U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

@MrStuckey2u: What should I say to Bono when I meet him tonight? #U2360CHI (friend from MI going with son a… (cont) deck.ly/~9x2FZ

Security talking about moving us inside to get others out of the sun. We kind of like our shady spot though. :( #metaphorforlife #U2360CHI

woke up today, looked at the clock.. 9:09 AM its time for U2 #U2360CHI

@u2start GA is very organized. Pens by the 200-people or so. #564 and counting, prob 750 in line. #U2360CHI

Metaphorically getting my party pants ready for tonight #u2360CHI @danharting

U2 Brings Blind Fan Onstage To Perform 'All I Want Is You' | Rolling Stone Music www.rollingstone.com/mu... via @rollingstone @u2360chi

ok so I get to see the boys again tonight! #U2360CHI

"Where's Wilco?" RT @MrStuckey2u: What should I say to Bono when I meet him tonight? #U2360CHI

What should I say to Bono when I meet him tonight? #U2360CHI

Can't wait for the U2 Chicago show tonight. Had to wait a year, but got to visit Chicago twice!! #u2360chi
And it's U2 Chicago Day at last! Been here since Friday night anticipating the awesome. #U2360CHI
@darylcripe where are your seats? We're in section 428 (aka a different zipcode from the stage). Should be amazing NMW! #U2360CHI

#u2360CHI #u2 #u2360 #u2tourfans Welcome to Chicago U2 GA! I'm coming down to hand out copies of my U2 memoir Read here iamau2fan.com/?page_id=...

I'm number 80 in line. Hmmm? Outer or inner rail for #U2360CHI?

U2 revives ‘Miss Sarajevo’ on tour - Chicago Sun-Times: www.suntimes.com/624907... via @AddThis @U2360CHI

To those waiting in line #u2360chi would you find out if purses are a no go? They were at Detroit show last week. Thanks in advance!

Me!!!!! "@davebost: tonight....U2! Who's going? #U2360CHI"

U2 is playing for us today at Soldier field #u2360chi

If you remember the guy who wore Edge pants and a yellow shirt in 2009, he's next to me in line. #U2360CHI

12 hours until U2 at Soldier Field!!! I'm getting really excited!!! #U2360chi

tonight....U2! Who's going? #U2360CHI

8h20m da manha e ja esta 29 graus em chicago. Cidade fervendo para #U2360CHI logo mais no Soldier Field !!!

Getting ready for another #U2360 show tonight in Chicago. This will be my last show of the tour. I'm going to make the most of it #U2360CHI

Great. I see the trend of peace and love shared among U2 fans continues in #U2360CHI #GladImNotThere

RT @U2LineNazi: Baldy and Bleach Barbie line jumpers from Nashville are in line at #U2360CHI. Those in front of them beware of trampling ...

I will follow #U2360CHI

Tonights the night #U2360CHI
The day is finally here...headed to Chi-town to see U2! #U2360CHI

RT @mattkade: The scene outside Soldier Field @ 7am. Grassy lawn + shade = happy day :-) #U2360CHI twitpic.com/5lkd1t

Baldy and Bleach Barbie line jumpers from Nashville are in line at #U2360CHI. Those in front of them beware of trampling & dickheadedness.

Its here! Its here! Its here! #U2360CHI

The scene outside Soldier Field @ 7am. Grassy lawn + shade = happy day :-) #U2360CHI twitpic.com/5lkd1t

Can't wait for u2 concert tonight in chi town #u2360chi

@wowhorse What a beautiful sight Oh wishing I was there with you all! My people! #U2360CHI

Anticipation mounting for #U2360chi tonight at Soldier Field! #Chicago

What time is it in the world? Showtime? #U2360CHI

Good Morning Chicago We will be out today looking for U2tourfans signs #u2360chi

On my way to #U2360CHI in a few. Wondering how long GA line must be already...

Up before 6am and headed downtown for #U2360CHI #fb

RT @U2LineNazi: Wondering if a certain person posting @ Interference about #U2360CHI line owns a YMCA shirt or perhaps a bald head & ser ...