Our article on the just-announced 3rd show in Sao Paulo: http://u2.gs/ik #u2360saopaulo
Third Sao Paulo show on 13 April 2011 just confirmed by U2.com http://u2.gs/ij #u2360saopaulo
Here is a third version of All I Want Is You & Love Rescue Me from Sydney. Thanks to Michael for filming. http://u2.gs/ii #u2360sydney
@FernandoDante Sometimes it’s easy and for other shows it’s the same as you experience at the moment. Good luck with getting tickets.
@FernandoDante Looks like they’re not selling anymore via website from what I saw about 1 hour ago.
Been quite some time since a U2 stage has shown up in Perth. It’s going to be U2’s first outdoor concert there too. #u2360perth
@wxander WOWY is dead wood, but at least Bono’s singing it better this year than last. I keep saying, make a rotational WOWY/One slot.
The Claw in Perth is already well under construction in readiness for this weekend’s gigs. #u2360perth
@danschaumann Glad to hear you liked it. I’m sure people will love this clip. It’s excellent :)
Alternative video of All I Want Is You & Love Rescue Me from Sydney with the complete speech before it http://u2.gs/ih (via @danschaumann)
@danschaumann Hehe, I was just about to tweet this as I just found it myself :) Wait a minute :)
@TheWolverine99 Honestly, the only thing I’ve liked about ISHFWILF this tour is the Movin’ On Up snippet.
@NateIngraham Total agreement. ISHFWILF should be rotational, and playing as many songs from ATYCLB as NLOTH is ludicrous.
@dan_scott Construction on the Claw in Perth should have begun by now.
Would love to trade places with those concertgoers bitching that ISHFWILF of all useless songs wasn’t played last night. #u2360sydney
More Sydney 2 Snippetwatch via @thephonebox: Walk On had its usual snippet of You’ll Never Walk Alone. #u2360sydney