This has been a real nice discussion everyone, but I’m heading off to walk the dog before it gets much colder outside. Matkin.
@johnnyo217 Maybe we will.We still don’t know what this year’s subscription gift is.
@poethlyn8 Hard decision that’s a no-win regardless. If they’d included Bad people would complain that five or six songs were cut.
@poethlyn8 Absolutely. They probably weighed up including Bad and what other songs they would have to cut to make room for it on a CD.
It worked for U22! I think we ended up getting every track except for Mothers and Stingray Guitar out of all the po……
.@EdgeFest Gimme Spanish Eyes too!
@BornInNorway81 True, but even that has problems; can’t change the CD if driving for instance as one example.
That would be nice! But historically U2 keeps it consistent between digital and physical releases.…
(Yes I know Zooropa was included in the AB remaster. But that felt a bit more shoe-horned in. I’d have loved to hear early Wake Up Dead Man)
So perhaps they will use momentum from this to go back and do the ones they missed: Rattle & Hum, Zooropa, and arguably Pop in need.
Though keep in mind, the 20th anniversary release in 2007 kicked off the remasters from Boy to Achtung Baby.
Yes, it is a mystery why they didn’t answer any Pop questions in a Q&A session about The Joshua Tree!…
Concerts are almost never a convenient CD-length. Impossible to fit it on one disc. Even splitting it onto two disc……
Including it would mean cutting two other songs. So the reasoning there is obvious I think.
I’ve seen some upset Bad has been cut from the 30th Ann. live release. One probably reason why? It was over 9 minutes long that night!
After all, it’s not unusual for U2 to combine dates into one release, and they played the same venue the next night. Gotta be accurate!
We will add the live tracks to our live release page once it is out & we can check that every song is from that date…
In the meantime here’s our article from earlier on the 30 anniversary release:… We look at what’s new and what is not
@AraTrask That was his accent. He was asking who “You” was.
I hope when that video is reposted some of the audio issues are corrected so we can actually make out the answers!
Well that Q&A was a bit disappointing for me. Not the fault of the band; stream kept freezing for me and sound was very unbalanced.
hotpress 30 years on, read the original review of #thejoshuatree by the late Bill Graham, a man who perhaps knew @U2 best
@markpeterboro @u2wanderer @u2songs Yeah, they’re good to have. We don’t include them on our list because we aren’t sure of their status
And with that, I am off to bed! 2:30 am is too late for this Matkin! Darn you mobile email alerts…
A minor revision to our article, listing what was included in 2007 remaster that is being omitted this time around…
@markpeterboro @u2songs Actually the second! A live Trip was included with the 2007 remaster…
Here is our summary of the new Joshua Tree releases… I spent 45 minutes writing what is included you don’t yet have
palaciosrj My personal U2 concert statistics @ via @u2gigs
@markpeterboro Yep, seems like the right one.
The missing songs are The Unforgettable Fire, Help, Bad, and Spanish Eyes.
The 30th anniversary release contains 17 songs. 21 were played that night.
Why that one? Because ISHFWILF was done twice; only the second performance that night has been released before, on Rattle and Hum.
So the 30th anniversary Joshua Tree releases contain a concert from Madison Square Gardens. We believe this is it
@bryan_onymous @atu2 I hope I wasn’t in utero for that long!
@atu2 Two years and a month from being born! Matkin.
@sharon_e_b Well the article does have a soundclip embedded!
Aaaand for those wondering what we meant with our earlier tweet, you can check the mainpage of Wikipedia for the next 23 hours.
@U2ThreeChords Nope, just the mainpage
@andrea_lcazar You can check the frontpage now ;-)