U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT

By far one of my favourite shots of the #U2360EDM show. What I would give to turn back time and see it all over ag twitpic.com/55x9wt

By far one of my favourite shots of the #U2360EDM show. What I would give to turn back time and see it all over ag twitpic.com/55x9wt

My Mom & I in the @EdmontonJournal today re: #Bono #U2360EDM www.edmontonjournal.com... (last 3 paragraphs) lockerz.com/s/106977045

My Mom & I in the @EdmontonJournal today re: #Bono #U2360EDM www.edmontonjournal.com... (last 3 paragraphs) lockerz.com/s/106977045

#U2360EDM setlist www.u2gigs.com/show1658...

@rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. twitpic.com/55x8ax

@rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. twitpic.com/55x8ax

RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2

The #u2360edm show last night was absolutely mind blowing. Never seen something so amazing. Thanks @NerdInHiding for sharing it with me. #fb

The #u2360edm show last night was absolutely mind blowing. Never seen something so amazing. Thanks @NerdInHiding for sharing it with me. #fb

@wxander I think the altitude in the nosebleeds was affecting my judgment at the time. All criticism aside, it was a great show. #U2360EDM

@wxander I think the altitude in the nosebleeds was affecting my judgment at the time. All criticism aside, it was a great show. #U2360EDM

RT @BPMDavidStone: Technically, amazing show. But #u2 have mellowed with age - performance was professional but didn't feel electric for me. #u2360edm

RT @Sperounes: Video: Bono talks about his hitchhiking adventures w/ Edmonton Oilers' Gilbert Brule. #U2360EDM. blogs.edmontonjournal.c... @nhl_Oilers
Video: Bono talks about his hitchhiking adventures w/ Edmonton Oilers' Gilbert Brule. #U2360EDM. blogs.edmontonjournal.c... @nhl_Oilers
Video: U2's Bono talks about his hitchhiking adventures with Edmonton Oilers' Gilbert Brule. #U2360EDM. #yeg @nhl_Oilers @vwayner

RT @Sperounes: Video: U2's Even Better Than The Real Thing in Edmonton #yeg blogs.edmontonjournal.c... #U2360EDM

#U2360tour screen is amazing! Yet U find yourself only casually glancing at it due too Bono's stage prescence #U2360EDM yfrog.com/gzj4kbhj

U2 was truly magnificent last night. Certainly the most spectacular show I've seen. #U2360EDM

RT @u2gigs: RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers youtu.be/1oMxE1yPrQw #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2

Going to a U2 concert should be on your bucket list. #U2360EDM
Going to a U2 concert should be on your bucket list. #U2360EDM

RT @ziggs75: #u2360edm was awesome! Here's a pic from last night performing Where Streets Have No Name. #yeg #ymm

@edmontonjournal #U2360EDM Wow my quote made the front page of today's Edmonton Journal! Thanks!

Well, last night was the high point of my life. Not really sure what to do with myself now. #opentosuggestions #u2360edm #fb

Well, last night was the high point of my life. Not really sure what to do with myself now. #opentosuggestions #u2360edm #fb

RT @BPMDavidStone: I think the buskers at Commonwealth would have made more money if they knew more #u2 and less Led Zep #u2360edm

RT @BPMDavidStone: I think the buskers at Commonwealth would have made more money if they knew more #u2 and less Led Zep #u2360edm

Hey Bono.. Way to throw that rose down @sonofolaf 's jacket.. #U2360yeg #U2360EDM #yeg yfrog.com/hsrarclej

@CBCEdmonton Musically, U2 was amazing, of course, but don't know why al the stage hype. ACDC stage performance was way better. #U2360EDM

RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2

Por lo visto el concierto #U2360EDM estuvo poca madre cantaron buenas rolas

Por lo visto el concierto #U2360EDM estuvo poca madre cantaron buenas rolas

@davevonbieker yeah, that was fun - gotta get me one of them laser coats! Oh wait. #onlyforrockstars #U2360EDM

@davevonbieker yeah, that was fun - gotta get me one of them laser coats! Oh wait. #onlyforrockstars #U2360EDM
The people who say they "don't care about U2" sure go out of their way to mention how much they don't care #YEG #U2360EDM