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U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

hello, my name is mr mcphisto... (#U2360CHI live on )

Na espera pelo show na livestream... #U2360CHI

RT @u2aovivo: 1. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360CHI

RT @u2aovivo: 1. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360CHI

Hello Concert from home friends - I can hear but not see it. (#U2360CHI live on )

que horas será q começa o show do u2? #U2360CHI

1. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2360CHI

what? breathe is back!? #u2360chi



Waiting for #U2 to take the stage #U2360CHI

RT @u2mexico: Chequen este panorama desde #U2360CHI

RT @partygirlu2: =( RT @AnaFlaviaMuniz: E a tour vai chegando na reta final..vai deixar saudades e ótimas lembranças #U2360Tour #U2360CHI

RT @atu2comSherry: Think about how much the show has changed since the last time #u2360CHI lifted off back in 2009. It's as if it's a new tour!

RT @u2ers: #U2360CHI - Outro show no Chile? LOL

Putz... pensei que era de novo no Chile #U2360CHI HAHA.

Chequen este panorama desde #U2360CHI

The Real Thing @ #U2360CHI

RT @Deiseoss: 2 membros rs RT @alinegoncalves2 Boa noite povo.. aguardando #U2360CHI :)

RT @atu2comSherry: Think about how much the show has changed since the last time #u2360CHI lifted off back in 2009. It's as if it's a new tour!

RT @partygirlu2: =( RT @AnaFlaviaMuniz: E a tour vai chegando na reta final..vai deixar saudades e ótimas lembranças #U2360Tour #U2360CHI

Think about how much the show has changed since the last time #u2360CHI lifted off back in 2009. It's as if it's a new tour!

=( RT @AnaFlaviaMuniz: E a tour vai chegando na reta final..vai deixar saudades e ótimas lembranças #U2360Tour #U2360CHI

its live now right?? says offline for me. (#U2360CHI live on )

@LaauraZeine kkkkkkkkkkkk não... é em Chicago #U2360CHI

Hey just heard that it started....is that true? (#U2360CHI live on )

E a tour vai chegando na reta final..vai deixar saudades e ótimas lembranças #U2360Tour #U2360CHI

Informações que talvez teriamos livestream aqui: Mas parece que ainda não está 'funfando' #U2360CHI

nope.. wont work for me.. oh well! (#U2360CHI live on )

KD stream kdkdkdkdkd??? #U2360CHI

Hey @jeremypiven there is an open seat next to me and @LaurenStacks at #U2360CHI

Hashtag de hoje é #U2360CHI :)

Por enquanto o link de stream não está online. #U2360CHI

U2360CHI...será q vai rolar?

2 membros rs RT @alinegoncalves2 Boa noite povo.. aguardando #U2360CHI :)

na primeira eu JURO q eu pensei isso RT @u2ers #U2360CHI - Outro show no Chile? LOL

RT @bethandbono: gonna do video for ebttrt. may be switching back and forth. #U2360CHI

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