ConradGoode @u2gigs @U2 folks cued all ready for a opener 2 nights away? I’d would say those #Irish boys are still pretty dam relevant.
@shopgirl157 Some probably just stop by to take a look but a few camp out already…
@breentony Nope, still waiting on that front. Really hope that’s clarified soon.
@tony_a_rogers Willie Williams tried to persuade them to do October/White As Snow/NYD in Dublin 2009. Wish he’d succeeded.
@tony_a_rogers I’m surprised October into NYD hasn’t been done since January 1990. It would be so easy!
@PhilbyB I’m VERY curious to see if they extend shows. Hope so, but even w/ all rehearsal news, I’m still in “believe it when I see it” mode
@smili72 Thanks, we do our best to put other fanbases to shame. ;)
Oh yes, and we have more rumours about the #U2ieTour continuing into 2016 - Spain this time:…
@tony_a_rogers Ugh I know. What I wouldn’t give to hear Rejoice live…
Big, big #U2 Vancouver update, covering both today’s #U2ieTour rehearsals and setlists from previous ones:…
One more of U2 fans with Brian Murphy at Rogers in Vanvouver #U2ieTour
The people around Rogers Arena #U2ieTour
Here is another one from Stefan #U2ieTour
Vancouver queue photo from our friend Stefan #U2ieTour
U2 03 days. Countdown to iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Tour 2015 #U2ieTour
bethandbono Brian Murphy just came out, told us U2 would be rehearsing another 2-3 hours. Said we should go home, get some sleep.
.@WingzeroF1 maybe we should make song list of abbreviation :-)
WingzeroF1 @u2gigs it took me about 10seconds to figure out WOWY was With Or Without You. I’m not a true fan!!! Lol
In my tweet a couple of minutes ago about songs #U2 rehearsed tonight, I accidentally omitted Beautiful Day, WOWY, & Pride.
bethandbono #u2ietour Tent city in Vancouver. About 30 on list. Some camping. Some checking in.
We will have an article about tonight’s rehearsals & some full playlists from earlier rehearsals within a few hours.
Via @joe_ahorro, other songs #U2 rehearsed tonight: Bullet, Miracle Drug, Streets, and possibly some of One. Sounds like short rehearsal.
Looks like #U2 have finished loading into Rogers Arena and are rehearsing this evening.…
The Vancouver #U2 rehearsal audio keeps coming, so we’ve updated our last article to include the newest clip:…
Larry’s father, Larry Mullen Sr, passed away on Sunday at age 92. RIP.
Now it’s time for audio of one of #U2’s most recent songs, being rehearsed in Vancouver for the #U2ieTour:…