIC

RT @jimporett: The gentle, brief rain that fell only during the end of Streets last night felt like God was nodding His approval. #grace #u2360chi

All of my pics/vids from U2 last night in Chicago. plus.google.com/photos/... #U2360CHI

After a day's contemplation, I've decided U2 is the last great rock band - at least in the 20th century modus operandi. #u2360chi

Set list from #u2360chi updated and posted http;//www.u2tourfans.com

RT @martahU2: U2 in Solder Field, Chicago (05/07) – Setlist, Videos and Photos u2nt.com/2011/07/u2-in-... via @U2_NT (To be updated soon) #U2360 #U2360CHI
U2 in Solder Field, Chicago (05/07) – Setlist, Videos and Photos u2nt.com/2011/07/u2-in-... via @U2_NT (To be updated soon) #U2360 #U2360CHI

Here's a link to my flickr set from the U2 show: www.flickr.com/photos/v... #U2360USA #U2360CHI

RT @BeautifulDay36: And as for my reaction hearing Out of Control live for the first time it was: omg-omg-is-this-a-dream-no-its-100-percent-real!! #U2360CHI

For Greg Carrol this is one tree hill www.youtube.com/watch?v... Tweeted this yesterday hours before #U2360CHI and it was played. Will try others..

Love, we shine like a burning star, we're falling from the sky. Tonight. #thefly #flashbacks #u2360chi

RT @WTSHNN: Awesome shot! blogs.suntimes.com/musi... #u2360chi #u2

@ESPNChiSox Bono said on stage that Adam and Larry (at the least) were there. #WhiteSox #U2360CHI

The gentle, brief rain that fell only during the end of Streets last night felt like God was nodding His approval. #grace #u2360chi

So remind me to add "write a theological/liturgical review of the show" to my to-do list today. #U2360CHI @Scharen would be proud. :)

U2 was amazing!!! Had soooo much fun!! #U2360CGO

"Mister, I ain't a boy, no I'm a man, and I believe in a promised land..." adds an exclamation point to the song's eschatology! #U2360CHI

Loved the snippet of Springsteen's The Promised Land at the end of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For... #U2360CHI

What an amazing concert! Great energy, stunning visuals -- my first U2 show and I can't wait for the next! #U2360CHI

"We run like a river/ runs to the sea/ & when it's raining/ raining hard/ that's when the rain will/ break the heart" #NowPlaying #U2360CHI

U2 360 at Soldier Field was amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!! Only the best could do that!! #U2360CHI

Nice shots, Will RT @willbyington: Two of my fav #U2 shots from last night while enjoying #U2360CHI. #Bono instagr.am/p/HFMUz/

Pretty much. RT @WTSHNN @bethandbono's head just exploded at the start of out of control. #u2360chi

Apparently I cry during "walk on" now. It's what I do. #U2360CHI

RT @ChristyRae75: Benediction: an utterance of good wishes. I think that describes the rain at the end of Streets perfectly. #U2360CHI G ...

After the awesomosity that was U2 last night . . . taking my niece and nephew to the Sox game today. #Epic #WhiteSox #PaulStar #U2360CHI

Heading home after the greatest concert I have witnessed. Great time in Chicago. #U2360CHI @ MDW Chicago Midway gowal.la/c/4yhGb

U2 rocks Soldier Field - PhotoGallery - Chicago Sun-Times: www.suntimes.com/photos... #U2360chi

RT @jimporett: My video from last night of U2 playing their full song "One Tree Hill" for the 1st time in the US since 1987! www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360CHI

U2 show = incredible. Have seen them twice before, but Chicago was hands down the best. #u2360chi

U2 360 Chicago was amazing!That had to be the best U2 concert that I have seen (attended all 360 Chi shows and listened to many) #U2360CHI

Benediction: an utterance of good wishes. I think that describes the rain at the end of Streets perfectly. #U2360CHI God approved.

U2 360 hits Chicago. abclocal.go.com/wls/sto... #U2360CHIC