U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

En route to #u2360chi

Travel to Chicago every U2 tour. If they do Soldier Field again, we won't be back. Ridiculous venue security. #U2360CHI #ImissUnitedCenter

4:26 am, in line for U2. #U2360CHI

Sleeping on concrete. #completelyideal #U2360CHI

Just woke up for #U2360CHI blahhhh so tired

boa RT “@U2comZooMods: Follow the #U2 show in #CHICAGO www.u2.com/news/title/f... #U2360CHI What surprises are in store for today's show?!”

Follow the #U2 show in #CHICAGO www.u2.com/news/title/f... #U2360CHI What surprises are in store for today's show?!

Just giving my wife a shout out for our 3rd year anniversary. I'm at #U2360CHI but we will party together for #U2360MTL

RT @EdgeFest: Thank you @U2BROTHR @EdgeyPoptart @CapnKeeks and all the peeps that showed up tonight. Unforgettable evening! #U2360CHI

Thank you @U2BROTHR @EdgeyPoptart @CapnKeeks and all the peeps that showed up tonight. Unforgettable evening! #U2360CHI

U2 drinking with us at Celtic Crossings. #U2360CHI #U2lies

#U2360CHI just a few hours for the 101 show of U2's 360 tour... I want to sing "Stay" and I'm waiting for many surprises

#U2360CHI tomorrow!

I guess Im not sleeping tonight!! Going to Chicago in the morning and then #U2360CHI

#U2360CHI sleep now, then 5am train to Soldier Field

Trying to get some sleep tonight before heading to Chicago for #U2360CHI

RT @vaawilliams: @U2TOURFANS #U2360CHI U2! U2! U2! Chicago here we come - can't wait til tomorrow!

I CANT WAIT!!! Less than 24 hours!! #u2360chi

@M4rk013 WHAT TIME IS IT IN THE WORLD.... #u2360Chi

Going to sleep now, and in just a few hours I'll be on a road trip to Chicago for #u2360chi
2 great days and a great 4th in Chicago - check. Glimpse of The Claw at Soldier Field - check. Tomorrow, U2 Nation once again. #U2360CHI

Before the pub saw a dude get tasered for resisting arrest and assaulting a bus driver. Chicago, baby. #U2360CHI

Wondering if a certain person posting @ Interference about #U2360CHI line owns a YMCA shirt or perhaps a bald head & serious case of asshole

Getting a few things ready for our trip down to Chicago tomorrow. #U2360CHI #U2360USA

Absolutely raucous epic party at Celtic Crossings tonight. #U2360CHI

@EdgeFest WOW! Me -> you = AWE! #U2360CHI

Twin sis & I looking forward to attending the #U2360CHI on our birthday, think the band will sing happy birthday to us?
One more day! #U2360CHI

RT @U2comZooMods: If you are going to any of the upcoming #U2shows, we are looking for #reviewers !! www.u2.com/news/title/r... #U2360NAS #U2360CHI #U2360Min

Goodbye, Chi-town. Good luck, U2 GAers. May you get your spot and not cut throats on the way to getting there! #U2360CHI

RT @u2radiocom: We will be broadcasting the #U2360NAS concert tonight just after 8:00 pm eastern time, that's just over an hour from now! Tune in! #U2360CHI

@u2gigs anyone going to #U2CGO???

RT @EdgeFest: Hey Chicago - Celtic Crossings tonight at 7pm - 751 N Clark St. Join us for a U2 fan pissup - a few Jamesons and Guinnesses - #U2360CHI

Hey Chicago - Celtic Crossings tonight at 7pm - 751 N Clark St. Join us for a U2 fan pissup - a few Jamesons and Guinnesses - #U2360CHI

Beer today. U2 tomorrow. Do I need to say that I'm pretty much euphoric? #happy4th #u2360CHI

RT @U2Start: (continued) If you have a GA ticket or know of somebody who does, feel free to contact me at likeasong (@) u2start.com. THANKS. #u2cgo

RT @ChristyRae75: GA list keeper is sitting under a tree, south side of soldier field across from door #2 #U2360CHI #U2360CGO

GA list keeper is sitting under a tree, south side of soldier field across from door #2 #U2360CHI #U2360CGO

If I have to be in line at 4 tomorrow I want to go to sleep NOW. #U2360CHI

@U2TOURFANS #U2360CHI U2! U2! U2! Chicago here we come - can't wait til tomorrow!

Two dudes need to put on a beanie and a pair of shades and walk out onto a balcony at the Park Hyatt. Chi would lose it #U2360CHI #U2lies

Apparently they were waiting fit us at the bar there. Must have mixed our signals. #U2360CHI #U2lies

Just met Bono and Edge in the lobby at the Holiday Inn Express! Or not. #U2360CHI

gallon of arnold palmer. bring it on #U2360CHI

Got tired of waiting for you, Bono and Edge. Was even going to splurge and buy you $14 martinis... #U2360CHI img.ly/5Rgx

I'm number 122 in the #U2360CHI GA line.

Ok Bono and Edge. @Bonogirl360 and I have the corner table at the Sig Lounge at John Hancock with 2 extra seats. Where are you?! #U2360CHI

Can see the Claw from the lounge at John Hancock Bldg! #U2360CHI

Come on Bono and Edge come have a Cheezeborger Cheezeborger Cheezeborger chips and Coke with @Bonogirl360 and I at the Billy Goat. #u2360CHI