@jad_bake Yes, only one night back then http://www.u2gigs.com/Ar…
@Snapperlen Thanks a lot for the link! Great to see some more photos from that era.
@IwanPritchard Have a save trip and great concert(s) :)
Snapperlen @u2gigs Some good unseen pix from Cardiff in 1993 here at fatlenseyeview.blogspot.com #U2
@CraigFairlie Belfast
@CraigFairlie no no, just decided to do two more.
Book two more shows ✔️
Have you seen our list of Live U2 Releases yet? See what has been released, and where you can get it! http://www.u2gigs.com/li… #U2 #U2ieTour
@malinef please make sure to post the link with /myshows/ in the address. You’ve posted the generic one.
@markpeterboro Ax: I’ll take another recording of an early show, preferably one with a currently unknown setlist.
8 different versions of Bad have been released over the years. Is that enough for fans? Or do you want more Bad?! http://www.u2gigs.com/li…
markpeterboro What do you hope the next U2.com subscription gift will be? @u2gigs @U2Community @atu2 @U2start
@markpeterboro If SOE drops before third leg, Matkin wants U22-style gift. If not… maybe a book, or older album outtakes.