U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT
Pre U2 concert party at Hard Rock Cafe with Elevation (U2 tribute) #U2360CGO
there is a disproportionately large amount of hot guys at this concert. #U2360CHI
Whoa whoa whoa whoa did they just soundcheck "Zooropa"?!?! #U2360CHI #headmightexplode
RT @wastewheeler: #U2360CHI the band is doing a soundcheck. Edge warms up with "Streets" apparently
RT @nversel: Great day in Chicago, listening to U2 soundchecking Zooropa at Soldier Field #U2360chi
Great day in Chicago, listening to U2 soundchecking Zooropa at Soldier Field #U2360chi
#U2360CHI the band is doing a soundcheck. Edge warms up with "Streets" apparently
Just dropped off Buddy at parents. Mom made us a picnic dinner to go and dad made us an MP3 of U2 songs! #U2360USA #u2360CHI here we come!
"And I have no compass. And I have no map. And I have no reason, no reason to get back" #U2360CHI
RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI, horarios para América (img. Zootopia) – i7.photobucket.com/albu... i7.photobucket.com/albu...
Whoa whoa whoa whoa are they soundchecking "Zooropa"?!?! #U2360CHI #headmightexplode
Sound check underway @ #U2360CHI #2baldguys
Ok. Now hearing the "What Do You Want" chant from Zooropa. #U2360CHI
@U2gigs Zooropa soundcheck! #u2360chi
In GA line for U2 #u2360chi
Still sitting in shade outside Soldier Field for #U2360CHI with my bro. Good times. Stop by if you're here.
RT @cmcdonie: I would just like to point out that U2 is in Chicago and I am not. Insert swear word here. #U2360CHI
I think that's the U2Brother - he's from Toronto...RT @MarilynLynch: Who wad telling me about disco ball helmet? He's here. #U2360CHI
RT @MarilynLynch: Sometimes, lying on someone else's inflatable, trying to schedule peeing, listening to soundcheck, I really think life is good. #U2360CHI
Who wad telling me about disco ball helmet? He's here. #U2360CHI
Too all those waiting out for the boys in Chicago - please stay hydrated! And have fun! And I'm jealous!!!! #U2360CHI
Sometimes, lying on someone else's inflatable, trying to schedule peeing, listening to soundcheck, I really think life is good. #U2360CHI
soundchecking bass and drums :) #U2360CHI
Taking dinner suggestions before U2 concert tonight #U2360CHI
#U2360CHI, horarios para América (img. Zootopia) – i7.photobucket.com/albu... i7.photobucket.com/albu...
@MichyLoz The City of Chicago will eventually auction those @U2com event banners. #U2360CHI RT Twitpic twitpic.com/5lpb1u @u2w
@MichyLoz The City of Chicago will eventually auction those @U2com event banners. #U2360CHI RT Twitpic twitpic.com/5lpb1u @u2w
#charitytuesday U2 concert tonite! Tickets from @JMCousteau Ocean Futures Society holiday auction! #givingisgreat #U2360chi
Tonight #u2360CHI enjoy it
Going to the U2 concert tonight! Really excited! #U2360CHI
@kayirowling Nope. It's u2360chi like for Chicago 2009. I'll capture tweets for both tags anyway.
#U2360CHI (img. Zootopia) – i7.photobucket.com/albu... i7.photobucket.com/albu...
Woah. I dunno distances and such here, but I think I just heard U2 soundcheck WTSHNN from here. #U2360CHI
@u2gigs wasn't the tag #u2360cgo?
RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI es hoy a las 9:00 PM (centro de México)
Soundcheck!!! I think that was Streets... #U2360CHI
#u2360chi any estimates for how many ppl are in line as of 2pm?
Soundcheck! I have hathead, bedhead, and sweaty field worker head. #streets #U2360CHI
T minus 5 hours until #U2360Chi with @arthuralmassy "The goal is soul!"
Follow tweets from #U2360CHI via our twitter live stream which captures all related tweets www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
RT @u2mexico: En la recta final de la gira hoy es #U2360CHI // en 2009 junto con @RaulCamarena estuve allá en el inicio d la gira!!!
RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI es hoy a las 9:00 PM (centro de México)
RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI es hoy a las 9:00 PM (centro de México)
RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI es hoy a las 9:00 PM (centro de México) <<¡¡gracias por la info!!
#U2360CHI es hoy a las 9:00 PM (centro de México)
RT @u2mexico: En lo que llega la hora de #U2360CHI, unas fotos desde el Soldier Field: twitpic.com/5jpmat twitpic.com/5jpmat