U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

#U2 Why tease with North Star in Glasto? North America would love to hear it too. #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: Any Twitter hashtag suggestions for Chicago? #u2360chi was already used in Chile a few months ago.

Proposal written, review submitted, suitcase packed. Ready for #CHICAGO tomorrow & #U2360CHI Tuesday. Excited!!

I have 1730 songs on my iPod. "Bad" from 360 Chicago 1 just came on as I sit in my hotel room in Chicago. #u2karma #U2360CHI

I understand Chicago's known as Second City. I've no idea what that feels like. Just thinking about it sends a chill down my spine #U2360CHI

Lady Gaga's new single is about U2's guitarist, right? Right? (2 days!!) #u2360chi

Still exhausted from last night's U2 show at home and getting on a plane for the next one! #U2360CHI

Chicago GA line at 27 ppl. @atu2 #U2360CHI

FYI: Looks like there's a Chicago GA line. @atu2 #U2360CHI

On the way to #U2360CHI @ BNA Nashville International gowal.la/c/4xjSW
TWO MORE SLEEPS! *happy dance* #U2360CHI

I have a video of all of MoS and AIWIY in their entirety. Have to see what my Internet is like at #U2360CHI

@8amch #U2360chi Here we are and here we go! #conlosLopez-tapiaadondesea!

U say u'll give me eyes in a moon of blindnessA river in a time of drynessA harbour in the tempestWhen all I want is you@RoccoME91#U2360CHI

#U2360chi Waiting for the U2 day
@uxinaz Middle of inner circle should be available when gates open. For rail il you'll have to line up. Follow #U2360CHI for local details.
Just completed booze run for #u2360chi. Future linemates, your company is thanks enough. ;)

Anyone have a picture of the claw in chicago today? #U2360CHI

If you are going to any of the upcoming #U2shows, we are looking for #reviewers !! www.u2.com/news/title/r... #U2360NAS #U2360CHI #U2360Min

#NP Beautiful Day-U2 cuenta regresiva: faltan 3 dias para #U2360CHI!!

Chicago U2 fans!!!!! I have posted news about this Tuesday's GA event on my site: iamau2fan.com/?page_id=... #u2 #u2360CHI #u2360 #atu2 #u2tourfans
Settled into Chicago last night for the 4th and for #U2360CHI. Expecting a fantastic time. Ready with my #atu2 tee.
Ugh. #ihatewhen you wake up to realize your superhero awesome dream isn't reality. In other news, 3 more sleeps till #u2360chi!

RT @U2TOURFANS: Help us reach 10K by Monday ! #u2360CHI

RT @4danlopez: OMG!!! The Claw is in Chicago! #U2360CHI

OMG!!! The Claw is in Chicago! #U2360CHI
RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - En Chicago empezó el montaje de la Garra noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360 ...

RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - En Chicago empezó el montaje de la Garra noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360 ...

U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - En Chicago empezó el montaje de la Garra noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News

RT @U2TOURFANS: Help us reach 10K by Monday ! #u2360CHI

So I'm trying to decide if I should bring my Epiphone Explorer or U2 3 to try to get signed by U2 at #u2360chi Any suggestions?

Only if I can be here Tuesday night... #U2360CHI (@ Soldier Field) [pic]: 4sq.com/kJcYMQ

RT @U2TOURFANS: Help us reach 10K by Monday ! #u2360CHI
RT @U2TOURFANS: Help us reach 10K by Monday ! #u2360CHI

Help us reach 10K by Monday ! #u2360CHI

@U2Chile tienes la caratula del DVD del #U2360CHI? creo que habia una ...
Ya Julio por fiiiin! Faltan solo 4 dias para verte #U2360CHI

I guess I have to start packing for #U2360CHI, #U2360MTL, and #U2360TOR

Well, there you have it, folks... RT @U2Baja: @u2gigs @RomiTheWriter I think it will still be #u2360CHI since it has been 2 years

@u2gigs @RomiTheWriter I think it will still be #u2360CHI since it has been 2 years

@pvree Well, I think the point was not to use the CHI tag, since it was just used for chile...but yeah :-D #U2360CHG #U2360CHI #U2360CGO