@U2start I’ve changed it on our end. Thanks for the heads up :)
3 great photo sets by Cyril Witthoff posted. Berlin4 http://u2.gs/qK Barcelona 1&2 http://u2.gs/qL http://u2.gs/qM
U2start Last minute ticket drop for Antwerp: GA’s, cheap seats (36 euro), seats of 101 and 176 euro available: u2.tc/i4
JeanJpeland @u2gigs already GA line in # Antwerp http://t.co/ldfkPe4t4u
@danielkomk where and when was this?
Berlin -1°C. Miss you Barcelona.
Fun fact: U2 didn’t make a video for One Tree Hill’s release in New Zealand. So the station made one. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/…
u2wanderer Happy thanksgiving all. (Canadian style!)