U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
Still can't believe I just witnessed one of the best rock shows on the earth. Mind. Blown. #U2360EDM
A few drops of rain on June 1, 2011 > Downpour on June 23, 2010. #U2360EDM #yegwx
RT @u2mexico: Terminó #U2360EDM
@Kelsnichols when Bono gave you&your bf a shoutout I smiled so much my face hurt. That had to be the BEST random act of kindness! #U2360EDM
Anyone have pics or video of Sunday Bloody Sunday? My phone died before I could get any shots. Msg me if you can help. Thanks #U2360edm #u2
Best concert ever!! #U2360EDM brightkit.com/cmLJ #yeg
RT @disco_blank: Doesn't believe any other band in the world puts on a show like U2! #U2360EDM
WOW!!! #U2360EDM
Thanks to the awesome hotel desk clerk for sneaking us into the hot tub. Jewels on your crown in heaven! #fb #U2360EDM
U2 360° was amazing! Watch for pictures soon on facebook. #u2360edm
@jon_a_thon You're welcome...BTW I saw you from a far on the floor after it was done by merch! #U2360EDM
RT @Sperounes: Wow. I had absolutely no cell reception at Commonwealth Stadium. Thanks, Telus. #U2360EDM
RT @steven_li: Thanks for the show U2!! You guys really know how to put together an epic rock concert to remember. #U2360EDM
Oooooh. Got great audio on my vid of Magnificent for @honey_child. Can't post 'til I get home tho. #U2360EDM
RT @jenfong: Also, crowds made cell phone service a total failwhale tonight. Telus = Does not play well with others. #U2360EDM
I think my ears are going to be ringing for a few days. I really can't complain about that after such a wicked performance #U2360EDM
Exhausted after a very full day. #U2360EDM was excellent. Back to Vancouver later this morn to do it all over again Saturday. #U2360SEA
Thank you U2! See you next month in Montreal and NYC! #U2360EDM
RT @fusedlogic: Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
Agreed “@JulieRohrRice: #U2360EDM - unfreakingbelievable. worth waiting a year extra for.”
RT @khean: No. Effin'. Way. I thought it was a play to the crowd in #yeg. "Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono" www.edmontonjournal.com... #U2360edm
#U2360EDM was a once in a lifetime event! Had a great time with @camlinke. Thanks, @CityofEdmonton #yegtransit for getting me home safely!
#U2360EDM - unfreakingbelievable. worth waiting a year extra for.
Thanks for the show U2!! You guys really know how to put together an epic rock concert to remember. #U2360EDM
@hjwallace1 @edgefest finally home from @U2360EDM. Can't wait to see you guys again for @U2360SEA ! Hugs!
@ninoroy yes #U2360EDM was fab but knoeing Actung Baby is 20 & Joshua tree like 25. OMG feeling OLD!
No. Effin'. Way. I thought it was a play to the crowd in #yeg. "Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono" www.edmontonjournal.com... #U2360edm
Can't believe that ticket was only $39.25. Despite the high location, still got the full experience. #U2360EDM
RT @fusedlogic: Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
Doesn't believe any other band in the world puts on a show like U2! #U2360EDM
Also this one was great. #U2360EDM was beyond words. @atu2 mypict.me/ktZjb
RT @lkurylo: I don't know if any other concert will live up to the experience we just had at #U2360EDM.
The claw was certainly full of surprises! Can't believe how fast they were to tear it down! #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55rtio
RT @fusedlogic: Bono can still sing and that stage was like no other...flic.kr/p/9PxyBr #U2360EDM #yegevents
Bono and the lads call still definitely play. Too bad the crowd is getting so old they're quiet at these big shows. #U2360EDM