@U2roeli I’m happy to forward your message to them. Use the contact form on our site or DM me here.
Where The Streets Have No Name - Amsterdam #4 #U2ieTour http://t.co/z52Ecl1tZl
@AFrancisPhoto Then you can try to sneak it in :)
@AFrancisPhoto Security may vary from location to location. In Amsterdam nobody really cared except for bottles.
@AFrancisPhoto @Anj_Ram @U2 No problem taking a camera in as long as it’s not too big/prof. SLRs are risky but compact ones should be ok.
We’ve posted a great photo set by Dorus Breidenbach from AMS 4 to our gallerhttp://u2.gs/qpMf #U2ieTour http://t.co/AuNq9oM2cq
Anj_Ram Bono & Adam. A small selection of my photos: anjaliram.nl/u2 @U2 @u2gigs #U2ieTour #Bono #AdamClayton #U2 http://t.co/8LTNql68wj
Anj_Ram The Edge playing bass guitar, something you don’t see very often. @360FromTheEdge @U2 @u2gigs #40 #TheEdge #U2 http://t.co/t8IAa7Qko5
Anj_Ram Adam Clayton, one of my rare portraits in color. #AdamClayton #U2 #U2ieTour @U2 @u2gigs http://t.co/BnjSFlNIwz
@katxu2 can you tell when she was picked? Our third men on seats said she was already before the barrier during Even Better
u2_se If you’re not one of the 8500 people that’s seen our pinned tweet about Wave White this is how: youtu.be/wm2sAWrOjgQ #ViftaVitt #U2ieTour
u2_se We just realised there’s this thing called Facebook. And it makes Events. Attend our Wave White flashmob! facebook.com/events/9303589…
@frankbrouwerss works fine here. Maybe you have to try another browser or clear your browsers cache.
Got this message from Melanie’s mother. Our video of Melanie on staghttps://youtu.be/0gKuPnfOfU0Ts #U2ieTour http://t.co/fqxpIR3BN0
@u2wanderer grabbing them from air while holding the camera steady is not that easy! At the next shows I’ll try to pick some more from floor
@Unitedthree Haven’t heard anything from a reliable source I’m afraid.
@U2start @RyzKinno @U2Community There’s a small gap at 3Arena 7-10 Dec, and another from 19 Dec. Doubt either will be used by U2 though.
@u2wanderer here’s the only one I’ve picked up in Amsterdam. http://t.co/X9EY0KSQDS