ayazasif Photos of opening act #ArcadeFire at #U2360MON
ayazasif Photos of Carney @carneymusic - the first opening act at #u2360mon
They were great, definitely picking up their album.
u2com This is what everyone looked like on final night of U2360° in Moncton, Canada. http://bit.ly/r6xavW
Your setlist is still wrong between Vertigo/SBS … RT @u2com From the final night of U2360, this is ‘Stay’. http://bit.ly/oTxmr9
Your setlist is still wrong … RT @u2com From the final night of U2360, this is ‘Stay’. http://bit.ly/oTxm
@iambradk Just added to the set. Thank you!
Here is a clip of U2’s crew on screen during Crazy Tonight in Moncton http://u2.gs/kE #u2360mon Thanks to Miryclay for the link!
RT @scatterolight: That U2.com video of 40 from Moncton is pretty sweet http://wp.me/p48Qm-rZ #U2360MON
Don’t forget to see if you can Stump Ax! We’ve had some awesome questions so far; can you outsmart him too? http://bit.ly/oPuYdg #U2