U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
played some wicked air guitar last night w/edge & the boys last night! great friends, great concert, great evening - great times! #U2360EDM
RT @U2_News: 18-Scarlet - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
@LyndsayTWN the weather held out except for a 15-20 minute section of #U2360EDM where it sprinkled buy amazing concert
Thank you U2 for an awesome concert. It was way too long of a wait. I hope we will see you again within 5 years. #U2360EDM
RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2
Magnificent. #U2360edm Thank you U2 for coming back to #yeg and completely killing it. That was a show worth waiting an extra year for.
Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2
Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2
It's a very early morning after the #U2360EDM. Dropping Lili off at Dana's then @hunter_struck and I are going back to bed.
RT @CanShowoff: Holy... RT @fusedlogic: Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
I sure wish I was Gilbert Brule and his girlfriend and gave a ride to a hitchhiking Bono www.edmontonjournal.com... #u2360EDM @jonesry28 @hallsy04
RT @hjwallace1: Same set as Winnipeg. Great show. It rained a tiny bit. He left us singing in the rain...and MOS dedicated to Slave Lake victims #U2360EDM
Holy... RT @fusedlogic: Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
@adammckale it was reported previously that the stage has technology to block cell data. #u2360edm
RT @jenfong: Cell phone light show as Bono dedicates Surrender to Slave Lake. #U2360EDM yfrog.com/gy6f3szj
RT @hjwallace1: Bono intro'd the band as hockey players. All ex Oilers LMJ was Mark Messier. AC was Grant Fuhr and Edge was Gretzky. #U2360EDM
Doing radio while nearly deaf is a weird sensation. Forgot earplugs for U2 last night. That'll learn ya! #U2360EDM
Apparently I'm the only one in #yeg that did not see nor hear #U2360EDM #dontwanttofuckinhearaboutit
Saw #U2360edm & both @dreedge & I survived our late, LATE night. To bed by 1am, up by 330am, & the show was STILL worth it! #mylifeinradio
I don't even know what I am looking at here, but it makes me jealous. RT @hipchic99 #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55sd5x
RT @steven_li: Thanks for the show U2!! You guys really know how to put together an epic rock concert to remember. #U2360EDM
RT @javatyger: RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #yeg #Oilers #U2360edm
RT @hjwallace1: Same set as Winnipeg. Great show. It rained a tiny bit. He left us singing in the rain...and MOS dedicated to Slave Lake victims #U2360EDM
RT @AdamMcKale: One hell of a show. He knew his oilers and had a shout out to Slave Lake. Color me impressed. #u2360edm #NOWU2 #yeg #fb
RT @atu2: RT @northsidechad: Bono dedicated the last song to Slave Lake. #u2360edm yfrog.com/gz9ibmmj
RT @atu2: Here's the #u2360edm setlist and recap on U2tours.com: www.u2tours.com/detail....
RT @u2gigs: So, @hjwallace1 has just tweeted that it was the same set as Winnipeg. That'd be confirmation the acoustic song was indeed Stay. #U2360EDM
RT @u2gigs: So, @hjwallace1 has just tweeted that it was the same set as Winnipeg. That'd be confirmation the acoustic song was indeed Stay. #U2360EDM
3:30am. Just pulled into Lloydminster from #U2360EDM. The sun is coming up and I'm going to bed.
Pretty much the greatest concert EVER #U2360EDM
mind = blown. That was the best show I have ever seen, or will ever see. #U2360EDM #yeg