U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
RT @trishkozicka: One of my favourite moments of the night! RT @jjenfong Entire stadium singing along to With or Without You was kind of amazing. #U2360EDM
So who's home? I don't envy any of you LRT folk. That looked like madness!!! #U2360EDM
RT @arc_pic: Fantastic show. Inner circle was awesome. LOTS of photos to go through. Hopefully I'll upload them tomorrow. #U2360EDM
Imagine picking up Bono!! RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #U2360EDM #yeg
It was a beautiful day #U2360EDM
Fantastic show. Inner circle was awesome. LOTS of photos to go through. Hopefully I'll upload them tomorrow. #U2360EDM
RT @DWKM: #U2360EDM was amazing, fantastic work, touching dedication to Slave Lake at the end, very well done :D
Only thing I didn't like about #U2360EDM... of all the people Bono could've plucked from the crowd, he had to find the drunk/stoned one!
RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #U2360EDM #yeg
#U2 are fucking awesome. Thanks for a great show @360FromTheEdge. #yeg #U2360yeg #U2360EDM.
Great use of Storify by @edmontonjournal tonight, nice work! #U2360EDM #yeg #yegmedia
RT @Sperounes: Wow. I had absolutely no cell reception at Commonwealth Stadium. Thanks, Telus. #U2360EDM
RT @javatyger: RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #yeg #Oilers #U2360edm
@Slummer90 I just looked up #U2360EDM and lots of tweets are about that.
RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #yeg #Oilers #U2360edm
#U2360EDM was amazing, fantastic work, touching dedication to Slave Lake at the end, very well done :D
#u2360edm was killer. Same buzz I had following #u2360arg. "Hold Me," "All I Want Is You," and "Streets" were my personal highlights.
Craziest thing from #U2360EDM tonight was the insane lines for concert t-shirts. Unbelievable.
Just heading home from work. #u2360edm was worth it!
One of my favourite moments of the night! RT @jjenfong Entire stadium singing along to With or Without You was kind of amazing. #U2360EDM
I can't believe U2 did a cover of Rebecca Black's Friday! #U2360EDM #notreally
I don't know if any other concert will live up to the experience we just had at #U2360EDM.
Bono's entrance on a jet pack was awesome though #U2360EDM #notreally
Epic really is a totally reasonable word to describe that U2 concert. #U2360EDM #anthemHeaven
#u2360edm also, Telus sucks. #nicejobduringu2360edmtelusyousuck
RT @KerryPowell: RT @jenfong: .@bengelinas kills it. RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #U2360EDM #yeg
My god the colors #U2 #U2360EDM
#U2360EDM was awesome :) Glad the rain mostly held off!
RT @zacharybear: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono www.edmontonjournal.com... #Oilers #YEG #EdmontonOilers #U2360EDM
So upset that my cell service wasn't working during the #U2360EDM Concert. Thanks for nothing. I wanted to tweet and text!! Dammit!
Obviously U2 was Epic but I also LOVED the circular screen that moved. So cool! #U2360EDM yfrog.com/h25fslflj
#U2360EDM life changing show #yeg #yegmusic
No reception means no live tweets from the U2 show tonight! #Telusfail #U2360EDM
Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
No 3G. Poor cell service. Local tower couldn't handle all of us. But great concert. #U2360EDM yfrog.com/h7lvpnptj
One hell of a show. He knew his oilers and had a shout out to Slave Lake. Color me impressed. #u2360edm #NOWU2 #yeg #fb
RT @jenfong: .@bengelinas kills it. RT @edmontonjournal: Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono edmjr.nl/ileCeG #U2360EDM #yeg
My twitter wouldnt work all through the #U2360edm concert. :( will have to post some more photos tomorrow!
I'm completely exhausted. Been on my feet for the whole show. Dehydrated. Freezing cold. But wow, what a show! #U2360EDM
Bono intro'd the band as hockey players. All ex Oilers LMJ was Mark Messier. AC was Grant Fuhr and Edge was Gretzky. #U2360EDM
Glad my batt died early. RT @ShiningHappy: I think U2 turned off our cell data so we would stop & BE at the concert! #refreshing #U2360EDM