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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

June 18th, 2015

Redrockinfreek Bono gets swarmed on stage HAHA youtube.com/watch?v=OR3FZr… #Montreal #U2MTL #u2 @U2 @U2Community @u2gigs @U2TourFan

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@gunga07 Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like anybody’s uploaded a video of 40 yet but we’ll keep an eye on it.

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markpeterboro U2 Setlist stats after Montreal 4th night (17 gigs) #setlistgeek #U2ieTour #U2 @u2gigs http://t.co/utgIiIlT1C

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JamieHarnett That was amazing @U2 @u2gigs http://t.co/aZglX1cyx1

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Here is the full Montreal 4 setlist and show info: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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Crowd chant “how long to sing this song?” and show is over. Thanks @mysteriousdays for the great Mixlr feeds at these shows! #U2ieTour #U2

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@jackmhicken @KevinMFeeney But given the work that went into MDrug I’m surprised they haven’t tried it elsewhere in set.

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@jackmhicken @KevinMFeeney Ah right, yeah COBL clearly does encore opening job better than MDrug.

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40 is dedicated to those grieving the Berkeley balcony collapse that killed 6 Irish students. #U2ieTour #U2

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23. 40!!! Third performance on tour, back after missing six shows. #U2ieTour #U2

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@jackmhicken @KevinMFeeney I suspect 40 may come back for at least the final NYC show.

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@gilson_jr_ Haha, yeah, I think I’ve always been in quite a minority about this.

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Snippet of California in Streets as always. #U2ieTour #U2

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22. Mother and Child Reunion snippet (and a line from Leonard Cohen’s Anthem) lead into Where The Streets Have No Name. #U2ieTour #U2

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Aha, thanks, this is the song Bono tried to sing after COBL. Crowd sang it very loudly. https://twitter.com/Jean…

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@KevinMFeeney Yeah I’m surprised that has totally vanished, not just from 1st encore slot but that it hasn’t even been tried elsewhere.

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@gilson_jr_ I don’t dislike it quite so intensely now, but it’s still one of my least favourites.

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@gilson_jr_ Oh I’ve always disliked the song, there are some shocking rants from me about it in the depths of Interference!

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Bono spotted a Quebec flag in the crowd and is now trying to remember & sing a French song. Anybody know what this is? #U2ieTour #U2

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@gilson_jr_ That presentation would work rather well though!

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@gilson_jr_ The rest of the U2gigs team may be down with that, but I (Ax) hope UV is never played again, sorry!

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21. Encore begins with City Of Blinding Lights #U2ieTour #U2

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Stephen Hawking video. Thanks to @EveryBrokenWave we just added this little Edge appearance at Hawking’s 60th b’day: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh…

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That’s the end of the main set, check the full setlist here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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20. With Or Without You. No snippet at the end of Beautiful Day. #U2ieTour #U2

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Cheers! Here’s more details on what Bono was talking about during Pride. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/MaJo…

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Bono after Pride continuing to talk about Saudi man, “most barbaric sentence… a thousand lashes… for a peaceful website”. #U2ieTour #U2

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Now talking about a man held in Saudi Arabian prison for running a website. “Sing your song of freedom all the way to Saudi Arabia!” #U2

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Bono encourages fans to sing Pride for Amnesty International. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bullet hasn’t had the little snippet of 19 since Denver 1. Snips done every show: M&CReunion & California in Streets; Hands before Pride.

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18. The Hands That Built America snippet leads into Pride. #U2ieTour #U2

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Snippet of Leonard Cohen’s Anthem in Bullet before first solo. #U2ieTour #U2

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@ryannichols7 Nice to know Edge is human, like how Bono forgets the lyrics to One. YOU’VE ONLY SUNG IT OVER SIX HUNDRED TIMES MAN.

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@jackmhicken @U2Sydney AIWIY would’ve been awesome, but that song avoids me live so it had no chance of being done in Melbourne.

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Bono spoke about “we haven’t played this for a while … Edge has that look in his eye” so I thought might be something rarer than Stuck!

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15. Preceded by a long speech, Stuck in a Moment. 2nd performance of tour, back after missing 7 shows. #U2ieTour #U2

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14. Elevation, third performance of tour, back after missing two shows. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono has a woman on stage to do Meerkat. “Take a look at these folks,” he says about the crowd, “very sexy city!” #U2ieTour #U2

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@U2Sydney Keep in mind, since this is MY extravaganza, I’m writing the set, so no chance of Love Rescue Me boredom. THIS WILL TOTES HAPPEN.

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U2 |LIVE NOW| Tune in now.. don’t miss the final Montreal show. #U2ieTour #meerkat mrk.tv/1SpGZkE

 via (retweeted on 3:19 AM, Jun 18th, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

@U2Sydney But R&H era would mean Hawkmoon, God Part II, and the glorious live debut of Heartland!

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I hope you’re enjoying Mysterious Ways via @mysteriousdays’ audio feed: http://mixlr.com/mysteri… #U2ieTour #U2

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12. Even Better Than The Real Thing. #U2ieTour #U2

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11. 2nd set opens with Invisible. #U2ieTour #U2

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@U2Sydney I’m lucky that as long as I get my stuff done, nobody cares that much WHEN I do it. So I just stay a little later on show days.

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@U2Sydney Yeah covering these shows kind of mucks up my workday…

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It’s intermission time, so lift some stones and see the skin and bones of a setlist in Montreal: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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I think but am not 100% sure that UTEOTW had some of John Milton’s Paradise Lost at the end. Will need to confirm before adding to set.

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Until The End Of The World has the “where is the love?” line from Love And Peace Or Else. #U2ieTour #U2

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I’ve not done predictions for 2nd set/encore. Let’s say Crystal Ballroom live debut, OLove (or just Elev/Stuck!), AIWIY, One. #U2ieTour #U2

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10. Until The End Of The World. The end of Raised By Wolves had the Psalm 23 snippet. #U2ieTour #U2

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@U2Sydney I hope they save the ultimate surprise for Australia: AX’S CRAZY BOY AND UNFORGETTABLE FIRE ERAS EXTRAVAGANZA IN A TINY CLUB

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U2 |LIVE NOW| Stay Tuned… #U2ieTour #meerkat mrk.tv/1GQgf9g

 via (retweeted on 2:50 AM, Jun 18th, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

Bono in his little speech about Song For Someone described his younger self as “a face like a tin of beans”. #U2ieTour #U2

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If you’re scrambling for streams, @mysteriousdays has a great - and stable! - audio feed: http://mixlr.com/mysteri… #U2ieTour #U2

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Thanks! In case anybody was wondering what Bono was saying in French before Iris: https://twitter.com/Angi…

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6. Cedarwood Road. Bono: “let’s go where the streets have names”. #U2ieTour #U2

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@EveryBrokenWave Except keeping in touch with me! Well, here you go, will mention it at start of encore: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh…

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5. Iris. Bono says about the rest of the band “they have their own stories … but I’ve got the microphone.” #U2ieTour #U2

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After I Will Follow, Bono is speaking in French about Montreal. I’ve no idea what he’s saying though! #U2ieTour #U2

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@ryannichols7 @ClaytonsKitten @JeffReinhart77 Yeah MW without the slide solo is an expendable warhorse. MW with slide solo is a keeper.

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@EveryBrokenWave Ugh sorry! And the venue for this would be Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, yes?

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4. I Will Follow. Also a tiny snippet of Joy Division’s Transmission at end of Vertigo.

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Little snippet of Sex Pistols’ God Save The Queen in Vertigo. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono counted in Vertigo in Spanish at Montreal #2, but other 3 nights have been French. #U2ieTour #U2

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3. Vertigo. Count-in in French again. #U2ieTour #U2

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@_aihsila Actually I think only first night? Second night he said it in English, anyhow.

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@KevinMFeeney I didn’t expect it to work as well as it does. It’s not quite a Hawkmoon, Streets, 11OTT, or Mofo, but it’s good.

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Bono: “This is Out Of Control. That’s where we’re going now. ARE YOU READY?” #U2ieTour #U2

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2. Yep, the safe bet won. Out Of Control! #U2ieTour #U2

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Prediction: next will be Out Of Control. Safe bet? Come ooon 11OTT instead! #U2ieTour #U2

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@EveryBrokenWave Ah excellent, yes that should definitely do! Cheers!

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@JeffReinhart77 @ryannichols7 I really, really wish they’d just rotate EBTTRT/MW.

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Here’s our mainpage article where we’ll post the full set in progress: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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1. First song of the night is The Miracle. Bono shouts “the most beautiful sound in the world” in French. #U2ieTour #U2

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People Have The Power has just started. #U2 will be on stage in a few minutes. Will Crystal Ballroom make it out of soundcheck? #U2ieTour

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Hey folks, Ax here for Montreal 4. @mysteriousdays has a Mixlr feed, preshow music playing now: http://mixlr.com/mysteri… #U2ieTour #U2

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@jackmhicken @KevinMFeeney The fact it’s apparently from his parents’ perspective is … a bit creepy, to be honest.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Why change the lyrics? BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE WE CAN WE MUST. (uggghhhhh)

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@KevinMFeeney I’m happy for it to become a regular if it displaces certain songs… but we all know it’ll just go into the mid-2nd set bit.

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@atu2 @keirdubois Yeah, the clamour for Mercy to be played/released - and then the meltdown when it was played - was massive.

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